Book Summary Aprenda Liderança com La Casa de Papel, PDF

Aprenda Liderança com La Casa de Papel - Angela Miguel

See how the series that shows the theft at the Spanish Mint can provide powerful lessons on leadership, planning, and self-control.

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Do you know the main characteristic of a person in charge of a team to extract the full potential of it? If you said leadership, you got it right.

Strong leadership is essential to success and you can learn more about it through books, courses, events, and series.

That's right, series has much to teach us not only about leadership but also about planning and self-control. All these teachings are contemplated in "La Casa de Papel".

La Casa de Papel has been a hit worldwide since its first episode, and you've probably watched or heard about it, have you?

If not, I'll give a little spoiler of the series. It consists of a group of nine thieves, led by a Professor, where the plan is to steal the Spanish Mint. The goal is to make their own money in quantities never seen before.

So, discover all the teachings this series has to offer!

About the book "Learn Leadership from La Casa de Papel"

The book "Aprenda Liderança com La Casa de Papel", "Learn Leadership with La Casa de Papel" is a direct translation to English, was published in 2018 by author Angela Miguel. The main objective of this book is to convey the teachings about leadership, planning, and self-control from the series La Casa de Papel.

Dealing with issues such as autonomy, negotiation, recruitment, selection, conflict of generations, and the main mistakes that leaders need to know and avoid. All this content is based on bibliographical references of leadership, negotiation, and emotional intelligence.

About the author Angela Miguel

Angela Miguel is a writer, journalist, and MSc student in Communications Processes. As a journalist, she writes about entrepreneurship and business since 2012. She won the ABF Journalism Award in 2016, with the subject "When the market cries, I sell handkerchiefs".

In addition, she has always been passionate about series, making it become her work-study. She also published the book "House of Cards of Corporate Life".

To whom is this book indicated?

The content of the book is ideal for you who plan to be the true leader of your team and intend to develop your skills such as negotiation, emotional intelligence, conflicts, among others.

In addition, it is for you that want to get more results from your team and direct it to success.

Main ideas of the book "Learn Leadership from La Casa de Papel"

  • Have clear goals and plan all actions in detail;
  • If there is scenario anticipation, have plans B, C, D, E...
  • Ability to improvise;
  • Teamwork. Know how to choose the pieces of your puzzle;
  • Always act with reason. For this, it is necessary emotional intelligence;

In this summary, we will explain the 5 most important parts of the book so that you become a true leader in all areas.

So, shall we begin?

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[Book Summary] Learn Leadership from La Casa de Papel - Angela Miguel

Overview: Lead for a Purpose

According to Angela Miguel, the purpose is the strongest characteristic that determines us, and from it that we define explanations for decisions and destiny. It was this purpose that made the Professor the leader of the assailants team.

Sure, far from being an infallible leader, but he seeks to protect his team, taking responsibility for himself and maintaining team unity through purpose.

The robber, Berlin, says that the Professor is idealistic and that he cares much more about the message than about money, realizing the dream of the late Professor's father come true with years and years of planning, putting all the risks into account.

Another example of Leadership in the series is the investigator Raquel Murillo. While the professor is rational, strategist, charismatic, knows how to delegate, and is tolerant with ambiguity, Raquel is totally the opposite, an emotional woman, that predominates action, intuition, decision-making, and impulse of achievement prevail.

Despite differences, they share values, experiences, ethics, and a set of ideas making them inspiring leaders.

Angela Miguel cites a few aspects of Ron Willingham, and according to him, the basic beliefs and values of leadership are:

  • Leadership: Lead people;
  • Vision: Know the direction to be followed;
  • Pride: Value your team;
  • Coherence: Inspire employees to act correctly;
  • Trust: Behave fairly;
  • Character: Influence positively;
  • Integrity: Practice what you preach;
  • Wisdom: Act with respect and impartiality.

Overview: Autonomy and Self-Control

According to Miguel, in order to adapt to the current challenges, it is fundamental to practice these two concepts:

  1. Autonomy: The company is the mirror of their principles;
  2. Self-control: Learn to endure the challenges and treat well the employees.

For those who do not have autonomy in decision making, self-leadership is fundamental to guide you. This is the case of researcher Raquel. For this, you have to work largely on yourself.

The 8 steps to self-leadership presented in "Learn Leadership from La Casa de Papel" are:

  1. Know yourself;
  2. Have a realistic view of yourself;
  3. Understand the moment;
  4. Know where you want to go;
  5. Seek autonomy and freedom;
  6. Be open for change;
  7. Have discipline;
  8. Break free from old behaviors.

