Cultura de Confiança - Luiz França

Cultura de Confiança - Luiz França

Find out here what engagement really means and how the power of a culture of trust influences the transformation of an ordinary company into a great workplace.

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Have you ever stopped to think about what makes a company successful both internally and externally? Is the secret of success the use of good metrics and delightful marketing strategies? Or is the answer simply good promotions?

In the book Cultura de confiança: a arte do engajamento para times fortes e que geram resultados, Luiz França shows that the answer goes further. According to him, one must consider the human being before making any decision, because "people are the sole reason for being in business"!

Here you will discover the real concept of leadership and, in addition, you will learn how to promote a culture of engagement that has a positive and direct impact on employees and customers.

Do you want to know more? Then, enjoy this dive into the deep waters of knowledge and collect powerful insights for the success of your business.

The book “Cultura de Confiança

Cultura de confiança: a arte do engajamento para times fortes e que geram resultados teaches you how to use leadership to transform lives on a stage of continuous improvement. Here you will see that increasingly the resignification of work is allied to the acceleration of necessary changes that business environments need.

Luiz França's book has 202 pages and is divided into 9 chapters that focus on the method of generating cycles of prosperity for the leadership and business ecosystem.

Who is Luiz França?

Luiz França defines himself as "humanizer of organizations, inspirer of people, writer, entrepreneur, businessman, executive, mentor, teacher, and lecturer".

The author of “Cultura de Confiança” is also a psychologist and holds an MBA in Management with a focus on people management. He is also head of Human Resources for the Americas at Kordsa.

Why read “Cultura de Confiança”?

Reading “Cultura de Confiança” is interesting because it teaches managers how to develop their employees beyond the work environment, promoting a profitable and happy company.

The book is intended for managers, business owners, and entrepreneurs who want to measure and increase engagement. However, people looking to broaden their knowledge in the areas of project management and business management are more than welcome to continue reading.

What are the main points of "Cultura de Confiança"?

  • The positive engagement of your team guarantees happiness and prosperity for them and for the company;
  • Open dialogue surprises and motivates people, making them work for improvements to the organization;
  • To increase the teams' good performance and encourage spontaneous collaboration, it is advisable to promote partnership between the departments;
  • For a manager to prosper it is essential to take care of people with a human eye;
  • Without people there is no business: they are the ones who will have their attention focused on the execution of an impactful project;
  • "The result just for the result is what will end up sinking your company";
  • "Understanding is the art of bringing into yourself the tendency projected by others based on their life experience".

What is a culture of trust?

According to Luiz França, the culture of trust is the art of engagement intended for robust teams that add results where they are situated, such as in an organization or company.

Engagement will be the driving force with which people will take pride in what they do, (...) and will be able to live their best versions every day in an environment that fosters development and that will take work and humanity to a new dimension, creating happiness and prosperity for all.

In this sense, leadership plays a very strong role in this art of engagement. According to the book "Cultura de Confiança", it is leadership that is at the core of the entire transformation process.

Without it, the pieces of the puzzle will not be put together and will not form a path to success. That is why it is important to pay attention to the types of leadership that exist in your company.

How to create a culture of trust?

Creating a culture of trust requires purpose in the personal development journey. Purpose acts in shaping organizational culture and directly impacts the excellence of the management process and the success of an organization.

In other words, the personal development of each employee reflects on the business success. Therefore, it is essential that the company provides well-being to its employees.

A management without purpose that does not engage its team in the function of a goal is a leadership that leads the company to failure.

According to Luiz França, evolve and serve is the essence of everything he presents in his book "Cultura de Confiança". Therefore, the role of the leader and not only the employees, is also in the service in the search for the continuous evolution of the company or organization.

Remember: The team's engagement is strongly affected by the manager's leadership style.

How to maintain trust without jeopardizing a company's transformation strategy?

According to the book “Cultura de Confiança”, it is essential to respect the evolutionary steps of people and culture. To maintain trust and credibility without affecting the company's transformation strategy, Luiz França recommends applying the 6Es method day by day (listen, understand, execute, standardize, energize, and evolve).

This method helps recognize the progress of each stage of planning in companies, regardless of their product or service.

1st stage: Listening

Listening is a "key factor in bringing out people's main contributions". For this reason, it is necessary to create moments where dialogue is valued.

However, it is worth warning that these moments should not become an obligation, nor should they follow a pattern. It is also interesting to promote individual and collective dialogues.

3rd stage: execute

It is necessary to organize everything for the execution of what is possible with the resources you have and benefit from the change. In addition, you must define the 5W2H method, which stands for answer what, why, who, where, when, how, and how much.

4th stage: Standardize

Standardization, or simply "standardization", is what gives meaning in the process of education for the consolidation of new habits. This provides clarity to the changes proposed by management and has an excellent parameter for defining the level of success during the following steps.

5th stage: Energize

According to the book "Cultura de Confiança", this step consists in recognizing the energetic movement that positive changes provide and the amplification of benefits for all who are impacted. It is important to break the cycles of negativity quickly and communicate the benefits of the new practices.

6th stage: Evolve

In this stage, the agility to improve the new defines the speed for the transformation of the engagement culture. One must look at the practices again and seek a new standard. The evolution process requires detachment, finding new solutions, and returning to the base of the new transformation model.

Other books about Corporate Culture

Sandro Magaldi and José Salibi teach in the book "O Novo Código da Cultura" how to adapt your company to the current world's need for innovation and delivery of results.

Richard D. Lewis  explores in his book "When Cultures Collide" the dynamics between global business and intercultural communication. The author also dedicates a country-specific analysis, explaining in detail about each national culture.

David Cohen, finally, shows in the book "Cultura de Excelência" the chronology of the organization, highlighting the main events, as well as its mission, values, initiatives, and a brief description of the main training programs offered.

Alright, but how can I apply the "Cultura de Confiança" content?

  • Live the feeling of belonging to a greater cause;
  • Develop a culture that promotes the well-being of employees;
  • Understand that everything is connected and the effects are always systemic;
  • Work as a way to express your talent and exercise your vocation to lead a mission;
  • Create moments that value dialogue;
  • Establish purpose, define the big goal, realize the small goals, and apply the 6Es at each stage;
  • Seek to break the cycles of negativity and communicate the benefits of the new practice.

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