Coach: Um Parceiro para o seu Sucesso - Ane Araujo

Coach: Um Parceiro para o seu Sucesso - Ane Araujo

Learn everything you need to know about coaching and learn how to develop key competencies to become a coach capable of helping people and transforming organizations.

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Do you know what role a coach performs? The book "Coach: A Partner Success", by author Ane Araujo, has all the answers to your questions about the world of coaching, and explains practically what the role played by this professional.

In this summary, you will learn fundamental tips that will help you become a great coach leader capable of developing your company and its employees.

Want to know more? Then read on and we will explain all the details of this profession that gained a prominent role in the 21st century!.

About the book "Coach: Um Parceiro para o seu Sucesso"

"Coach: A Partner to Success" in direct translation from Portuguese, is a 183 pages long book that is divided into 12 chapters, was written by author Ane Araujo and published in 2018 by Alta Books. The book addresses the role of the coaching profession and explains key concepts for those who wish to become an expert in the field.

Through stories about her professional experiences, the author shows how the coaching professional assists people and influences the development of companies.

About the author Ane Araujo

Ane Araujo has a degree in psychology, specializing in organizational development, change management, and cultural transformation. In addition, she served as an HR executive and is currently a partner of Marcondes Consultoria.

The author is considered one of the leading coaching experts in Brazil and has training programs for independent leaders, consultants, and coaches.

To whom is this book indicated?

Coaches wishing to improve their coaching techniques; or anyone who wants to specialize in this profession. In addition, it is also recommended for those who wish to understand the role played by the coach.

Main ideas of the book "Coach: Um Parceiro para o seu Sucesso"

  • The culture of empowerment gives greater autonomy and protagonism to the employees of a company;
  • A coach leader is one who can cope with changes in the world and can encourage progress despite difficulties;
  • The basis of the coach-coachee relationship is trust;
  • You must always be open to change;
  • The coach must understand the history and experiences of his coachee;
  • An action plan needs to be developed that satisfies everyone involved in the process;
  • To achieve the goals one must leave the past behind.

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[Book Summary] Coach: Um Parceiro para o seu Sucesso - Ane Araujo

Overview: The role of the coach

In the first chapters of "Coach: A Partner to Success", Ane Araujo shows the relevance of coaching today. It also explains important concepts, such as Empowerment, and shows how coaching has gained momentum within organizations.

The importance of coaching today

According to the author, Empowerment is one of the main management approaches and is based on giving employees greater participation in the management of the company. This approach aims to increase productivity in a particular enterprise by changing people's attitudes.

Thus, coaching is the way to build a culture of empowerment.

The 21st century is marked by great transformations, and is named by the author of "The Age of Hyperchange".

Due to events such as the Twin Towers bombing in 2001 and the global financial crisis in 2008, the business world has become unstable and uncertain.

As such, organizations needed leaders who knew how to produce wealth in the midst of hardship. To overcome this scenario, leaders needed to face major challenges such as:

In this way, the coach came to exercise his leadership role and put into practice the Empowerment management approach. That is, putting into practice the culture of protagonism, in which all employees of the company take a new stance in relation to their work.

The modern approach to management

When we talk about empowerment, we are talking about power, and there are two types of power within an organization: personal power, which is the responsibility assumed by the person because of his ability; and institutional power, which is the formal responsibility of an office or position.

Personal Power is related to:

The Institutional Power concerns:

  • Authority by position;
  • Liability granted;
  • Empowerment.

For Ane Araujo, institutional power does not exist without personal power, therefore, all the autonomy of a person is simply related to his position.

Coaching: Activating the Human Potential for Achievement

The word coach, of English origin, comes from coach(sports). And the terms related to this profession are:

  • Coaching: Process of support to development;
  • Coach: who offers the support;
  • Coachee: Who receives this support.

Coaching is the school of leadership. According to "Coach: A Partner to Success" when a boss becomes a coach leader, he is willing to:

  • Spend more time on people and their work;
  • Recognize people's ability and the value of their work;
  • Always encourage learning;
  • Open to people's suggestions;
  • Give and receive feedback.

Overview: The coaching process

In this section, we will present the steps of coaching to help people and what role will be played by the parties involved in this process.

The coach leader

To help people achieve their desired level of performance, the coach must follow the following steps of the coaching process:

  • Establish a trust relationship with coachee;
  • Know the history and life experiences of coachee;
  • Identify the needs of the coachee, always encouraging him to dream with his feet on the ground;
  • Encourage coachee to develop an action plan.

The coach leader needs to believe in his project for the coachee to believe as well. For the coaching process to flow smoothly and effectively, the coach must be motivated and committed to his or her work.

This requires the coach to inspire people to an action plan, to establish their responsibilities and to manage their work dynamics. "Coach: A Partner to Success" In addition, they must monitor performance and manage employee anxiety and stress levels.

