Book Copywriting Secrets

Copywriting Secrets - Jim Edwards

Discover the secrets to producing a persuasive text capable of convincing anyone of anything, and demystify the belief that producing a quality copy is too complex.

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Have you ever wondered what are the main techniques for developing attractive advertising messages?

Why are we sometimes so mesmerized by a copy that we consume from start to finish with extreme interest, and in the end still do what the Call to Action prompts us to do, while certain communications are simply ignored within the first 3 seconds, or the second line of text?

With the book summary of “Copywriting Secrets” by Jim Edwards, we will discover that selling our products and ideas is not the hardest part, but reaching people at the right time and in the right way.

Despite the wide possibilities - or because of them - many people believe that copywriting production is extremely complex and complicated, requiring years of study and improvement to be able to handle these texts efficiently.

Edwards explains, in his book, his secrets for producing persuasive content, showing that advertising copywriting is not the seven-headed monster painted by many people, and that it can be learned and perfected from simple techniques and strategies.

Ready to discover Jim Edwards’ secrets? Then continue reading this PocketBook and learn the best advertising copywriting techniques to start applying today!

About the book “Copywriting Secrets”

“Copywriting Secrets: How Everyone Can Use The Power Of Words To Get More Clicks, Sales and Profits... No Matter What You Sell Or Who You Sell It To!” is a book by author Jim Edwards, which has 330 pages and 41 chapters, in which Jim describes 31 secrets to produce a successful copy.

Who is Jim Edwards?

Jim Edwards is an entrepreneur, author, marketing speaker and copywriting expert, where he currently mentors and leads his own agency, which develops persuasive advertising content for various fields and in various formats.

Jim also has many successful works produced on the application, production and analysis of copywriting, in the format of books, ebooks, articles and blog posts. His greatest desire is to help people who lack sales skills to share their messages, products and values with the world.

To whom is the book “Copywriting Secrets" indicated?

This book is suitable for those interested in strategies for producing persuasive writing, or copywriting, who want to start a learning journey on the subject, or who would like to improve their techniques for creating content in the area to capture the reader's attention, whether in written form or not.

Main ideas of the book “Copywriting Secrets”

  • Copywriting is based in structure and strategy;
  • Studying advertising messages that have already convinced you to make a purchase or close a deal is one of the most important strategies, since there was an emotional connection with the copy, based on the use of mental triggers;
  • Nobody can sell your product better than yourself, so know your business, study your goals, and if you are not going to produce your texts, follow up and suggest changes;
  • Advertising copywriting strategies can follow patterns and be adapted to contexts quickly, and is the most profitable and fastest-learning form of writing;
  • Copywriting comes down to intent;
  • The only way to be awesome, is to first be good. The only way to be good is to first be bad. And the only way to be bad, is, first, to try.”

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Copywriting Secrets

After all, what is Copywriting?

According to Jim Edwards, copywriting can be defined as any message - written or unwritten - that is intended to persuade a certain reader, viewer, or listener to take a specific decision or action, whether online or offline.

Such actions have a wide scope, being a click on a link, a request for more information, the purchase of a product, a next step in a purchase journey process, the completion of a form... The options are endless.

Copywriting strategies, besides being everywhere, can have several formats, from short lines of text in social media, to long pages of email marketing, to video ads of seconds, or 40 minutes.

They can also be on many platforms and in many formats and languages.

This means that to be a good copywriter, you need the ability to convince people to take action through infinite ways and means.

What makes Copywriting different from usual writing?

According to Jim Edwards, many people tend to believe that copywriting is a divergent way of thinking and writing that is very different from ordinary writing and has very specific standards.

Therefore, Edwards states that sometimes these people are right, while at other times they are completely wrong. In general, the author justifies his thoughts with the way in which a copy is developed.

The best copywriting is developed at the moment when your audience does not realize that they are consuming an advertising text, because the content of the message is interesting to the consumer. A great example of this is newsletters.

Well-structured copy makes interested people read, listen or watch the content without paying attention to the fact that the main purpose of the message is to convince them to perform an action. Therefore, the most important thing is to attract the reader's attention.

What makes people pay attention?

Now that we understand the main purpose of copywriting, it is necessary to focus on how to develop it in the optimal way so that it meets the needs previously mentioned.

So think about it: what catches the audience's attention? What makes people not think about the sales messages included in your text, or what prevents them from giving up on your copy after the first 5 seconds?

Copywriting comes down to intent

To develop the ideal message, according to Jim Edwards, you need to address the fears and anxieties of your audience, discuss their wishes, and use the same language as your target.

The idea is to establish a communication that is connected to the receiver, like a casual conversation between friends or a trusted advisor.

Another of the great myths that permeate copywriting is that texts have the magical goal of convincing people to do or buy things they don't like, don't want to, or wouldn't normally consume.

The truth is that a good copy only convinces people to do what they love: to buy. The author then cites an old axiom that is a fundamental basis for the development of good copywriting: People love to buy, they hate to be sold.

So copywriting comes down to intention: what is your main purpose in writing it? entertainment, transmission of information, or convincing in taking a specific action?

It is also necessary to question what we want to obtain as a result of reading, viewing, or listening to what we produce. After that, with a well-defined intention, copywriting can take any form we wish, from an informative article to a meme.

It is possible for a copy to be any valuable content offered to a segmented audience, which, with the value demonstrated in front of them, we can invite them to take any intended action.

