The Flip Side - Flip Flippen

The Flip Side - Flip Flippen

Are you tired of searching for personal growth? Discover here how to develop your self-knowledge!

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Have you ever identified some behaviors that disturb your life? The book "The Flip Side" shows a simple way to solve this problem.

Supported by an analysis of different kinds of personality and true-life examples, the author proposes some daily solutions to improve your self-knowledge and stop for once and for all the self-sabotage.

Are you curious about it? Keep reading that we'll tell you how.

About the book "The Flip Side"

The book "The Flip Side" was published by Sextante in 2011. It was written by Flip Flippen, with the support of Dr. Chris J. White.

The work contains 224 pages and is divided into three sections that help you to understand your behaviors and prepare an action plan.

About the author Flip Flippen

Flip Flippen is the founder of Flippen Group (1990), a company that aims to assessorating parents to raise their children and executives to guide their career.

The author graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University and postgraduate from Texas A&M University.

Educator and psychotherapist, Flip and his wife Susan live in Texas. In their free time, they have already raised more than 20 kids.

To whom is this book indicated?

This book is suitable for someone who is searching for professional and personal development, but also for leaders in the professional field who want to break these walls and go further.

In addition, it's a good option for curious people who want to comprehend more about the advantages of self-knowledge.

Main ideas of the book "The Flip Side"

  • We all have restrictions, everything we need to do is know them;
  • Ending this restriction depends on you;
  • The first one to noticed our behavior is who lives around us, give more attention to these people;
  • Getting an action plan is the most important part of changing;
  • Breaking free from these limitations can show you a new world.

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[Book Summary] The Flip Side - Flip Flippen

Overview: Personal Restrictions

In the first pages of the book, the author worries about describing how he opened his clinic and could, by the time, notice the self-imposed barriers people have.

Accordingly, with his studies, he could conclude that true success requires more than just talent and ability, it takes also sensitivity to the world around you.

So, observing his teachings to his children, the author identifies that most of the obstacles have by origin-specific and measurable causes.

Thereby, he gives us the thoughts of the Theory of Overcoming Personal Constraints, in that people increase highly their chances of success.

What does this Theory say?

This theory verifies that not just our strong qualities define our achievements, instead of that the recognition and overcoming of our weaknesses.

This way, it's comprehended that changes are urgent, so, to reach them and truly you, you must break every wall that comes in your path.

The author highlights that personal limitations impose us how further can or can't we develop ourselves, and this aspect affects a lot of fields in our life.

That's why to stop these restrictions you need to find the extra-weights in your journey and throw them away.

Five Laws of Personal Limitations

Here is approached five principles that can help you to inner grow, when entirely understood:

  1. We all are affected by personal limitations;
  2. We can't outsource our weakness, we should face them;
  3. The limitations are not exclusive to the professional field, they occur in other areas of our life;
  4. The constraint that impairs in one area can be a quality in another;
  5. The more you progress in eliminating them, more further you go.

Focus on the Journey

By identifying your difficulties, it's extremely important to start facing just one or two, but not too many in one time.

For these actions, choose the most problematic ones. For that, ask someone else's opinion, because sometimes, alone, we are not able to recognize them.

To understand better this subject, the author identified 10 of most incidence, and that's what we're gonna see next.

Overview: Kinds of Constraint

Bulletproof Person

People affected by these limitations often show overconfidence, being dominants and aggressive. They can put everything in danger of believing just in their own opinion.

Are you Bulletproof? Check if you:

  • Maintain an authority attitude;
  • Have arrogant stances;
  • Give your ears just to yourself.

How to change?

How a TrAction plan, it's important to search for feedbacks about your personal behaving, mainly from people that work and live with you.

Besides, be more opened to listen to someone else's thoughts and ideas can also be a key for personal growth.

How to handle it?

Live along with someone who is Bulletproof can be stressful.

Hear carefully their statements, and explain that you may have something about the topic to say, besides giving them the credit for the good ideas, can help you to coexist with this kind of person.