Ethics: The Coaching Principle

For the relationship between coach and coachee to be productive, it is necessary to establish the ethical principles that will guide the process.

Coaching is a relationship that empowers one another, so the coachee needs to trust their leader and vice versa. According to Ane Araujo, it is essential to have as a basis the following ethical parameters in the coaching process:

  • Truth;
  • Integrity;
  • Respect;
  • Commitment;
  • Cooperation;
  • Authorship and Authority;
  • Confidentiality.

Overview: The importance of transformations

For a meaningful transformation within organizations to improve performance, there must first be a transformation in the behavior of the people who work there.

Thus, transformation refers to the act of reformulating the way of thinking, acting and dealing with everyday situations.

Transformation is a door that opens from the inside

According to the Ane Araujo, the world has undergone major changes in the last century. Therefore, we must learn to deal with the transformations of the environment in which we live and on which we depend.

To cope with such transformations, society must always adapt and change. Thus, there are three ways that guide the change of the human being:

  • The transformation by pain: This is when there is a change in behavior after an event that has caused great discomfort.
  • The transformation by serving: It occurs when a person becomes more dedicated to others;
  • The transformation by consciousness: It is the change that comes with self-recognition and self-understanding.

Importantly, the coach leader must earn the trust of his or her collaborator and encourage him/her to develop self-awareness and become the protagonist of the organization. However, it is up to the coachee to decide how and when to change, and to determine which behaviors to preserve and which attitudes to move away from.

Overview: The step by step to reach the goals

When starting the coaching process, it is critical to be clear about what goals the coachee wants to achieve.

Often a coachee already has an established view on their wants and needs. However, the coach should stimulate the coachee's ideas and help him create his own vision, as well as the goals and values to be applied at each step of the project.

Reviewing the luggage

For the Ane Araujo, the coaching process is like a journey, in which:

"The final destination is the success of the other, the moment that person climbs the podium".

Therefore, before going on a trip, you need to check your suitcase and make sure everything is right to take off. The coach needs to understand the coachee's background to understand their behaviors and values well.

It is the coach's responsibility to be aware of his coachee's behavior regarding:

  • Degree of openness;
  • Degree of determination;
  • Reaction to criticism and praise;
  • Preference for roles (leader or follower);
  • Style of communication;
  • Strengths and weaknesses;
  • Decision-making.

Taking action

After defining what goes into the baggage of the coachee, it is necessary to establish an action plan. This plan should contain:

  • A vision of the future;
  • Goal setting;
  • Identification of desired results;
  • Specification of strategies for each outcome;
  • Definition of which people will be included and their involvement;
  • Profile analysis;
  • Follow-up schedule.

According to the author, it is necessary to maintain your commitment to the plan until its execution.

In addition, she points out that it is important that this action plan be an agreement between you and your coachee, taking into account similarities and learning to deal with differences.

In addition, it is critical to make sure that the process is performing by giving and receiving feedback. Through feedback, it is possible to understand each other's positions and thus find agreements that meet the needs of everyone involved.

Bury your past

People who are very attached to the step have great difficulty living the present and focusing on what happens now. It is by living in the present that the empowerment approach is practiced, as it is thus possible to acquire experiences to learn how to deal with reality.

To understand the past and be able to develop personal power, you need:

How to become an excellent coach

Finally, Ane Araujo gives tips on how to become a successful coach and able to help and assist people in your organizations:

  • Practice coaching as much as you can;
  • Invest in its development;
  • Practice in the company;
  • Stay focused;
  • Manage your strengths and find out what works for you.
  • Start with easy situations and then increase the difficulty;
  • Take setbacks as part of training;
  • Be persistent.

What do other authors say about it?

"Behavioral Mapping" is a compilation of articles by coaches all over Brazil that study the influence of the mindset on the work environment and on personal life.

Douglas Burtet, an entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience in creating and adapting methods, for example, says that a leader can only take his team as far as he has gone. It is essential that the leader goes through the same analysis process as his subordinates.

The book "High Performance Secrets" helps you to be a person of great results. One of the secrets of high performance, under the vision of coach Ana Karina Braga, is to let go of limiting beliefs.

For this, it is necessary that the person is well resolved with his past, understand his present and focus on what he aims for the future.

Finally, coach Gary John Bishop, author of "Unfu*k Yourself", calls us to reflection by pointing out that if you are living a life that you do not like, but still stagnating in the same situation, it is a sign that you are putting up with the who is living.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Establish a trusting relationship with your coachee;
  • Understand your employee's luggage;
  • Always encourage transformations that can assist in the development of an organization;
  • Leave the past behind and focus on the present;
  • Always practice and invest in your coaching profession.

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Book 'Coach: A Partner to Success'