Eat That Frog! - Brian Tracy

Eat That Frog! - Brian Tracy

Learn 21 ways to overcome laziness and become a highly effective and productive person, identifying, prioritizing and fulfilling critical tasks.

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Are you one of those who like to start with the easy? Or maybe you enjoy putting off the most important tasks?

According to Brian Tracy in "Eat that Frog!", the key to success is to start with the hardest!

So you can identify critical tasks, organize your day, accomplish those activities that will have the most positive impact on your life, and ultimately do what really matters and more in less time.

Now, want to learn tips to make this path easier and achieve great results? Come with us, let's unravel this question and learn a lot about it!

Let's go!

About the book "Eat That Frog!"

First published in 2001, "Eat That Frog!" by Author Brian Tracy, it seeks to teach us methods of prioritization and planning in order to focus on what truly brings results.

The book is divided into 21 chapters and each of them is presented a way for you to become highly effective and productive. The book's content is packed with time management methods to show you how to identify and focus on the most important tasks.

About the author Brian Tracy

The author Brian Tracy is a professional speaker, sales trainer, and orator. In addition, he is considered one of the greatest business experts in the world.

Tracy is also the author of over 70 books, including the bestselling self-development books, such as:

To whom is this book indicated?

You, who are immersed in procrastination and consider yourself unproductive: this book is for you.

In addition, the content of the book is ideal for you who feel lost in time, and don't know how to get results and manage your multiple tasks.

Main ideas of the book "Eat That Frog!"

Among the 21 tips offered in the book, we've put together the best strategies so you can adopt prioritization techniques, time management and habits change and win life's game.

The main points are:

  • Why do people with the best results do things differently?
  • Why is it best to identify your most important task and perform it with focus until it's done?
  • Focus and discipline on execution: does it really determine success?
  • Why should we start with the most important tasks?
  • Write down on a paper your ideas, goals, and activities;
  • The worst way to use time is to do something that doesn't have to be done;
  • Motivation requires motive;
  • Long-term thinking improves short-term decision-making.

Now, it's time for us to start learning!

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[Book Summary] Eat That Frog! - Brian Tracy

Overview: Define your purpose

According to Brian Tracy, being clear about your goals and objectives is one of the best ways for you to be productive. After all, when you are clear about your purposes and what you have to do to achieve them, you will surely work more focused and deliver more results.

To help you with this process, the author lists a seven-step formula for defining your purpose, increasing your productivity:

  1. Decide exactly what you want;
  2. Write this goal on paper and commit to it;
  3. Set a deadline of when you intend to reach it (if necessary divide it into smaller steps);
  4. List what you need to do to reach your goal;
  5. Turn the list into a plan. Arrange it by priority and sequence;
  6. Take action immediately. Do anything but don't hesitate;
  7. Commit to taking small steps toward your goal every day.

Overview: Planning

At this stage, "Eat That Frog!" says you should plan all your days in advance. "But why is that?", "What is the advantage?", you may be wondering.

Well, the first point is that you will start a new day knowing exactly what you have to do. This will make you eliminate unfamiliar principles and understand what is expected of you.

Moreover, planning is a very simple step and does not require much time. Tracy suggests that you list all the steps in your project to complete the task, prioritize these activities, and work from the top of this list.

Remember Rule 10/90: it says that if we invest 10% of the time in planning, the other 90% we can use more effectively.

Overview: 80/20 principle

Tracy believes that the Pareto Principle can be applied to many things, especially in your daily tasks. An example is that 20% of what you do will most often impact 80% of your results.

  1. Make a list;
  2. Put A, B, C, D, or E before each list item;
  3. Complete the tasks in alphabetical order;
  • A = the activities that must be performed as soon as possible or will have serious consequences;
  • B = are those that must be performed, but not crucial, can only be performed after completing the A;
  • C = would be interesting to do, but it makes no difference if not done;
  • D = are those that can be delegated to save your time;
  • E = something that has no relevance and can be eliminated.

Once you have finished the list, it is time to execute it. Follow the rules, have the discipline to perform each activity, and only advance if you have completed the previous activity.

Overview: Areas that produce results

"Eat That Frog!" suggests that you should identify, in your service or purpose, the areas you are good at and generate results. So focus on those areas and become responsible and control so you can get the job done and optimize the results of your work.

However, you also have to improve the areas that are key to completing your activities and that you lack the knowledge and/or ability. Identify these strengths and strengthen them, always looking to learn and stay current.

Overview: Put pressure on yourself

For Tracy, putting pressure on yourself can give you the key to success. After all, few people can work and deliver results without deadlines and supervision.

The vast majority of people depend on their leaders to do something about their work, but you must put pressure on yourself; create deadlines and sub-deadlines for each activity, take initiative, and don't expect orders from others.

This will make you progress quickly!

Overview: Division of tasks into steps

In this technique, author Brian Tracy says that we should divide our tasks into small steps. This allows for an efficient way to manage large tasks as they will be more detailed.

Also, when you complete a task you will feel much more motivated and continue to the next step.

Oh, and don't forget to take it one step at a time! That is one task at a time. In the end, all the pieces will be together!

Overview: Specific times for important activities

To stay focused on the relevant and impactful tasks, you have to set aside a lot of time for them. And never let this time be broken.

Be sure to schedule ahead and, if necessary, use a schedule.

Finally, establish a sense of urgency for the areas you most tend to procrastinate or have a problem with, making you in the habit of acting fast.

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "Focus", Daniel Goleman argues that practice only brings you closer to perfection if done intelligently, that is, if the person practicing is using that time to make adjustments and improvements. How much attention you pay during practice is crucial.

In "Developing the Leader Within You", John Maxwell discusses the importance of the leader demonstrating that he cares about his team and developing leaders among them. In addition, he works with the idea that 80% of his efforts should be channeled into 20% of his priorities to achieve his goals.

Finally, in "Awaken the Giant Within" Tony Robbins explains that maintaining a commitment to your decisions can be challenging, but the harder you try, the easier it is. stay. So when you fail to evoke a change in your life, don't be discouraged. Instead, think about what you can learn from failure.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

All your execution needs a lot of focus and discipline to get positive results in your routine. For this, see the final tips:

  • Work on only one task at a time;
  • Learn to postpone the right tasks.
  • Plan your new day the night before;
  • Have specific times to accomplish important tasks;
  • Use technological tools;
  • Work as if you have only one day to do your most important work.

All the methods presented are easy to apply in your everyday life, make it a habit and the result of success will come.

So start acting now!

"Do not wait; The moment will never be perfect. Start where you are now and use the tools at your disposal. You'll find better ones as you go."

(Napoleon Hill)

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