Oyster Person

The kind of person who is an oyster tends to be very gentle with the people around, however, they are not always taken seriously.

Are you an Oyster? Check if you:

  • Feel insecure and less capable than others;
  • Don't forget previous mistakes;
  • Search for self-affirmation in others.

How to change?

Do a list with your best qualities, try to complete activities with your own knowledge, and break free with the burdens of the past, are some attitudes to stop being an oyster.

In addition, not martyrize or underestimate yourself by situations you have no control over are the tools to succeed.

How to handle it?

Having sensitive communication and motivation can be a backup for coexisting with an oyster.

As well as giving ears and space for them to express themselves is a big assistance.

Coconut Candy Person

Coconut Candy people are known for their kindness that sometimes make others be able to take advantage of them.

Are you a Coconut candy Person? Check if you:

  • Overload yourself to help others;
  • Have issues with self-affirmation;
  • Don't know how to be hard and say no.

How to change?

To start a change you can bet in imposing limits and saying no to people, as well as, in giving more attention to yourself and exposing your feelings and judgments more often.

How to handle it?

To maintain good relations with a Coconut, remember to always praise their protected behavior.

Jointly, try to place them in positions that don't emphasize their flaws and require a less hard attitude.

Critical Person

The critical person may sometimes be negative what makes them believe they are the only one who can correctly execute a task.

Are you a Critical person? Check if you:

  • Expect a perfectionist pattern from others;
  • Always point defect;
  • Speak using sarcasm;
  • Cause in some people tension.

How to change?

Start to look for people's and project's qualities, also, challenge your employees. Then, you may not criticize so much.

On the same side, try to don't claim every day, give opinions just when demanded and require less effort from your time can help you in the journey.

How to handle it?

Some tips are useful when it comes to deal with this kind of situation.

Be able to show that you understand the points and requirements, as well as, be able to establish yourself when these requirements cross the limit of respect, are the most relevant tips.

Iceberg Person

The lack of affability is one of the more problematics restrictions in this case of limitation, because it affects family and professional relations.

Are you an Iceberg person? Check if you:

  • Don't praise too much;
  • Don't chat about others well-being;
  • Can't show affection easily.

How to change?

Try to establish emotional links, or as the author says, invest in your emotional bank account, which can be a way out.

Also, be more opened to everyday small talks, try to encourage more, and be positive can be helpful.

How to handle it?

Ask and look for straight answers can avoid frustration when it comes to talking to someone Iceberg.

Even so, don't get upset when the interactions didn't go so well as hoped, they don't do it to be mean.

Catatonic Person

A Catatonic person usually suffers from a lack of force and compassion in what they do, so that's why they get demotivated and intermittent.

Are you a Catatonic person? Check if you:

  • Have issues to meet some deadlines;
  • Show less or nonmotivation and self-determinism;
  • Don't have personal initiative;
  • Don't know your own capacity.

How to change?

Compensate yourself when you meet a deadline, try to be on time for appointments, and find something you are passionate about, can get you out of stagnation.

How to handle it?

Some actions can turn the coexistence with a Catatonic less depressing, as, schedule subjects subdivided into small deadlines units and don't keep high hope in the proactivity from this person.

Steamroller Person

A Steamroller person is known by their leadership spirit and in this case, such a big one that can crush who is around.

Are you a Steamroller? Check if you:

  • Always correct others, even if you have to interrupt them;
  • Like heated discussions;
  • Think you're always right;
  • like to speak about your accomplishments.

How to change?

Give people the chance to speak, observe more than speak, and ask for feedback about your attitude are initiatives to change the role of Steamroller.

How to handle it?

If you feel crushed by them don't be ashamed to say and ask for a spot to speak your mind.

Addicted to that, cross some limits in order to enable everybody to talk about their ideas.

Turtle Person

A Turtle person is characterized for being resistant to changes and by their fear of starting new activities.

