Attitude 101 - John C. Maxwell

Attitude 101 - John C. Maxwell

Discover practical guidelines to reach all your professional and personal potential, and see how attitudes have power that surpasses talent.

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Many people think that just talent, simply, is enough to succeed. However, the book "Attitude 101", by John C. Maxwell, explains that the reason the winner has reached the top is not being born in a golden cradle, having a high IQ or being talented. It is their attitude that drove them to the apex.

Thomas Jefferson, former US president, once said:

"Nothing can stop the man who has the right mental attitude to reach his goal; nothing in the world will help the man who has the wrong mental attitude."

Became curious about how a well done mindset and the best choices can change your professional and personal life? So continue reading the summary of this magnific book with us!

About the book "Attitude 101"

"Attitude 101", released in 2016, was written by John C. Maxwell. This work belongs to the series "The 4 Secrets of Success" and offers the basic principles that guided Maxwell throughout his journey.

The 4 series are: "Empowerment 101", "Attitude 101", "Relationship 101" and "Leadership 101".

About the aut hor John Calvin Maxwell

John Calvin Maxwell was born in 1947, in the United States, he is a leadership expert (lecturer), founder of EQUIP and John Maxwell Company.

In addition, Maxwell is considered the number one business leader by the American Management Association and the world's most influential leadership expert by Business Insider.

He has sold over 30 million books, including The Golden Book of Leadership, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, and Developing The Leader Within You 2.0.

To whom is this book indicated?

"Attitude 101" presents precious teachings, the result of years of experience in Maxwell's formation. In a succinct, natural and uncomplicated way, the author shows the forces that shape people's attitudes, as well as the orientations needed to change them.

If you are looking for practical guidance to reach your professional edge, and wants to learn the qualities of a leader, the book is for you!

Main ideas of the book "Attitude 101"

  • "Your attitude and potential go hand in hand";
  • "Attitude determines success or failure";
  • For Tim LaHaye, "each individual's personality is composed of a mixture of four temperaments (choleric, bloodthirsty, and phlegmatic). Except for exceptions";
  • "The key to a good attitude is a willingness to change";
  • "Every successful person is someone who has failed, but never considered himself a failure".

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[Book Summary] Attitude 101 - John C. Maxwell

Overview: "What is the difference between people?"

Well, attitudes manifest through actions. And the book "Attitudes 101" shows why this is how they can be perceived without any words being spoken. You have probably noticed the "angry face" of grumpy people.

Sometimes we can disguise our attitudes by using false appearances to deceive others. But disguises never last long. There is a ceaseless battle between the attitudes that eventually give way to the truth.

For some, attitude means difficulty in the face of opportunity, for others, an opportunity with each difficulty.

Superficial attitudes are the cause of countless unsuccessful promotions, unsuccessful sales, lost jobs, and broken relationships. All this is tolerated because people generally expect change to come from external factors, like from other people or from the world. However, all people are responsible for their own attitudes.

The great endeavors of history were carried out by people who stood out just a little from the average of individuals. Often this difference is the attitude.

According to John C. Maxwell:

"Fitness is an important element for success in life. However, the cause of success or failure is more a consequence of a mental attitude than mere intellectual ability."

Overview: "What forms a person's attitude?"

At this point of the book "Attitude 101", the author explains that we all born with distinct characteristics. Even twins, who were raised in the same milieu and received the same education, are completely different from each other. Of course, if we all had identical characteristics, life would surely be boring.

On the other hand, John C. Maxwell says that "a series of attitudes accompany each personality type. Generally, people with certain temperaments develop attitudes common to those temperaments."

Here is shared Tim LaHaye's idea, that there are four basic temperaments:

  • An angry person often exhibits attitudes of perseverance and aggression.
  • The blood person is usually positive and considers the bright side of life.
  • The melancholy individual is introspective and sometimes negative.
  • The phlegmatic one is prone to say, "Come easy, go easy."

Our personalities are made up of combinations, at different levels, of these four temperaments. In other words, usually, a particular type of temperament follows a pattern of behavior. Of course, there are exceptions to these generalizations.

Overview: "Is it possible to change an attitude?"

In this chapter of "Attitude 101" is addressed that the person we are today is the fruit of the decisions we made in the past. In the future, we will be what we choose to be today. So to change the end product we have to transform our current attitudes.

Although, some individuals have the feeling that they are stuck in their attitudes, they are not permanent. But keep in mind, once you are not happy with your attitudes, you can change it. Just wish, really.

The author John C. Maxwell gives 8 tips, so we can have a great attitude:

  1. Evaluate your present attitude;
  2. Understand that faith is stronger than fear;
  3. Write a statement defining its purpose;
  4. Want to change;
  5. Live one day at a time;
  6. Change your thinking patterns;
  7. Develop good habits;
  8. Always choose to have the right attitude.

Only you have the ability to define how you will act and what you will think. This means that you can make your attitude adapt to what you want.

Overview: "The future with the right attitude"

Many people struggle with feelings of failure, but the book "Attitude 101" shows that the most serious are those of insecurity about themselves. At the heart of this sea of feelings is a primordial question: "Am I a failure?"

According to the author John C. Maxwell, this is a problem because it is very difficult for a person who believes he is a failure to succeed at the same time.

He believes that one must reposition himself in the face of failure, and face it with the right way of thinking, not seeing himself as failed, but knowing that many failures will come for life.

Every successful person had made many mistakes, failed many times, but never thought himself a failure. There are some advices that will help you not take failure personally, which will allow you to keep growing and be a great leader:

  1. Refuse rejection;
  2. Face failure as temporary;
  3. See errors as isolated incidents;
  4. Keep the prospects realistic;
  5. Focus on strengths;
  6. Vary the behaviors according to the enterprise; and
  7. Return to the starting point.

What do other authors say about it?

In "You're Hired", Marcelo de Freitas Nóbrega says that many people spend too much time complaining about life's difficulties, time that could be used to combat the causes of these problems.

Stephen R. Covey, in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", shows that certain basic principles and values, such as fairness, integrity, honesty, dignity and courage, makes people more effective. When they are developed, individual becomes a good leader, which can inspire others.

Finally, in "Coach: A Partner for Your Success", Ane Araujo says that for a meaningful transformation to happen within organizations, there must first be a transformation in the behavior of the people who work there.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

If success is a walk, where is the beginning? What does it take to get there? Two things, according to the author John C. Maxwell:

  1. The right attitude to success;
  2. The right principles to achieve it.

And here is your definition of success:

"Success is... knowing your purpose in life, growing to your full potential, and planting seeds that benefit others."

When you see success in this way, you will be able to see why it should be viewed as a walk, not as a destination. Regardless of what you want to accomplish in your life or age, by adopting the right attitude, your ability to increase your potential will never disappear, nor will you no longer have a chance to help others.

When you consider success a walk, you'll never have the problem of trying to "reach" a utopian destination. Nor will you find yourself in place of having achieved a goal just to confirm that you are still unrealized and looking for other things to spend your time on.

When to start? Immediately!

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