Copywriting - Paulo Maccedo

Copywriting - Paulo Maccedo

Learn everything you need to know to increase your communication power and create highly persuasive texts.

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Did you know that the way you write a text can influence the reader, stimulating the purchase of your product? This is possible according to a technique called "Copywriting", which we will cover in this summary!

The author Paulo Maccedo explains the main copywriting techniques to create content in the form of persuasive texts that can make a difference in your marketing strategy and convince your readers to acquire your product or service.

Are you curious to understand how it works? So keep reading this summary of the book "Copywriting"!

About the book "Copywriting"

Written by Paulo Maccedo and published in 2019, the book "Copywriting" will help you understand the centenary method of writing most coveted in the US market.

In this summary, we will go through the 25 chapters of the book, divided into 5 parts that cover from the fundamentals to the main elements of a copywriting text.

About the author Paulo Maccedo

Paulo Maccedo is a marketing professional and began his career as a salesman, gaining market experience.

Subsequently, he created his own marketing agency and led persuasive writing initiatives for major Brazilian Internet portals.

And if you have any doubts about Paulo Maccedo's ability, here's a fact: counting websites, blogs, magazines and newspapers, Paulo Maccedo has already written more than 2000 articles.

To whom is this book indicated?

If you work with product or content marketing and advertising, and need to understand how to write persuasive texts, increasing your written communication power (and, consequently, your company's sales), the book "Copywriting" was made for you!

Also, if you want to become a copywriter, and get some freelance copywriting jobs, you can learn a lot with the explanations and examples of Paulo Maccedo.

Main ideas of the book "Copywriting"

  • Copywriting is a concept that comes from advertising and seeks to guide the client towards decision making;
  • There are premises that guide the elaboration of persuasive texts;
  • Textual elements such as title and call-to-action are essential;
  • Storytelling and the use of the pronoun "you" are some effective tactics.

Are you interested in the subject? So, let's understand more about it!

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[Book Summary] Copywriting - Paulo Maccedo

Overview: Fundamentals

Writing is an ancient art and has always been used for many purposes. One of them is advertising.

In the book "Copywriting", the author Paulo Maccedo shows us this concept has developed over the ages and, at the end of the 19th century, advertising professionals understood the importance of acting directly in sales communication. So copywriting emerged.

This term emerged as "advertising copy", but it has been updated and, nowadays, with the advent of the internet and digital marketing, copywriting has become essential.

The author Paulo Maccedo explains that its objective is to offer content to the clients and talk to them, in order to invite them to take action, helping with the decision-making process.

Next, we will see the details of how to make a well-structured text that will attract customers.

Overview: Background

In this part of the book "Copywriting", Paulo Maccedo brings the background that is part of this tool and what you need to know to write high-quality text.

The Premises of Copywriting

Before you start writing your text, there are a few assumptions that will provide you with the background and information you need to get your sales pitch started.


The author Paulo Maccedo teaches that, whenever you are writing a text, you need to understand the context in which the subject is inserted, which audience will be interested in it, the needs, preferences, and which product can help them solve their problems.

Thus, your text will be written, taking into account all the characteristics of that context, making it easier for the reader to identify with the subject.


Remember that the goal of copy (what the copywriting text is called) is to guide the reader toward decision making and choose the solution to the problem addressed.

As it is affirmed in the book "Copywriting", you need to know this solution and all its details to offer it in the best way, showing its benefits and arousing the interest of customers.


You have probably already been caught by a hook. Either by the end of a series' chapter that makes you curious to know what will happen or for that advertisement that makes you want to know more about the product.

Copywriting is no different! You have a short space to convince the consumer to read your full text. Your copy needs to have a well-crafted hook in the title or subtitle that will capture people, and make them want to know the answer/what comes next.

The author Paulo Maccedo shares an example:

"Did you know that insomnia can be cured without expensive drugs or therapies?"


After getting the readers' attention with your hook, it's necessary to keep them with you. That's why the promise is so important.

You need to show the consumer that your text is going to offer some answers, which is linked to the questioning made on the hook.

According to the book "Copywriting", by making this promise, you are confident that the question will be answered and it is up to you to deliver what you have promised throughout the text.


So far, we have talked about the context of the market, your solution, the hook needed to catch your reader, and the promise to win them.

But who is this reader?

The author Paulo Maccedo explains that, for an effective text, it is crucial to know who your client is, what are their needs and main characteristics.

The persona is the representation of your client and helps you to identify the profile of the people who interact with your business. Thus, you will be able to write texts that will directly reach these people.


In the book "Copywriting", Paulo Maccedo says that a copy without emotion is very likely to fail.

To understand this importance, let's go back to the example of insomnia.

When someone suffers from it, they cannot sleep. Thus, to arouse the emotion of this reader, your text should address the hardships faced by those affected by insomnia.

