Book Daring Greatly - Brené Brown

Daring Greatly - Brené Brown

Learn here everything you need to know to achieve your goals, inspire people and conquer emotional intelligence in a simple, fast, easy and efficient way.

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Are you a demotivated, introspective and perfectionist person?

Some people see a great need to hide their emotions to try to be perfect in life. These things end up reflecting on the way we act and the results at work.

We must detach ourselves from these attitudes that imprison our feelings, because this only makes us live with a single feeling: the fear (of being imperfect).

Understand here how these characteristics can negatively influence your personal life and business, and learn once and for all what to do to get rid of these ills.

The book “Daring Greatly”

“Daring Greatly”, launched in 2012, is an excellent guide to travel in our inner world. Composed of 7 chapters, Brené Brown will lead you to understand the marathon of wealth and the handbook of victorious life.

The author teaches about emotions, positive thoughts, and the importance of using boldness in our choices. At the same time, she encourages us to take our vulnerability as the first step towards success.

Who is Brené Brown?

Casandra Brené Brown is a professor at the University of Houston and author of five bestsellers focused on management and leadership. She holds a master's degree in social work and a Ph.D. from the University of Houston.

Received the Outstanding Faculty Award from the Graduate School of Social Work. In 2009, she was named by Houston Woman Magazine one of the most influential women in Houston, the most populous city in the state of Texas.

For whom is the book “Daring Greatly” indicated?

The book “Daring Greatly” is suitable for people who hide in a protective shell not to show their flaws, or for leaders who believe that to be a good leader is to be rigid and inflexible.

Also, it is a good book for all people who need to understand how resilience-driven courage can be used against failure and defeat in personal life and the business world.

What can I learn from “Daring Greatly”?

  • Vulnerability is not a synonym of weakness;
  • Self-worth opens the door to perseverance;
  • Shame is a problem of acceptance;
  • Be motivated, take risks;
  • Transform yourself. Decrease the space that separates you from where you are to where you want to go;
  • A good leader must learn the law of honesty;
  • Carrying the sense of acceptance within yourself is the best way to get to your goal faster;
  • Understand the path of fullness.

Let's understand these points?

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[Book Summary] Daring Greatly - Brené Brown

What is the relation between scarcity and vulnerability?

According to the author Brené Brown, the feeling of scarcity has to do with the feeling of inadequacy, of not having something satisfactory or not being good enough.

Unfortunately, this is an issue that is rooted in our current society, either because we are always with the trigger of competitiveness or because we have narcissism as a cultural feature in our community.

To reach the level of scarcity and the constant sense of lack, it's necessary to combine three ingredients: shame + comparison + demotivation.

When it comes to narcissism, many people imagine that individual with a sense of grandeur. Indifferent to others, this individual has an exacerbated passion about himself and establishes an unattainable pattern of comparison.

But it must be understood that what lies behind this inflated sense of self-importance is the fear of humiliation, failure, or simply being ordinary.

Brené says that we must break through the imposed barriers of macro society or even the most intimate places we live with.

Whether in family, work, or college, unity in the fight against scarcity is necessary so that we can live in a healthier environment and not have to sacrifice our personal life and the success we desire.

How can we use courage to dispel the feeling of scarcity and have the boldness to assume vulnerability in our lives? Let’s check!

How do I change my concepts?

The book “Daring Greatly” states that to change our thinking, we need to change the pre-established concepts.

And what are some of these ideas?

“To be vulnerable is to be weak”

Understand that vulnerability is not synonymous with weakness. On the contrary, this is where courage is most prominent in your life.

The author points out that this thinking is due to the idea of vulnerability being linked to disappointment, sadness, fear or shame. And these opinions reflect on our personal and professional lives.

But what many don't analyze is that when we are willing to change our lives, we sometimes have to refrain from what once filled us.

And it's because of vulnerability that we get such a skill.

“Vulnerability is the same as exposure”

The author advises that vulnerability can be found in many areas. Whether it's personal, professional, decision-making or even sentimental choices.

For an exchange of feelings, for example, it's necessary that both disarm themselves, in order to connect more to each other.

Vulnerability is sharing ideas, opinions, emotions, and feelings. And this exchange, in a healthy and respectful manner, results in friendship, trust and greater involvement with each other.

“I don't need anybody”

This is a common and, at the same time, worrying phrase.

In the society in which selfishness serves as a cultural basis, this individualistic thinking is recurrent and dangerous.

Brené states that vulnerability is part of the course of our lives and that the path of existence was not made to be followed alone.

In her view we are reckless when we hide from our own problems. The constant attempts to solve things on our own become exhausting and ineffective.

Just imagine some situation you needed and sought for the help from someone. It was easier, wasn't it?

Understand that you, dear leader, will not be able to do it alone, and you do need your team to achieve the trajectory of success more easily, effectively and pleasantly.

