Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion - Napoleon Hill

Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion - Napoleon Hill

Find out everything you need to know about the power of persuasion to pursue happiness and wealth.

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You may be wondering why you should convince someone since your job is not and doesn't go through these situations on a daily basis. Napoleon Hill will show you in the book "Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion" how convince someone is connected with your personal success and affect your performance.

We need the power of convincing. After all, in the world we live in, people who know how to convince have more happiness and success. The power of influence goes beyond just convince, it is about create a network that fits your necessities, develop the power your subconscious mind, among many other skills taught here by this bestseller author.

In this summary we've separated all the main topics for you to develop these skills and leverage your results.

Got interested to learn more about? Stay with us in this summary!

About the book "Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion"

"Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion" was published in 1970 and is considered a famous guide for anyone who wants to know all about persuasion.

The book is an updated and adapted version of the power of persuasion for the present day and is intended to make you much more powerful and reach enrichment faster through the techniques and strategies presented.

At the end of the work, the author displays a series of valuable phrases to give you motivation and power.

About the author Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in the United States. He began his career when he was 13 as a reporter. He was grounded in the principles of success, studying and researching great winners and their careers, and then sharing these teachings and influencing thousands of people around the world.

In addition, he has advised two US presidents and has also written many personal bestsellers, which have now totaled over 120 million sales worldwide. Among his famous books we can quote:

To whom is this book indicated?

The content of the book is excellent for you who are seeking to develop the talent of convince people.

After reading, your view on life will be totally different: unraveling the hidden powers of your mind and persuasion, making your taste for success cultivated and achieving financial gain.

Main ideas of the book "Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion"

  • Whatever you do, one day it will come back to you (law of compensation);
  • What the mind is capable of thinking, is capable of accomplishing;
  • You are responsible for everything that enters your mind;
  • Faith is an indispensable component for achieving goals;
  • Your personality can be defined by the way you communicate;
  • People with convincing power share the same skills as big salespeople;
  • The rich always unite their minds with others in order to fulfill their goals.

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[Book Summary] Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion - Napoleon Hill

Overview: Positive mental attitude

Do you know what is one of the few things you have control over? Your mind.

So, you have two options: to control it or to let someone or something control you, and this is directly related to the final result presented. It's your choice!

Another thing is that it can also have two emotions, the negative and the positive. It's up to you putting them into action. Let's exemplify this!

When someone hits the intercom in your house, do you automatically open the door for them? No. With your thoughts and attitudes is no different.

You have no reason to let negativity enter your mind, so open the door only to what moves you toward your goals. That's why it's so important that you have a well-defined purpose for what you want in life.

In addition, you must be true with your own feelings, only by seeing your present position you may reach the desired position.

Here are the key factors that impact you to have a positive mind and master the power of persuasion:

  • Determine your goals and move toward them;
  • Have a cooperation agreement with other people;
  • Make an extra effort;
  • Add enthusiasm to your actions and words;
  • Have faith;
  • Control and guide your emotions;
  • Control your habits;
  • Turn adversity into a benefit.
  • Modify the emotion of sex;
  • Understand the habit of praying.

Overview: The power of the divine in human beings

In this part, Napoleon Hill intends to say that we all have a huge potential, but in many of us, it has not been awakened yet, causing a block in our energy and power. When awakened, you will find that achieving success will be facilitated, illuminating the path of ambition and fulfillment.

For that, you need to have a lot of discipline, kindness and follow your true values.

Overview: Omnipresent Faith

To reach any stage of life, "Succeed and Grow Rich Through Persuasion" states that faith is an essential requirement. Only believing in God and yourself will make you believe more in the people around you and in achieving the success of your goal.

When you know each other better, you can, therefore, use your powers to the best of your ability. Thus, when you combine self-awareness, the ability to move forward, positive power and honesty, you will possess the characteristics that are indispensable for a persuasive and powerful personality.

The ingredients needed to possess faith are:

  • Recognize the fact that all adversity carries within it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit;
  • The habit of stating your main goal defined in the form of prayer;
  • Recognize the existence of a creator of all things;
  • Know yourself;
  • Self-respect expressed in harmony with one's own conscience;
  • Recognize the importance of your activity.

Overview: The persuasive personality

Each person has a unique personality, that is, each person has a way of expressing themselves, whether physically, mentally or spiritually, and are exposed to different influences.

