Everything I know about success I learned from Napoleon Hill - Don M. Green

Everything I know about success I learned from Napoleon Hill - Don M. Green

Learn here everything you must know to follow the true path of success towards wealth.

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You have probably wondered what is the secret to be rich, haven't you? It's not only you! Everyone had wondered about it one day. Don M. Green shows in the book "Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill" the guidelines for you to take the first step in path to success!

There are techniques that can guide you on this road, and more to say, these tools have all been extracted and proven by great influencers, in other words, they really work.

If you want to be succeeded, it is crucial to have a good plan and strategy for that, don't loose this opportunity and stay with us in this summary!

About the book "Everything I know about success I learned from Napoleon Hill"

"Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill", was published in 2013 and aims to show that anyone can achieve great things in life.

Don M. Green shares the teachings of great influencers such as Napoleon Hill and adds all of his experience in a practical way to teach you the true path to success.

About the author Don M. Green

Don M. Green is an executive director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation and has become one of the key players responsible for the dissemination of Napoleon Hill's content, becoming a major expert in his works and teachings.

As a background, he has a degree in business administration and accounting. In addition, Don has managed to scale his career in 20 years, starting from a low bank, until he became CEO.

To whom is this book indicated?

For you who are tired of setting goals and unable to meet or want to leverage your performance, whether personal or professional, this book is made for you.

All the learning offered here will show you the right path to success and financial independence.

Main ideas of the book "Everything I know about success I learned from Napoleon Hill"

  • Life's best rewards are not monetary in nature;
  • Success should bring contentment to personal life;
  • Opportunities only appear to those who have the power of action;
  • It is your responsibility to make your life a success or failure;
  • It is necessary to control the thoughts to control the conditions;
  • The origin of wealth comes from the mind;
  • Successful people use mentors and help others to reach their goals;
  • Positive thoughts and visualizations of your goals help you on your journey to success.

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[Book Summary] Everithing I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill - Don M. Green

Overview: Success

In this initial part, the author presents 5 essential steps you must take to become a successful person:

  1. Always having the desire to improve can be an end goal or purpose that is a burning passion within you;
  2. Believing is a way of trust that your goal will work. You can use affirmations in your mind and make notes that you can see every day;
  3. Your thoughts lead you to believe. Actions lead to practice, and practice makes perfection;
  4. Feedback has to be based on the outcome of the action, and when feedback is negative, it should be viewed as a lesson and you should understand that you need to be more empowered;
  5. Repetition is essential for the actions of the right results to become habits.

During this process, we need to have a lot of discipline, because it is what will ground our habits and, subsequently, those habits that tend to build us. In addition, it must be borne in mind that not all are flowers, there will be constant obstacles in this walk, and the best way to face them is to never give up.

Overview: Purpose and Belief

According to the author, when we develop a life purpose, we consequently develop self-discipline, enthusiasm, faith, and self-confidence.

In addition, he emphasizes the importance of:

  • Visualization: see the positive result and take actions to make this goal come true;
  • The Best choice: it brings us the best results.
  • Belief: having a powerful force in yourself that motivates you to do what has to be done to achieve good results.
  • Faith: the power to believe in what has not yet come to fruition.

"When you talk about success, you attract success."

Overview: Objectives

When you act toward a goal it is common for plans not to go as planned. But for Don M. Green, the important thing is that you act and take action because if you wait for the perfect moment, it will never come.

And in order to stay firm on this path, here are the tips given to set your goals:

  • A list of things you hope to accomplish;
  • Belonging to you, and you 100% responsible for them;
  • Write down the goals that will make you create a contract with yourself;
  • Have a date to perform, and eliminate "someday" from your vocabulary.

Also, don't be afraid to set big goals, after all, they cost no more than small goals. Finally, ask for help from others as they can assist you in what you are unaware of.

Also be aware that when you have well-defined goals, opportunities are best viewed.

Overview: Habits and Perseverance

Habits can be understood as a result of repetition, so we can make each habit easier according to how we act.

In addition, the author states that habits are formed by mental suggestions and persistence because persistence is an essential factor to not give up.

All the work to be done will be hard, as the road to success is not easy. Proof of this is that only 5% of people are successful, and an indispensable feature of these people is perseverance.

So you must have a well-defined purpose and do something that you really have a passion for and believe that you will achieve.

Overview: Learn from Others

Many people end up inspiring us to remain firm in our goals, thanks to their achievements.

And to reach the goal, you need to ask other people for help and help whenever you can, after all, it's not difficult to positively impact people.

Along the road of success, we will face many cases and situations in which we can and should use other people's experiences to achieve our own benefit.

Also, another point made by Don M. Green is about having a mentor alongside. They will be responsible for being a counselor who will assist you in your development, and remember that we become equal to those with whom we associate.

Overview: Views and Thoughts

According to Don, visualization can be understood as one of the most useful or most dangerous ingredients of this journey to success, so we have to select our visualizations well, visualizing what we really want.

It is quite simple to do, you just have to see with your inner eyes what can come true. Also, see the contributions that the author presents in this last step, they are:

  • Visualize the solution to the problem in your mind, then you can solve it;
  • Visualize yourself as a successful person;
  • Imagine your goals as if you have already achieved them, and things as yours.

"Our thoughts are causes, and conditions are effects."

What do other authors say about it?

Paulo Vieira, the author of the book, "Enrichment Factor", says the enrichment journey is made of peaks and valleys. So be prepared and willing not to stop midway. Remember that a commitment not to give up is what will make you a millionaire.

In "Life-Changing Secrets", there are several lessons about success, which is linked, according to the work, to a personal plan that must be executed using the powers of the human subconscious.

Finally, in "The 5 Second Rule", author Mel Robbins says that failure, from one point of view, is the path to success, and focusing on that, we put insecurity aside. This is very positive since the overwhelming majority of our decisions are based on feelings, not logic.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Well, now that you already know the path that successful people follow, it's easier for you to become one of them and achieve wealth.

Here are some good practices that we have seen in this summary, don't forget to apply them for better results:

  • Write a burning goal you want to achieve;
  • Locate who has the knowledge you need;
  • Control your thoughts and have a positive mindset;
  • Determine a deadline for achieving the goal.

Determine your success equation:

Success equation = (P + T) x A x A + F

  • P = Passion;
  • T = Talent;
  • F = Faith;
  • A = Action in the right direction.

The final tip is:

  1. Have your thoughts;
  2. Plan for achievement;
  3. Act;
  4. Persist until reach the desired results.

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Book 'Everything I know about success I learned from Napoleon Hill'