Created for Greatness - Alexandre Havard

Created for Greatness - Alexandre Havard

Have you ever wondered if people are born as leaders or become leaders? What virtues and values do they carry with them? Discover these and more questions in this PocketBook! 

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Many of us have already questioned the differences between bosses and leaders. However, the book "Created for Greatness", written by author Alexandre Havard, addresses other issues: the characteristics of leadership and how to develop them.

The words magnanimity and humility are worked emphatically in the work. But think: do you really master them? And prudence, justice, and fortitude? Do they send you something?

We can already say that leadership is not an innate condition and has nothing to do with showing power and superiority.

If you want to develop as a human being, improve your skills and even improve your relationship with the divine, this reading is highly recommended for you.

Are you curious and want to know more? Follow us for this super interesting summary!

About the book "Created for Greatness"

"Created for Greatness" is a deepening of "Virtues & Leadership", another author's book, previously written and published in Brazil in 2011.

The work was written in 2018 and contemplates the concept of virtuous leadership, showing it as a lifestyle.

Its 112 pages are mainly divided into five chapters that help us understand and develop the concepts worked by Alexandre Havard.

About the author Alexandre Havard

Born and raised in the capital of France, Paris, Alexandre Havard holds a law degree from one of France's most prestigious universities, Paris Descartes University.

He is also the founder of the Havard Virtuous Leadership Institute (HVLI), teaches seminars, works with consultancies, and is also the author of books that have been translated into 20 languages.

To whom is this book indicated?

"Created for Greatness" is recommended for leaders who have the wrong view of leadership, and people who want to enjoy the concepts of victorious leadership in personal life.

Main ideas of the book "Created for Greatness"

  • No one is born leader; becomes a leader;
  • Magnanimity and humility are essential characteristics of leadership;
  • Leadership is not a demonstration of superiority and power; it is a concern for the growth and the general good;
  • God is present in the details. Realizing it and connecting with it helps us grow as people;
  • Leadership is directly linked to serving and helping others;
  • We should be aware of our vocations and not turn our back on them.

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[Book Summary] Created for Greatness - Alexandre Havard

Overview: "The ideal of magnanimity"

The word magnanimity is strong and is linked to the pursuit of personal excellence. It ends up directing our decisions and transforming the way we live.

From the moment we decide to be "big", we have more discipline, seeking continuous improvement. This, in turn, brings a positive return to our lives.

The author Alexandre Havard clarifies in his book, "Created for Greatness", that we need to have a high view of ourselves, to know our worth, to feel worthy of doing great things. We should not be content just to start something, but to dedicate ourselves to the whole process in search of a greater result.

The leader recognizes his honor and seeks to make the best use of it for the whole. Still, he does not take action in search of glory, he is not vain. He recognizes that people are more important than things and that action is critical to success.

Remember these three words: fortitude, self-control, and justice. Strength is to keep you firm in your decisions, self-control so that you don't let emotion interfere with your judgment, and justice to give everyone their own.

Overview: "The ideal of humility"

Humility is about treating others well. Thus, it is directly linked to leadership, which is not the pursuit of self-exaltation, but the pursuit of empowering others.

According to the author Alexandre Havard, the leader is neither selfish nor individualistic. He should be concerned, devoted, attentive and know how to listen to others, treating them with respect. Who recognizes his own greatness, but ignores that of the other, is not a true leader.

We should always help the people we love to grow and develop. Success is more easily achieved as a team. And remember, never judge a book by its cover. You may be surprised at the potential of some people.

Overview: "Develop a moral sense"

Our conscience is very wise and we should always listen to it. Sometimes it is drowned out by our surroundings, the rules, the opinions of others. But that is a mistake.

As explained in the book "Created for Greatness", our conscience should guide our actions, even if there are easier ways to follow. We need to transform ourselves first and then seek change in society.

We must strengthen our virtues, our character, and develop our vocations. We have to be aware of our shortcomings and seek to improve them, or we will never find true greatness.

Overview: "Develop magnanimity"

In the pursuit of becoming magnanimous, we must surround ourselves with people of excellence who live up to this goal. But make no mistake, ordinary people can be great too.

Get rid of this idea that only important people can do great things. The author Alexandre Havard says that greatness lies in the potential within each one.

Also, remember the importance of the people we choose to be our friends because their influence on us is enormous. Do you want good or bad influences?

Be aware of your existence, your whys, because there is a stark difference between losing your life and never finding it.

Constantly question yourself, accept and analyze feedbacks, seek progress.

Find your mission because it is your contribution to the community. Make the most of it. No one can do what was meant for you; each person has a unique mission.

Do not be afraid of failure. According to the book "Created for Greatness", this can be extremely limiting and prevent you from achieving what you dream about. Be the best, not for yourself, but in order to serve others and seek greatness in everyday life.

Overview: "Grow in humility"

Many people have a wrong or partial idea of humility. As the author Alexandre Havard says, humility is "the habit of living in the truth". But what does that mean exactly?

It means that we should not see more than we are, but neither should we see ourselves less. We must identify our flaws to fix them, and our qualities to make the best of them.

It is important to recognize our value and our talents so that we can put them into practice. God has not given us a gift to be set aside. He has given us so that we can use it for ourselves and help others.

Being humble also refers to our insignificance before God and understanding that without Him we are nothing. We must evolve spiritually to improve as human beings.

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "Mindset", by psychologist Carol S. Dweck, it is debated how our beliefs shape our behavior and our growth. While mindsets produce definitive worldviews, people can change as they learn new skills.

The author Flávio Augusto says in his book, "Value Generation", that victorious thoughts are more likely to generate positive results, whereas trivial thoughts yield only trivial results.

Finally, the book "Originals", written by Adam Grant, presents insights to become a professional out of the curve, capable of having creative ideas when understanding that procrastination can be an ally. You will learn to open your mind. If you ask yourself about conventional ideas, you will be considered original.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Remember strength, justice, and self-control to apply to your actions;
  • Do not feel superior to anyone, practice humility more;
  • Seek magnanimity to achieve excellence;
  • Never forget to be humble; understand the true meaning of this word;
  • Listen to your conscience, do not be influenced by the surroundings;
  • Find your vocation and mission and dedicate yourself to them;
  • Great leaders are not born leaders, they have become leaders, and you too can become one with persistence and discipline;
  • Remember that leadership is not just a professional status; leadership is a life ideal.

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Book “Created for Greatness”