Copywriting is based on structure and strategy

The author states in “Copywriting Secrets” that, although studying theoretical content about the production of persuasive texts is important, one of the most efficient strategies is to analyze copies that make you spend money or perform the requested action.

This is justified by the emotional connection established with the message.

Edwards clarifies that nobody is born writing very well, knowing the best words, techniques and triggers of persuasion. Nevertheless, one thing that differs copywriting from fiction or nonfiction writing is the ability to establish successful patterns and structures, study them, follow them, and perfect them.

What makes a copy so good that it cannot be ignored?

The book “Copywriting Secrets” deals with the search for the audience's attention as one of the most important steps, where the author states that, basically, an impossible-to-overlook copy is one that makes people believe that they can have their problem solved from what you offer.

So if people believe that you are able to offer what they want, achieve their desires, solve impediments, simplify tasks, or anything else that benefits them, you will have their attention.

But remember: only promise what you can accomplish, and offer what you can deliver!

This action is all about winning them over, producing an emotional appeal, and proving that it is possible to add value with your product or service. This will be your basis for writing quality texts.

According to Jim, people follow a mental checklist before closing a deal, where they consider:

  1. Does it work?
  2. Has it worked for other people?
  3. Do I think it will work for me?

People come first

Another secret of Jim Edwards, is to prioritize the person who receives the message rather than the person who writes it,

The author states that the first thing you should mention in your copy is people and their problems, then their desires, wishes, and dreams. Then, finally, you can make a connection to your product or service, and how it can help them get what they want or need.

In this way, there is a marketing strategy based on a linear path that guides your lead from the identification of their own story.

It's okay to repeat strategies and highlight messages

A sales funnelis made up of several stages, with numerous CTAs in a variety of ways, from filling out a landing page, to reading emails, sending a message of interest, or following on social media.

Furthermore, it is common for copywriters to believe that a sales copy needs to be extremely different at each stage of the funnel, from its language, to its delivery location. Despite this, Jim Edwards claims that this is just a myth.

Given that we want to deliver a consistent message throughout the buying journey, it is possible to use the same language and the same message. Emails, videos, and texts can all have the same form of communication.

The author of “Copywriting Secrets” suggests using the same copywriting frequently, even so that your leads feel familiar and comfortable with your message during all stages of the funnel, which reinforces its value.

Connect with the right people

Another secret of Copywriting is segmented connection. You may have wondered, “why do some words and phrases connect better with certain people than others?”.

The answer, according to Edwards, is that the words and phrases that connect with people the most, are words and phrases that your own audience uses.

So it is impossible to make a connection with all the people at the same time, since their way of communicating is too distinct and too broad for a copy to be comprehensive enough.

So don't try to satisfy everyone, find out who are the most important people for your purpose, and tailor your message to them.

By segmenting your audience, you can ensure that every time a copy is released, the right leads are prospected.

How can I keep people engaged and reading my copy?

Finally, Jim Edwards delivers tips for you to grab people's attention and keep your readers engaged:

  1. Use images that keep them moving: use dynamic reading and viewing;
  2. Divide the text into topics;
  3. Do not develop paragraphs that are too long: two to four lines is ideal;
  4. Keep the copy focused on the audience: their story, their needs, their wants, and their problems;
  5. Express everything necessary about your product or service: how it can benefit people, how it will help them, improve their lives or alleviate a pain;
  6. Talk about the meaning of your intent and focus on provoking emotions.

How can I become a good copywriter fast?

Jim Edwards' answer is simple, and no secret: practice. The author of “Copywriting Secrets” suggests that people write daily, and not only produce content, but analyze the results it generates.

It is necessary to question what is possible to obtain and what is actually obtained from the copy produced: what do people think about it? What do they do? If they do nothing, why? What can be improved? What is working?

The way to become a good copywriter fast, is to practice, measure, observe, and, above all, never consider yourself too good to keep learning.

Other books about copywriting

In the book  Transformando Palavras em Dinheiro (Turning Words into Money), Ícaro de Carvalho teaches how to use persuasive writing to enhance your content, especially in the digital environment. Thus, the author lists his strategies and teachings, consolidated through years of practice in various areas of marketing.

In Copywriting, by Paulo Maccedo, we understand the premises of producing texts of this category, such as context, persona, emotions, and structuring the content in the most efficient ways for each situation.

Finally, in Obrigado Pelo Marketing (Thanks for Marketing), Vitor Peçanha deals with the importance of developing content marketing, one of the most efficient marketing strategies, and which requires good copywriting to be able to convince the lead to follow the path of the sales funnel to the final goal.

Right, but how can I apply the secrets of copywriting?

  • Practice copywriting techniques often, in a variety of ways;
  • Select and evaluate those copywriting texts that impacted you or made you close a deal, critically analyze them to find out what strategies were used;
  • Always test your texts and try to understand what effects they have on the receivers of the message;
  • Do not try to develop miraculous contents when the simple works;
  • Always learn from the copies already produced, repeating successful strategies and avoiding actions with negative effects;
  • Define your audience and use media, strategies, and language that are appropriate for them;
  • Do not try to please everyone, the right copy will positively affect those who matter.

Rate the book summary of “Copywriting Secrets”

What do you think about the demystification of the high difficulty and complexity in producing attractive and quality copywriting?

The secrets to good persuasive productions are not as obscure as most people believe them to be, the big keys are analysis and, especially, practice.

So, if you want to know all 31 secrets presented by Jim Edwards, be sure to purchase the complete work of “Copywriting Secrets” by clicking on the image link below:

Book "Copywriting Secrets"