In an increasingly hectic and chaotic world, there are often great difficulties in reconciling all our obligations. Incredible as it may seem, even our thoughts become unmanageable in this environment.
Throughout Augusto Cury's book, "Ansiedade", you'll discover what are the causes of the great "evil of the century", as well as gain valuable insights on how to combat this new millennia anxiety.
Are you excited to receive valuable tips about how to overcome these problems?
Then you came to the right place!
Published in 2013, "Ansiedade", Augusto Cury addresses important themes related to mental health, explaining clearly and objectively the Accelerated Thinking Syndrome (ATS).
According to the author:
"Thinking is good, thinking lucidly is great, but thinking too much is a bomb against psychic health, the pleasure of living and creativity."
In this statement, the author brings us the reflection that slowing down our thoughts and knowing how to manage our mind is key to a healthier life.
Augusto Cury is a psychiatrist, scientist, and writer. Author of several books, considered one of the most influential Brazilian authors of the 2000s, selling more than 25 million books around the world.
The author published other famous books such as "The Dream Seller: The Call" and "Multifocal Intelligence".
Cury is the creator of Multifocal Intelligence Theory, which explains the functioning of the human mind and how we can exercise greater control over our lives through intelligence and thinking.
If you are anxious and want to learn about Accelerated Thinking Syndrome (ATS), how to control your thoughts, to not be slave to them, this book is for you!
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In this section of the book "Ansiedade", Augusto Cury starts describing how modern society, is bombarded with information and the need for urgency. Violating something that should be unchanging: the rhythm of the construction of thoughts.
This creates serious problems for all of us, such as changing the pleasure of living, developing intelligence, creativity, and communication.
We may consider ourselves to be true "cavemen" as far as our mental health is concerned, and should dedicate more time caring for it. Acting instantly, as soon as some disturbing thoughts invaded our thoughts.
An alarming finding is that 20% of the world's population will someday suffer from depression and that 80% of all of us suffer from Accelerated Thought Syndrome. Based on these data, Cury addresses several other aspects of our subconscious.
Can we say that we are free in our minds? According to the author Augusto Cury, we will only have complete freedom in our minds if we are fully capable of controlling our thoughts.
Cury states that our memory records everything automatically, not filtering out what is good or what is bad. Our brain simply stores everything that is passed on to it. This phenomenon is known as AMR (Automatic Memory Recording).
The book "Ansiedade" approaches mathematically the construction of thought. For Cury, this is simply equals to the body of available information plus stimulus received. It is precisely this information that gives us support for all our decisions.
It is evident that people do not know how to deal with their thoughts, look around. How many of the people close to you face or have ever faced any kind of emotional problem?
We are at the height of the leisure industry, however, our society is sad. Although we are in the midst of so much knowledge, our society has never been so ingrained, without creativity, only repeating what has already been created.
Augusto Cury clarifies, that in-depth knowledge about the thinking of the human being is fundamental. It is necessary to know the causes of each reaction of our brain, only through this is possible to fight the ATS and anxiety.
Through external stimulus, the memory trigger accesses what has already been experienced by us. After these stimuli, it opens the windows of memory and activates instant interpretation and instant awareness.
The memory trigger is what associates the environment in which we are immersed in our subconscious. It is activated when we come in contact with the most diverse types of stimuli, such as light, sounds, tactile, gustatory and olfactory stimuli.
According to the book "Ansiedade", this trigger has a very important role because it is through it that we can learn and relate.
Despite its importance, when not properly managed, it can cause harmful effects such as syndromes, addictions and other types of psychic diseases.
On computers, there are digital memories, which the users have access to. In human memory, this is no different. We have access to specific areas of memory, which is termed by Augusto Cury as, memory windows.
Access to memory windows occurs through reading and building information. Each of these windows is responsible for certain unique types of information.
The author separates the memory windows into three classes.
Correspond to more than 90% of memory areas. As its name implies, it contains thousands of "neutral" information, i. e. it does not contain information related to emotions.
Basically, the information contained here deals with everyday matters such as numbers, school information, addresses, telephones, and professional knowledge.
Correspond to areas of memory that contain information that refers to distressing, tense, depressive, compulsive or phobic moments.
The name killer comes from the fact that these windows prevent the operation of several other windows, which leads to giving away their freedom and people to be prisoners of themselves.
Correspond to all areas of memory that contain pleasure, tranquility, serenity, generosity, flexibility, sensitivity, ponder, coherence, support and healthy examples.
Light windows "illuminate" the self to cause the development of complex functions, such as the ability to think before acting, empathy, resilience, creativity, complex reasoning, encouragement, determination, persistence, and the management of thoughts.
The Self as Augusto Cury puts it, can be considered the center of the human personality, it is what commands the psyche, the conscious desire, the capacity, and the self-determination.
The definition of the Self in "Ansiedade" is extremely broad as it is responsible for more than 25 vital roles.
The Self-flow performs the task of connecting all memory windows with triggers.
We never lived in a society so full of excesses. We are bombarded every day by an unrestrained amount of information, work, and collections.
The Accelerated Thought Syndrome (ATS) as Augusto Cury describes arises due to all the excesses, mainly due to the huge amount of thoughts processed in our brain.
The book "Ansiedade" makes the case that ATS reaches most of us. It generates problems like muscular pains, headaches, irritability, to enjoy the pleasures of life, lack of focus, insomnia, and preoccupation in advance.
Cury says that the ATS can be divided into 6 stages:
Overview: The Consequences of ATS
The first point addressed by the book "Ansiedade" is the early aging of emotion. People with the ATS have a chronic dissatisfaction, they are impatient when someone disagrees with their opinions, have no focus and can not enjoy the present.
Delaying emotional maturity is another recurring symptom. It is characterized when the biological age does not match the mental and emotional age.
For Augusto Cury the person carrying the ATS, the Self can not mature adequately.
In most cases, people find it difficult to take their dreams and face the necessary challenges to reach them.
There are 8 ways to manage the syndrome:
In the book "Contagious: Why Things Catch On", author Jonah Berger makes it clear that mental triggers are meant to allow your brain to function better without overloading information.
They serve to connect one thing to another, to when we talk about one something, we automatically link it to another, forming a connection between them, thereby increasing your power of persuasion in negotiating your sale.
In "The Power of Habit", author Charles Duhigg argues that people can use all anxiety for better end. For example, if you value endorphins in the race, your routine of running every morning can become an automatic cycle of habits.
Author Nir Eyal, in his book "Hooked", reports that triggers fuel his behavior. They are suggestions telling people how they should act. Advertising capitalizes on these motivators.
Answer honestly. Do you ever suffered from any of the points brought by Augusto Cury?
If not, you may consider yourself lucky. But otherwise, time to roll up your sleeves and exercise the tips brought up here.
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