150 Nichos Quentes -  Eldes Saullo

150 Nichos Quentes - Eldes Saullo

Before venturing into the market and wasting time and money, find out which niche suits you best and invest in it.

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If you plan to bet your chips on a new venture, you will need to discover a niche and your target audience to focus on and invest your time, money and energy. This is the premise of the book "150 Nichos Quentes", written by the author Eldes Saullo.

The biggest mistake for new entrepreneurs is to want to embrace the world and not focus on something specific. Don't make this mistake.

By following Saullo's theories, you will be able to set your goals and objectives before defining a niche, as well as finding the one that suits you best. In this summary, we will explain these tips that are discussed throughout the book.

Lets go?

About the book "150 Nichos Quentes"

The book "150 Nichos Quentes" "(2015), written by Eldes Saullo, is a guide to finding out which niche you must choose to succeed."

Based on studies made by the author, the book reveals the importance of planning, clearly defining your objectives, researching and studying the market and its target audience prior to any action of producing your materials.

This book is divided into 10 parts that cover concepts of niche identification, goal setting, market introduction, where to look for ideas, super niche research, products and customers, how to set the ideal goal, and examples of lucrative niches.

About the author Eldes Saullo

Eldes Saullo is a Brazilian writer, editor and philosopher.

He is author of 17 books, as "Capas Que Vendem: Os Segredos das Capas de Livros que Atraem", "Truques de Marketing para Autores Independentes Preguiçosos", and "O Hábito da Escrita em 21 Dias: Como desenvolver foco e determinação para ser um escritor bem-sucedido".

Saullo is also an editor at the Writer's House and Professor in the "Launch a Book" and "BestSeller Secrets" courses. He is one of the top selling authors on Amazon Brasil.

To whom is this book indicated?

The book, "150 Nichos Quentes", is suitable for entrepreneurs and digital salespeople who are in doubt about which niche to develop.

The author Eldes Saullo details throughout his pages about working on the internet using various security niches, showing why it is important to:

  • Plan;
  • Have clear definition of objectives;
  • Study of the digital market and target audience.

Main ideas of the book "150 Nichos Quentes"

  • It is important to define your goals and objectives before defining a niche and understanding how the Digital Products Market works;
  • Research needs to be your first step where you search for ideas for your digital products and find a lucrative niche;
  • There are three major steps in this niche creation process: learning, execution and growth;
  • All of these phases have one thing in common: planning. It will be your main foundation;
  • The indiscipline in the method can disperse the course of the process;
  • Choosing a niche with high sales potential can be considered your number zero strategy.

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[Book Summary] 150 Nichos Quentes - Eldes Saullo

Overview: Preface - Choosing the niche

In the preface of the book "150 Nichos Quentes", Eldes Saullo presents the biggest mistake of any enterprise: wanting to sell to everyone. Therefore, he emphasizes that it's necessary to choose a niche to focus and invest your time, your money and your energy.

Whatever your product is, you will go through three major steps in this process, as follows:

  1. Learning: the phase where you study whatever is needed to make your endeavor no longer difficult. Strategies, tools, methods, tips and cases of success or failure, what to do and what not to do are important content to shorten paths in the implementation of its product;
  2. Execution: where you need to get your hands dirty, from research, through the stages of testing and production, to pop the champagne when the product is released;
  3. Growth: this is the phase where you scale your product, promote, increase sales, double, relaunch, multiply revenue through marketing strategies and tactics.

The importance of planning

Planning is essential for a good development process. Therefore, you must plan your growth prior to any marketing and promotion action, and it's at this time of planning that you need to learn to scale out or scale as needed.

Good planning must also be based on good discipline, which will be present at all stages of creation. If you don't discipline yourself, you will lose your way and may end up giving up.

So put the discipline on your agenda and make sure it is always present during the process of creating your product.

Niches Planning

A priori, you must understand that a niche is a market segment, your area of expertise, the part of the market in which you will position your product.

Consequently, choosing a niche with high sales potential can be considered your number zero strategy.

There are two essential requirements of a lucrative niche: market size and niche interaction level:

Market size

According to the author Eldes Saullo, the minimum size varies by niche type. In a comprehensive assessment, we can consider 20, 000 people interested in a given subject as a possible niche to work with and generate revenue.

Interaction level

As explained in the book "150 Nichos Quentes", you need to test whether a niche is attractive or not, so it is important that you participate in communities of people who discuss and exchange ideas about it on the Internet.

If no one talks about it, it's a sign that it does not exist as a niche or, at least, as a profitable one in the Digital Marketing environment.

Overview: Discovering the profitability of a niche

Eldes Saullo clarifies in his book "150 Nichos Quentes" that you will only find out if a niche is attractive or not by researching about it. This requires some searches on the market platforms:

Keywords on Google

Nowadays, the thermometer for niche success can be predicted with an analysis of Google keywords.

This searcher returned the various things that are important and obvious, such as the number of pages for a more exposed subject, and other relevant data, but not so noticeable, to the unaccustomed eyes.

Existing titles on Amazon

You can also take advantage of Amazon's search engine, which already preloads some search suggestions based on your database.

The author Eldes Saullo explains that Amazon's algorithms are not as studied as Google's, at least in Brazil, but they are also wrapped in many combinations and secrets.

Research in Hotmart

According to the book "150 Nichos Quentes", this platform is the largest Marketplace for digital products or infoproducts in Brazil. Therefore, it is vital that you research it to identify which products sell best in your segment.

If you can't find products for your niche at Hotmart, that's not a good sign. You can use search either if you want to be an infoproducer, or just as an affiliate of a product.

If you are not used to the terms, affiliate is a partner that promotes and sells your product and earns commission for each sale.