The Professor is totally opposed to Raquel. He is totally autonomous and dominated by his ethics and values. Thus, he was inspired by his father's ideas, having full autonomy to plan his scheme, showing that no leader is free without the support of his followers.

This autonomy leads us to the issue of self-control, understood as the ability to control emotions and impulsiveness.

Angela Miguel quotes Daniel Goleman as the person responsible for emotional intelligence. If well applied is able to successfully create self-control and any area of life.

To develop this emotional intelligence, there are some tips from the author:

  • Assume your mistakes and move on. Do not seek responsible for your failures;
  • Take some time to reflect on your values and your ethics;
  • Be knowledgeable about your talents and abilities;
  • See your fears and weaknesses, use your strength to keep them from overpowering you;
  • Act with your led with courtesy, trust, transparency and trust;
  • Be flexible and adaptable to new challenges and changes;
  • Put yourself in the position of the led and work your empathy;
  • Provide an environment full of collaboration, solidarity and respect.

Overview: Recruitment and Selection

To rob a bank or build a successful team is necessary to have all the pieces of this puzzle.

In the book "Learn Leadership from La Casa de Papel", the author listed some selection techniques to assist you at that time. At first, it is necessary a preliminary interview, a sort of initial screening. Later it is the time of the technical interview.

In these interviews you have to observe important characteristics, such as:

  • Technical Skills: Evaluate the desired knowledge for the function;
  • Intellectual characteristics: learning ability, creativity, and communication;
  • Interpersonal skills: the candidate knows how to take on their mistakes and possess emotional control;
  • Personal qualities: honesty, positivity, sense of urgency and innovation;
  • Follower qualities: the ability to work in groups, accept orders, inspire and trust;
  • Leadership quality: see if he has a results orientation, decision-making skills, and motivation;

Afterward, the specific tests are made and in some cases the next stage of simulation.

The Professor analyzed and studied each personality very much and inserted each one into the correct function, and if the unforeseen happens, he would know who he could change and how that would affect the plan.

Overview: Conflict of generations

Angela Miguel puts it that as much as we try to avoid, we still follow in the footsteps of our parents, that the generation before ours will always leave something that we will continue to do.

One of the hardest things is dealing with people, isn't? Now, even more difficult is when there are these different generations in the same group.

The role of the leader in this situation is to understand the need of each individual and to listen to the diverse opinions of his team.

The Professor performed very well all these steps. Shortly after selecting the team. his first step was to confine them in one house so that they could adapt to each other. In addition, they understood and were trained for their actions.

With that he was able to hear and understand the point of view of all the members of your team. This is paramount for success in the strategy.

Know that all this conflict management is effective both for you not to lose a friendship and for the good results of organizations.

Overview: Trading

According to Angela Miguel, bank robbery can be compared to a game of chess, because it requires strategy, intelligence and concentration of those involved, in a way similar to negotiation.

Both Professor and Raquel when they approached the "checkmate" something prevented him from progressing in the negotiations. They actually wage a fight, with illusions, clever escapes and provocations.

Negotiation is a skill that can be developed by anyone, needing the practice to improve, which puts everyone on the same level of potential successful negotiators.

The way you lead the negotiation depends a lot on the person on the other side. The book "Learn Leadership from La Casa de Papel" cites 7 problematic situations:

  1. Emphasize in the misses and not the hits;
  2. Participants are stuck in studied cases;
  3. There is an honorable way out;
  4. Parties do not equate problems and use evasiveness;
  5. Opponents argue without alternative proposals;
  6. Few are prepared to speak, and even less to hear;
  7. Lack of empathy;

What do other authors say about it?

For John C. Maxwell, author of the book "Leadership Gold", the best leaders are those who know how to listen. Listeners know what is happening because they are attentive. They learn better than others because they absorb from various places. In addition, good listeners have the ability to better see the strengths and weaknesses of other people.

In "Spin Selling", author Neil Rackham points out that the quality of the questions asked is crucial to the success of the negotiation.

In the book "The Leadership Pipeline", authors Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter e James Noel, expands deeply into how leadership in organizations are divided that like pipelines, having various levels and capability of its leaders, suggesting the training of personal to form excellent leaders for the company.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Negotiations, conflicts, leadership, recruitment, and many other principles. You probably didn't think that a single show would bring such a lesson like that, right?

Well, now is the time to execute all the practices presented in each overview. The practices are very simple and easy to use in day to day life.

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Book 'Learn Leadership from La Casa de Papel'