Also, the author Paulo Maccedo cites some emotions we may feel that can be used to make your copy even better, for example, anger, admiration, excitement, sympathy, triumph, nostalgia, among others.


After defining the elements that will be used in your text, you should build a structure to follow, because it will tell how these elements will be organized and exposed in the text, seeking the best disposition of ideas.

Here's an example of a sales page proposed in the book "Copywriting":

  1. Title;
  2. Video;
  3. Call-to-Action;
  4. About payment options;
  5. Arguments;
  6. Warranty;
  7. Other Call-to-Action.

With the right structure and using the best words in your text, the chances of conversion will be very high.

Now that we understand the premises, let's analyze how we can create a copy with a good structure using the AIDA model.

The AIDA model

The AIDA model is considered one of the main foundations of advertising and marketing, which describes the steps, listed below, for you to be able to attract your customer and convert them.

  • Attention: this is where the customer will know the brand and know that it exists. This is usually done through advertising, where your goal is to win the interest of this customer;
  • Interest: the customer becomes interested in the brand and learn more about it, understanding its benefits and how it can solve their problems;
  • Desire: knowing the details of your brand, the consumer wants your product, that is, you managed to provoke the customer's curiosity and instigate them to buy your product;
  • Action: now we have reached the final step and this is where the customer makes the decision and purchases your product.

Overview: Elements

The author Paulo Maccedo shows, in the next part of the book "Copywriting", the elements present in a copy, such as the title and Call-to-Action.


The title, or headline, is the first connection you will have with readers, so making a good impression is essential.

To help you make a great title, the author Paulo Maccedo presents the 4 U's formula and some examples that will help you in the process.


An urgent title shows readers that there are real issues to be observed and that demand resolution urgently:

"11 Six Sigma articles you need to read!"


When customers have the feeling that they are seeing something totally new and that it doesn't exist elsewhere, they are going to be interested in the product. Here's an example by Paulo Maccedo:

"Apple: Know how it all started!"


Before it is unique or urgent, your title needs to be useful. After all, if your title is not useful, what will it add to the reader?

As it is suggested in the book "Copywriting", you should attract the reader by showing that what they will read will have some impact on their lives:

"How to overcome procrastination?"

Ultra specific

A specific content is more useful. Consequently, it's more attractive, as stated by the author Paulo Maccedo.

We can be specific by providing more detail to readers, for example, showing numbers that will bring real, accurate, and specific data on a given subject:

"5 secrets to keeping motivation at work"

The Call to Action

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[Book Summary] Copywriting - Paulo Maccedo

Do you know this invitation I just made you? It is a Call-to-Action (CTA).

The main goal of the Call-to-Action is to complete the main purpose of your copy: to make your reader make a decision.

According to Paulo Maccedo, in the book "Copywriting", a powerful Call-to-Action consists of the following topics:

  • Context: the CTA must be included in the copy context;
  • Specificity: being specific can help to spark the reader's interest. For example: "get your ebook here";
  • Verbs: use verbs in the imperative or infinitive to induce and encourage the reader to perform the action. For example: "click the link";
  • Scarcity: it can be a good resource to give the customer a sense of urgency and get the action done.

Overview: Simple and effective techniques

To conclude the book "Copywriting", the author Paulo Maccedo addresses some tactics are simple and bring a great return.

The Use of "You"

In the context of copywriting, a connection is essential. And one of the best ways to do this is through the personal pronoun: "you".

When you use this term, you can create a connection with the reader and make the message easier to understand.


The author Paulo Maccedo says that storytelling is an old form of art and human expression. Telling stories is used to many things and we all are moved and conquered by well-told stories, especially those that bring mental triggers in people.

Big brands make use of this device, like the Coca-Cola Company. So, keep in mind that writing a copy with a good story to tell is a great way to conquer your reader to do business with you and have your brand as a reference in the marketplace.

What do other authors say about it?

About the importance of the internet to marketing, Seth Godin, author of the book "This Is Marketing" explains that the internet has changed the rules of the game. It is the most massive means of communication that has ever been created, as it connects billions of people.

Just like Paulo Maccedo and his tactics to persuade through copywriting, Ricardo Ventura, author of the book "How to Manipulate & Persuade Thousands of People", gives some tips on mental triggers that can be used in persuasion.

And, about those triggers, the author Gustavo Ferreira explains everything you need to know about them to activate the customer's interest in your product, in his book "Mental Triggers".

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Now that we understand the premises, tactics, and best practices to create a good copy and sell more, here are some tips:

  • Keep in mind the premises of copywriting and know everything you need to write an efficient and effective text, which will bring results for your company;
  • Define the structure of your text and the elements, such as title and call-to-action;
  • Promote your text to reach your audience. You can use email, newsletter, advertisements, social medias, blogs, or websites.

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And if you want to understand all the details of Paulo Maccedo's book, it is available for purchase, just click on the image below:

Book “Copywriting”