Among these forms, the main and most frequent is speech. The way you communicate, the words you use, the tone and the control of the voice can all perfectly convey your personality.

But know that you can control it. Self-discipline is the main factor in achieving control of emotions, and hence of your thoughts, actions, and words.

The idea is that you block the negative emotions and balance the positive ones (after all, too much can hurt too).

Napoleon Hill proposes some additional features to leverage your personality. The main ones are the way you dress, nice and humble personality, good personal presentation, fair play, and good character.

Overview: The Super Dealer's Manual

According to the author, the art of selling can be understood with three acts, they are:

  1. Interest: arouse the interest and attention of the audience;
  2. Desire: develop the presentation plot;
  3. Action: achieve the goal, with an impactful outcome.

In addition, he stresses the importance of imagination. It should be used as a laboratory for you to test your ideas and plans. Finally, establishing trust is also important, it neutralizes your customer's mind.

Given this, some qualities and skills that every successful salesperson possesses are presented:

  • Courage: It is a high pressure and competitive activity;
  • Imagination: allows you to understand customer needs and goals;
  • Speaking: deliver the message clearly, with a firm voice that is full of confidence;
  • Pleasant personality: pleasant coexistence;
  • Mastermind Alliance: team up with others to multiply achievements;
  • Know and believe in the product you are selling: analyze all the details that the product offers and give confidence to the customer;
  • Appropriate product: offer the product that meets the customer's real needs and delivers the most value to the customer, even if their profit is lower;
  • Neutralize the customer's mind: selling cannot occur until the customer's mind is able to receive the product.

Overview: Mastering the power of the mind

To execute any idea, desire and goal, the first step is to develop your thought.

After all, thinking is responsible for solving most of the problems and becoming a great source of wealth. So, pay attention to the following points:

  • Precise thinking: accept all that has happened in your life, both good and bad, forcing you to separate what you really need and the rest to reject;
  • Desire and Reason: the main starting point is a strong desire to pursue a well-defined goal;
  • Applied faith: can be understood as a positive state of mind that inspires you to pursue your goals in the belief that they will be realized;
  • Fear: it can be overcome by using the faith and positive power that exists in each of us;
  • Change: you face all kinds of daily changes in your life, so you have to accept them and believe in their positive results. You must be flexible to face all kinds of change;
  • Subconscious mind: the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what is true and false, so we have the power to feed only what we desire and to realize our imaginations for our accomplishments. Take time for meditation, you will come out refreshed.

Overview: Build your Mastermind

In this last step, Napoleon Hill presents how the union of two or more minds can work towards their goals. Thus, he considers that you should form a Mastermind group:

  • Write what you want from the members of your group (skills, profile, qualifications);
  • When choosing, be based on the values of reliability, loyalty, ability, positive mental attitude, extra effort and applied faith;
  • Tune in to one person, and you both have to align and agree for a third person to join the group, and so on;
  • Eliminate is also part, the essential is to have harmony in the system;
  • Find a strong reason for reaching your goal. Subsequently, discuss and outline action plans.

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "Awakening the Millionaire Within", Carlos Wizard explains that the person connected with faith can clearly see their talents, gifts, and potentialities. Moreover, he cites the importance of the search for the spiritual dimension and states that contact with spirituality generates inner peace, diminished internal conflicts and, consequently, a more promising destiny.

According to Robert B. Cialdini, in his book "Influence", everyone uses influence and is a target for it. He explains that persuasion professionals know exactly what they want and where to go. To do this, they use six psychological principles to achieve their goals, which are covered in his book.

Finally, Paulo Vieira says in the book "Enrichment Factor" that the human being has a network of beliefs, such as prosperity, personal success, wealth among others. This network directly interferes with your financial life, and in order to achieve enrichment, you need to analyze each of these beliefs and eliminate their negative components.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Now that you have all of Napoleon Hill's convincing concepts to leverage your path of enrichment, just adopt and practice them in your life.

Here are the steps to get you started on your journey to success:

  • Set your goal and make an extra effort to search;
  • Have faith;
  • Manage your emotions (have the habit of meditating);
  • Block negative thoughts and feed positive ones;
  • Have an open mind, i. e. believe that you are able to think and perform;
  • Seek training according to the qualifications of the super sellers;
  • Build up your Mastermind team and align the goals.

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