Are you a Turtle? Check if you:

  • Get tension when it takes to changes and uncertainties;
  • Need a lot of time to adjust;
  • Like stability and is against initiating new things.

How to change?

In order to change this stigma, you can start accepting small and not so drastic new ideas.

Also, experience new activities and consider some unconventional approaches can help you in this change.

How to handle it?

The best way to approach a Turtle person, to expose your new idea, or decision, is to estimate a long time for them to deliberate about this point and get along with it.

Volcano Person

It's characteristic of this kind of person, according to the author, the lack of self-control and excessive anger.

Are you a Volcano? Check if you:

  • Get furious with teasing;
  • Are extremely competitive;
  • Don't accept to hear some kind of things;
  • See strength as the right answer.

How to change?

To stop being a Volcano person you can try to stay calmer during discussions and not always expect for winnings, giving others space to talk.

Also, it's important to not want to be always right and have the last word in an argument.

How to handle it?

By interacting with a Volcano, search for the best words in order to not tease them, and most importantly, if this may happen, search for ways to help them to calm down.

Quick on the Trigger Person

The strongest characteristics of this kind of person are impulsiveness, lack of self-control, and needy for change.

Are you Quick on the Trigger? Check if you:

  • Tend to start and abandon projects quickly;
  • Suffers from financial issues;
  • Get bored easily;
  • Tend to be a consumerist.

How to change?

Search for developing your self-control in order to finish the projects you started, also think carefully before acting by impulse are good approaches to break this barrier.

How to handle it?

Listening to their ideas and making them discuss them later, and identify some behaviors that were impulsively taken can help the person Quick on the Trigger to soften impulsiveness.

Overview: Action Plan (TrAction)

According to the author Flip Flippen, it's essential to elaborate a TrAction Plan. This spelling is used to emphasize the importance of really acting and not just writing.

There are five steps to elaborate it:

  1. Understand and establish your goal; what do you want to be?
  2. Make a list of the qualities you already have;
  3. Identify what are the primary limitations you want to overcome;
  4. Plan simple and daily actions for this change;
  5. Designate partners to support and monitor you in this journey.

Family and Limitations

According to Flip, to best environment to initiate your changes is at home, because it's the place where you really show your flaws and who you truly are.

Furthermore, lots of restrictions don't exist when you are guided by the right coordinations for raising your kids.

That's why kids who learn in their childhood self-control, kindness, vigor, among others, become adults with fewer restrictions to combat.

Culture and Constraints

In the author's analysis in "The Flip Side", culture is the joint of behavior's results produced by humans in different areas.

For that matter, the choices made by those people decide how will the culture of society be, and that way, it's healthy.

That's why it's necessary that each individual keep itself in continuous development, so that, the whole nation could grow together.

Don't limit yourself

One of the author's discoveries is that two reasons block humanity from changing, scare of failure, and lack of self-love.

It's necessary to understand that the changes will help you reach other levels in your life, so that, it's not a problem to be restricted, the problem is not facing your inner monsters.

What do other authors say about it?

The book "Soft Skills based Leadership", is a work that highlights the importance of emotional intelligence to determine the answer to the experience we are living. To develop this ability we need self-knowledge.

The book "Out of the Maze", by Spencer Johnson, is discussed the importance of dealing with our own mistakes and insecurity. Just that way we'll be capable of fighting our wars and handle cohesively some skills.

Finally, the book "Value Generation", by Flávio Augusto, talks about the excuses we give to not pursue our dreams because of the fear of failure. In order to change that, he instigates the reader to initiate a journey of self-knowledge.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

To bring this to your daily routine, nothing better than following the steps given in the book "The Flip Side".

Thus, keep your focus, firstly, in analyzing what limitation affects you, and then secondly, follow the tips given in this summary to build your own TrAction Plan.

Assim, foque em, primeiro, analisar qual limitação te acomete, e em seguida, seguir as dicas dadas nesse resumo para montar o seu próprio plano de TrAção.

You can't go wrong!

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Book 'The Flip Side'