How to fight against the shame that persists in appearing?

Brené Brown also points out that it is important to know that shame is contrary to success. It arrests and blocks us from showing who we are and from getting where we want.

We can identify some situations where, for example, we fail to share opinions and ideas for fear of criticism, judgment or rejection.

We are hiding our gift, talent, and much-needed vulnerability for fear of making a mistake or being belittled.

To change this, adopt the culture of creativity in your daily life and those around you. Share and brainstorm ideas so that your future is indeed bright.

Also, understand that the idea of an absolute leader is outdated and shouldn't exist in your organization if your focus is on business success and growth. The secret for all of this is self-worth.

Teach your team to be motivated, work together, and value their personal achievements so that, in fact, progress is fast, satisfying, and real.

In addition, another important step in learning to deal with shame is to use honesty in your words.

Recognizing self-worth while having the courage to say your weaknesses and uncertainties are fundamental methods for letting others know who you are.

How to learn the art of boldness?

The book “Daring Greatly” highlights important strategies to be able to assume vulnerability and live in peace with oneself. They are:

Value yourself

Valuing your ideas and achievements, understanding your limits and your importance in the world are fundamental steps to understand the need for vulnerability in our lives.

Life has its ups and downs

Believing in the existence of happiness has been difficult today. That is, in the age of individualism and wanting more and more, people are uncertain if, in fact, happiness is real.

For these people, living in “perpetual disappointment” is much easier than facing a sudden loss or disappointment. Get away from it.

Understanding that life is made up of steps is essential for a smoother trajectory.

Be grateful

Practicing gratitude is an anchor for turbulence. Seeing good things behind bad omens is wise. The secret is not feeling grateful, it's to be grateful.

Gratitude needs to take a special place in your life to open doors to victory, triumph, and constant joy.

What’s behind the lack of motivation?

We know that motivation arouses our enthusiasm to face challenges and be stronger for decision making.

But the question is: is the lack of motivation simply discouraged, or is there an additional reason for such behavior?

According to the author, demotivation can be understood as a shield to protect us from vulnerability, or everything else that needs our opinions or choices.

Another reason is the creation in our society of value gaps. Unreachable values, unreachable goals and inaccessible plans.

We need to focus on values that are important to us. Values that diminish our shame to express ourselves, to show who we are. Values that encourage our bond with others and everything that encourages our growth as a person and as a professional.

How does the pattern of scarcity influence the way we lead?

During the book, Brené quotes the concept of being a leader. According to her, a leader is a type of talent scout. That person who ceaselessly seeks creativity and gift in the other.

However, this is not what we experience in our contemporary society, in which the concept of leadership is linked to status, wealth and subordinates.

For the quality of excellence to be achieved, the leader needs to know the importance of rehumanization between education and work. Thus, making a kind of commitment to the members: the disturbing commitment.

But what is it about?

Disturbing compromise means choosing a different path.

A change of course and path towards a consolidated road of success and achievement. Such an attitude aims to recover factors such as creativity, innovation and learning once lost.

It takes dialogues that show the company's vulnerability as a method to resolve issues.

Communication in your workplace needs to be grounded in honesty, originality and self-acceptance.

Books about achieving personal and professional success

In “Life Changing Secrets” – compilation of the works of Napoleon Hill, Joseph Murphy and Dale Carnegie – there are several lessons about success, which is linked, according to the work, to a personal plan that must be executed using the powers of the human subconscious.

In the book “Traction”, Gino Wickman explores how successful entrepreneurs have an attractive and well-defined vision for their business. Besides, they know how to communicate this message to employees. From this, a guideline is created to be followed by everyone inside the organization, always used to develop solutions and guide strategic actions.

Finally, in the book “Winning”, Jack Welch discusses that we must always seek quality in our professional life. If you are not satisfied with your job, find a job that provides enthusiasm for your career. It's very important that you don't settle and leave your comfort zone.

How can I apply the ideas from “Daring Greatly”?

  • Have vulnerability as a model to follow. Be honest with yourself and others; Exposing your weaknesses and asking for help is no shame; it is wisdom;
  • To reach the path of fullness, we must live boldly. Adopt the ability to assume your imperfection and let people see who you really are;
  • Plant creativity and reap innovation. Believe in your potential;
  • The gift of authenticity is for winners. Get rid of the culture of comparison;
  • Be grateful and attract the meaning of permanent happiness;
  • Free yourself from the syndrome of perfectionism and understand that mistakes are essential to a successful life;
  • Bring down the myths of vulnerability and bring fullness to your personal and professional life;
  • Create links. Learn that the journey of vulnerability is not meant for us to walk alone. Meet people, strengthen friendships and share stories.

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Book Daring Greatly - Brené Brown