Bright Minds - Alberto Dell'Isola

Bright Minds - Alberto Dell'Isola

Learn to develop the full potential of your brain and increase creativity, idea generation, and memorization.

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In the book "Bright Minds", Alberto Dell'Isola explains, in a didactic and objective way, the main techniques of creativity expansion and memorization, besides helping you deal with an overloaded mind.

So, if you occasionally forget something, like names, dates, passwords, keys... what else? Well, this book can help you to organize your mind and develop your full potential!

Keep reading this summary to know more and make your journey more brilliant!

About the book "Bright Minds"

The book "Bright Minds: How to Develop All Your Brain Potential" was written by Alberto Dell'Isola. With 205 pages and fifteen chapters, the author presents techniques for developing your memory and increasing your creativity.

About the author Alberto Dell'Isola

Alberto Dell'Isola is a writer, lecturer, graduate in Psychology, Master in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), and professor of Psychology and Hypnosis.

He has a YouTube channel, where he shares his teachings on hypnosis and memorization techniques with more than three hundred thousand subscribers.

To whom is this book indicated?

The book "Bright Minds" is recommended for people who don't believe in their potential and want to grow personally and professionally. It is also suitable for those who want to develop their creativity and activate the triggers of memories.

Main ideas of the book "Bright Minds"

The author Alberto Dell'Isola takes a deep look at the subtleties of the human mind and gives tips for making it brilliant. Here are some of the questions answered by the author:

  • Is there a magic formula for creativity?;
  • What is creativity for?;
  • Is a brilliant mind really an innate intelligence?;
  • What is the secret of bright minds?;
  • "Gift" and "talent": what is your relationship with creativity?;
  • Brainstorming: what is it and what is it for?

In this summary, we will explain three aspects that are fundamental to the development of a brilliant mind: "Creative Minds", "Creative Personalities" and "Brainstorming".

So, let's go!

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[Book Summary] Bright Minds - Alberto Dell'Isola

Overview: Creative Minds

What does it mean to be creative? According to the author Alberto Dell'Isola, for most people, creativity is an innate thing: a gift that one is born with and that is developed naturally. That is why people who don't this gift can't develop it.

However, in Alberto's view, creativity is a potential developed by us when we work on the creation of new things.

Some concepts of creativity presented in the book "Bright Minds" are:

  • There is no magic formula for creativity;
  • Stimulating it requires intellectual work;
  • Creativity is important for cognitive development;
  • Encouraging the child to be creative is essential for brain operating performance;
  • Mental work should be present at all stages of life;
  • Technology can lead to "mental laziness";
  • "Gift" or "talent" has nothing to do with creativity.

Overview: Creative Personalities

The author Alberto Dell'Isola devotes, in this part of the book "Bright Minds", a special space to talk about the great creative minds that preceded us.

Voltaire, Michelangelo, Kepler, Pascal, Descartes, J. Sebastian Bach, Darwin, Steve Jobs, Portinari, Chico Buarque, Niemeyer, Albert Einstein... What do all these geniuses have in common?

Creativity! And how can we learn from them?

The author points out that the life and work of Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist from the 18th century, is a great example of creativity.

In his universally known quote:

"In nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything changes."

Lavoisier shows us that creativity comes from preexisting materials. Nothing is created out of emptiness.

Thus, as noted by Alberto Dell'Isola, the chemist teaches us that creation is only possible if there is something on which to "base, deepen and scrutinize".

According to him, bright minds:

  • Transcend mere intelligence, gift or talent;
  • Seek more than just exercising their skills: they create;
  • Value passion over rewards;
  • Go beyond innate intelligence;
  • Face problems in an innovative way;
  • Overcome the fear of risk.

Overview: Brainstorming

"Diapers for mice? [...] Very small mice diapers [...] Each box will come with twelve units [...] Pre-folded and disposable diapers [...] Equipped with feline repellent. It is certainly an excellent idea! We will be rich!!!"

It is with this dialogue of a brainstorming session at the company Hewlett-Packard (HP) that the author addresses the subject.

According to Alberto Dell'Isola, this dialogue at HP had no real intention of launching diapers for mice. The goal was to keep the group lively and creative, creating more innovations for the company.

As he affirms in the book "Bright Minds", brainstorming is the most powerful tool for developing creativity. During it, no idea is dismissed or judged as wrong or absurd. All are heard and written down.

After bringing the ideas, you can work on each one of them until you find an effective solution.

Some examples of the application of the technique are:

  • New product development: get ideas for new products and make improvements to existing ones;
  • Advertising: develop ideas for advertising campaigns;
  • Project management: identify customer objectives, risks, deliveries, work packages, resources, tasks, and responsibilities.

Also, the author Alberto Dell'Isola emphasizes that it is possible to use brainstorm for countless things, such as process management and team building, for example.

What do other authors say about it?

The author Austin Kleon, in the book "Steal Like an Artist", tells how you can do something authentic based on the ideas of those who inspire you. You can stimulate your creativity by leaving your comfort zone and surrounding yourself with people who support and contribute to your creative process.

In the book "Mindset", by the psychologist Carol S. Dweck, it is debated how our beliefs shape our behavior and growth. Human beings can be taught to react in different ways, how to face challenges, and think differently.

At last, in the book "Disrupt You!", Jay Samit says that innovative ideas have the power to transform the world and disrupt the system. To develop a disruptive profile, you need to plan your goals and be susceptible to both internal and external changes.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Stimulate your creativity: do everyday things differently, change the way you go or come back from someplace, walk backwards, write down your dreams and try to interpret them;
  • Do you have kids around you (own children, nephews, friends)? Encourage their creativity! As you have seen, creativity is essential to the brain's operational performance of the little ones;
  • Apply mental work at all stages of your life;
  • Use technology to your advantage: smartphones and computers are welcome only until they don't lead you to "mental laziness";
  • Use the technique of brainstorm in your company, with your friends, or even with your family. May great ideas come up!

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Book “Bright Minds”