Internet forums and discussion groups

You need to check if people talk about the niche in these places.

With this search, you check the level of interaction within a niche. If you don't find many forums, groups, and people asking and interacting on a particular topic, it's very likely that this is not a worthwhile topic to invest.

Overview: The transition cycle of an idea

This part addresses the concept that no one can achieve different goals by doing the same things every day. You need to do different actions, even small daily actions, to achieve the result you want.

At some point in time, you have a great idea. It can be a book, an online course, an app, finally, an idea that will change the world. You begin to make plans and dream of the instant success the idea will bring you.

But you still have no idea of the challenges and barriers that exist between the idea in your head and the idea in the real world. When you find out about the obstacles, you give up.

If you have difficulty changing your walk and making new commitments, putting into practice what you need to get the results you want, the author Eldes Saullo gives you seven steps to help you:

  1. Make the decision to change: any change is possible, but only if you start changing. The intensity of the change will determine the distance from the result;
  2. Identify the reasons for the change: each person has their own reasons for changing. The goal is always to reach a better level than you are today;
  3. Identify all your reasons for leaving where you are now and going to where you want to be. Sit down and write each one down, the advantages and disadvantages of decision making;
  4. Stay focused on your future vision: focus on your future vision, keep your efforts, actions and vision always aligned with the goal you want to achieve in the short, medium, and long term;
  5. Visualize short-term change: glimpse your results as this is important for training your brain and for mastering limiting thoughts;
  6. Set your goals: set your goals on time so that they can be evaluated in three months and put them on paper. A vague goal doesn't work. Write clear and demanding goals, make serious commitments;
  7. Know the barriers: it's important that you write down a list of issues that may prevent you from achieving each of your goals. This is very important as you will have a vision of the mishaps that can hinder your progress and will know, when they appear, how to avoid and overcome such obstacles;
  8. Search for opportunities: write a list of opportunities that can help you achieve your goals. What internal or external situations will be relevant and may give you the gas you need to cross the finish line?

Ideally, you can set a weekly schedule for developing your niche. The book "150 Nichos Quentes" proposes:

  • Week 1 – Research the niche;
  • Week 2 – Test;
  • Week 3 – Plan the content;
  • Week 4 – Write down the content;
  • Week 5 – Edit and Review;
  • Week 6 – Video recording and editing with classes;
  • Week 7 – Upload course content on a platform and capture customer and sales;
  • Week 8 – Release and disclosure.

Overview: Products, Niches, Customers

At this point of the book "150 Nichos Quentes", Eldes Saullo says that, to be able to define your area and choose the most profitable super niches, you need to know the types of products:

Product Types

In the digital market you will find various products and infoproducts (the nickname that information products marketed over the Internet have earned). The combinations between them make the possibilities endless. The main types of products are:

  • Training Program and Course by email;
  • Newsletters;
  • E-Book;
  • Video;
  • Audiobook;
  • Webinar Membership to Continuing Education;
  • Reporting or how to do guides;
  • Blueprints / Mindmaps / Infographics;
  • Reviews / Interviews;
  • Online Consulting;
  • Online Lecture;
  • Software / App;
  • Digital Services.

The Types of Niches

As stated by Eldes Saullo, the niches can be of two types. The Perpetual Niches or the Opportunity Niches:

  • Perpetual Niches are those where customers have a long life cycle and can repurchase from you. Financial market products are an example of a perpetual niche;
  • Opportunity Niches are those where customers have a short life cycle, only making one purchase. These are usually mass markets with a lot of traffic.

Types of Customers

According to the book "150 Nichos Quentes", customers also fall into two types: desperate and passionate.

  • Desperate Customers are those who need an immediate solution to their Money, Health and Relationship issues. These are clients who have immediate physical or psychological pain;
  • Passionate Customers are customers who are crazy about a hobby or entertainment, such as model aircraft or video games, for example.

How to define your ideal customer

Finding your ideal customer is an essential step in the success of your product, so spend your time researching your audience's desires so they don't waste time and money on something no one wants to buy. Focus on what people want to buy, not what you want to sell.

Do research and gather data and information about your client's profile, such as basic information and demographics, psychographic data, and behavioral data.

You can use survey tools to profile your audience, such as Landing Pages, Fan Pages, and Webinars.

Incandescent Niches

The author Eldes Saullo hints at several lucrative niches that you can research, refine, and develop.

For example, the niches you can profit from are: Acne (Blackheads and Pimples), Dog Training, Adoption, Agribusiness, Organic Food, Anxiety, Astrology, Coffee, Solar/Wind Energy, Fitness, among others.

The book "150 Nichos Quentes" lists 150 possible success niches.

What do other authors say about it?

The Brazilian Anderson Höfelmann, author of the book "Vender na Internet: Segredos Para Vender Muito!", "Selling on the Internet: Secrets to Sell a Lot!" in free translation, provides tips for you to boost your digital business.

Avoid long and complex URLs and make smart headlines. This will help you rank your site on search engines.

Jay Conrad Levinson, in his work "Guerrilla Marketing", presents a way to generate more impact on marketing with lower costs. For this, he suggests digital media as essential in brand and product promotion, using tools such as email marketing, for example.

Finally in the book "How to Sell When Nobody's Buying", the author Dave Lakhani advises: if you are not selling, try to improve your approach. In tough times, bad salespeople give up and open opportunities for the most creative and efficient salespeople.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Achieving success in your niche requires commitment and discipline;
  • Create agile and easy-to-produce products if you are new to the business;
  • Deliver real benefits at low costs. Always check the best value for money;
  • Focus on having a better product for your customer, before focusing on how many millions you will receive for it;
  • Remember that the focus is on finding your customer's need and delivering the best product to them.

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