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Online access to hundreds of summaries
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Online access to hundreds of summaries
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How does the free trial work ?
Start your 30-day free trial. You don't have to keep it and you won't be charged until the free trial is over. You're entitled to only one free trial.
When will I be charged ?
The subscription will be charged after the 30-day free trial.
Will the subscription be automatically renewed ?
Your subscription will be automatically renewed every month. If you cancel your subscription, it won't be renewed at the end of your plan. It will be finished after the period you've purchased is over.
How may I cancel my trial or subscription?
You may cancel your free trial on your account settings. If you cancel it within the trial period, you won't be charged.
I have a discount coupon for the premium plan. How can I use it?
You can use it when registering your account, or by going to your Profile and Account, adding the coupon in the appropriate space.
Can I download the audios in the premium plan?
Yes! Just download our app on your phone and download the audios that interest you.
What are the knowledge paths?
The Knowledge Paths bring together the best books on specific subjects, and are ideal for readers who seek to diversify knowledge from different approaches and teachings.
What are the insights to put into practice described in the business plan?
Your team with access to the best insights to put into practice: In a business plan, more people would have access to the premium account.
I have other questions, where can I ask?
We are available for contact by e-mail: suporte@pocketbook4you.com, by our service at the link: https://pocketbook4you.com/en/contact. Do not hesitate to send us a message!