O Livro das Poderosas - Anitta

O Livro das Poderosas - Anitta

See Anitta's entrepreneurial vein, beyond her artistic talent, and find out how she achieved amazing results with her strategic business vision.

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What do you usually do to structure your career? Would you rather secure yourself in a job or take a chance on a new venture?

In this case, the content of Anitta's biography presents what she has done in her career and what criteria she adopted before making her decisions.

This summary of “O Livro das Poderosas” will teach you the strategy used by Anitta to reach the top and, what's more, starting from scratch! So you will be able to take precious insights from here!

Interested and want to know more? Then, PRE-PA-RA that now it's time to enjoy Anitta's super modeling, in this summary with a bias in your business life!

The book “O Livro das Poderosas”

O Livro das Poderosas”  is an unofficial biography of Anitta aimed at her fans. Throughout the 130 pages, divided into 23 chapters, are presented her trajectory, curiosities, remarkable moments and business vision (in short, medium and long term).

In addition, the work shows her strong and resilient personality relating it to the achievement of her goals.

Who is Anitta?

Larissa de Macedo Machado or, better known by her stage name, Anitta is a Brazilian singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, entrepreneur and presenter.

She is also a Director and Member of the Board of Directors of Nubank. CEO of Grupo Rodamoinho, Head of Creativity and Innovation at AMBEV and Creator of the Anitta Prepara’s Course at Estácio.

In addition, she has lectured at Harvard University, SADEBR, Hotmart, Empreende Brazil Conference, TOTVS, among other companies.

She has also won several awards, such as: ASCAP Latin Music Awards, Prêmio Multishow de Música Brasileira, Troféu Imprensa SBT, Prêmio F5 da Folha de São Paulo, "Best Latin Artist" at the Europe Music Awards (EMA), YouTube Carnaval Award, and several others.

Why read “O Livro das Poderosas”?

This work presents powerful insights into the business strategythat Anitta adopted to boost her career.

In this sense, “O Livro das Poderosas” is for you who are an Anitta fan, as well as for everyone who wants to start or improve their enterprise, applying guidelines that can help them achieve their business goals.

What are the main points of  “O Livro das Poderosas”?

  • Once you have a dream, believe in it and turn it into a goal;
  • Take one step at a time: respect your management process;
  • Invest your time and don't stop smiling;
  • Always seek your best: talent allied to strength and willpower is an unbeatable combination;
  • Don't forget your origins;
  • Always pay attention to everything that refers to your dream: know the processes.

How is Anitta so successful?

The answer to Anitta's enormous success can be found in her six attitudes toward each stage and context that she has gone through. These attitudes are: determination, planning, dedication, constant overcoming, humility, and reinvention.

"I change and grow every day, just like everyone else! I started my singing career very young, and over time and with the experiences I've been able to live through, I've matured. That is supernatural! I hope to evolve a lot still."

1. Determination

The planning and strategic vision Anitta applied in her company began even before she dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur.

As a child, Anitta used to do shows for her dolls. This shows that she unlocked the power of her mind to succeed. She believed in her own potential to achieve her biggest dreams, and she did!

So to believe in one's own desires is also to make it one's goal in life. It is not feasible to stop believing, even in adversity.

Anitta, despite her humble origins and hearing many times to give up, did not give up in the pursuit of her great dream.

2. Planning

After defining what to do with her life, Anitta planned her career and put her hand to work to make her dream a reality. After all, there are opportunities in disguise that come to those willing to work in order to find them.

Since always, she searched for the skills that would make her a better artist. The girl from Honório Gurgel took dance classes, trained her voice at church, and, as a teenager, dedicated herself to English classes.

Today she is very grateful to her mother for having put her in the language class, because without it it would have been more difficult to prepare for an international career.

3. Dedication

There is no point in planning if you don't have dedication. Anitta has a lot of dedication and willpower to always do her best. Before

working only with music, she used to double shifts and lose rest time. Anitta never stops working. Her day-to-day life is quite hectic, but she tries to accomplish everything with much love and joy to achieve her goals in a pleasant way. Since always, the entrepreneur has known very well where she wanted to go and what she should do to achieve it, as well as defining an action plan for her goal.

4. Constant overcoming

Even in her best phase, at the top of her success, Anitta does not remain inattentive. She knows that it takes daring greatly. Each of her works is treated with great care in every detail to present a result of excellence. Anitta always seeks to bring out her best!

Unlike other artists, Anitta is her own manager. With this, she personally manages every detail of her career, such as: costumes, publicity, marketing, social networks, meetings with sponsors, show scripts, sales, management of her fifty employees, and internationalization.

5. Humility

Anitta makes a point of always emphasizing her origin in Honório Gurgel, in Rio de Janeiro, and being surrounded by her family, which, for her, is her greatest asset. In addition, she thanks and repays the affection of her numerous fans and “is concerned not to be dazzled by the size of the impact she has wherever she goes”.

6. Reinvention

The singer and entrepreneur always wants more and does not like to stay stagnant. In each job, Anitta seeks to explore different possibilities: she is always aware of what is being said in the media around the globe and what is happening in her business activities.

For her challenging international career, for example, she had to start from scratch, as she was not known abroad. She invests carefully in language classes, analysis of the international phonographic market, and specialized consulting.

How does Anitta manage her own business?

"Today I am my own entrepreneur. I have my own company and I supervise the entire operation of it. There are more than 50 people that I manage on a daily basis, plus the indirect employees."

Anitta quit her job in Administration to start her artistic career and took advantage of the knowledge she extracted during her internship and technical course.

She always seeks to improve her learning with her 360º vision of career management, and claims that she also learns by working with several renowned professionals in her artistic area.

She focuses on the quality of her work and seeks to make her mark through her identity. She has gained notoriety from many experts in the field, including being featured in a Forbes article, which pointed her, at the time, as a rising international star.

Other books about Leadership

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How can I apply the content of "O Livro das Poderosas"?

  • Get data with a "360º view" of your business or enterprise in the market to make more assertive decisions;
  • Define an action plan for your goal: try to divide it into smaller goals and set deadlines for achieving them;
  • Manage personally each detail of your dream: "the eye of the master fattens the horse";
  • Unite your talent with your willpower: "choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.."

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