Some Brazilian mentors persist in saying that "copywriting" is a mental trigger. But mental triggers are just spices. Don't worry about creating a copy that activates the "mental triggers".
You should focus on creating a copy that circumvents and solves your clients' problems. Copywriting is advertising writing. But in digital marketing, it's more about marketing writing, since we're talking about content that's totally focused on converting sales of a product or service.
However, this book is not about copywriting, it is a business book that makes a theoretical and practical presentation of mental triggers. We are going to see tools used in marketing and how to improve sales.
"Gatilhos Mentais" (2019), "Mental Triggers" in free translation, written by Gustavo Ferreira, offers a proven strategy for building a solid business using all the resources of the human mind to your advantage, in an ethical, honest, and profitable way.
The book has 144 pages and 31 chapters that are divided into three parts: "Ethos - The Iron Crown of Mental Triggers"; "Pathos - I feel, therefore I exist"; "Logos - The voice of reason".
Gustavo Ferreira is a specialist in digital marketing strategies and a copywriter. In 2014 he founded CopyCon and, since then, has generated more than 5 million BRL in revenue for his clients. In addition, CopyCon provides consulting services to companies of several sizes and sectors.
In this summary of the book "Mental Triggers" you will discover tools and how to take advantage of those mental triggers.
Learn how those triggers can help you generate value to your business, with the objective to raise your sales and positively impact thousands of peoples lives.
To tell you more about what is ahead, here are the main ideas of the book, in short sentences:
Don't worry about trying to understand them for now, as I'll explain to you what each one means and how to apply the mental triggers in your sales strategies. Are you curious? Come with me!
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In the sales process, I can tell you that my product is the best because it has something that everyone else doesn't have. But only that wouldn't be enough to make you buy it.
The reason is that people buy from whom they know, like and trust. And one of the ways to get confidence is to have authority. So it is necessary to show people your arguments and put your Authority and Credibility to the test.
According to Gustavo Ferreira:
"You must present yourself before your client as a King. You have the Authority. You have power. You have what they need and they can count on you for protection and sustenance."
Let's see an example of hiring a window cleaning service:
The difference is clear, correct? Between a vague communication and a specific one. On the first example the message transmitted doesn't say anything, this is what most companies do.
When you describe a product or service in a way that people fully understand what you are talking about, their confidence increases a lot.
According to Ferreira:
"People trust you more because you eliminate doubts. You give them the psychological comfort to believe that what you say is true. With trust, authority comes naturally."
Let's say you have a sales communication. You have a good product, followed a sales letter structure that works, but even so, you are not selling... There are great chances of the reason being the lack of proof of results, that is, you have to prove that what you do or say is simply true.
This proof can be from third parties or yours, even. For example: a famous golfer made a video of a few seconds in which he said his name and said: "Watch this".
He was on a golf course and made a shot that put the ball in the hole. Then the camera comes back to him and he says: "If you want to know how I did it, leave your name and e-mail address down here, and we'll see you on the other side".
Clear and objective proof. Completely built authority.
According to Gustavo:
"Even if you don't know how to make your communication, just by proving that what you say is true, you will be able to sell it."
Now that you've built your credibility, we'll move on to the emotions. Because people get products/services that they justify with reason. We will see here how to stimulate key emotions that activate decisions.
For Gustavo Ferreira:
"If you explore the 'seven deadly sins', you will know which emotions to activate. Your client doesn't want a car. He wants pleasure, luxury... he wants to attract the attention of women and the envy of men. He wants to feel like he owns his own nose."
So, what emotion do you want to activate in your client? See, it is necessary to know this because, otherwise, your communication will not be effective.
One suggestion is to make use of two of them, for instance: Greed and Lust; Anger and Fear; Pride and Sloth.
There are some ways to stimulate sensations on your clients, and a very powerful is the imagination.
Observe the following example of the use of imagination: "Imagine that you are in a beach chair, sitting in front of the sea, with the soft sound of waves a few meters from you. Feel the soft breeze touching your face... And you are calm and peaceful, enjoying the landscape and the moment because you've already done what you needed to do".
Can you imagine this scene? Did you feel good? Then you experienced the power of the imagination.
Your client must feel it's real. Through the stimulation of the imagination, through communication, you create emotions and the client feels that "it" already belongs to him.
Gustavo Ferreira says:
"If you can create these images in your communication, including in your sales letters, you will create unique messages, which will leave deep marks on your customer."
From here you have already built your Credibility, you have already understood the Jewel of the Crown, and you have understood the power of emotions. The only thing left is to justify the purchase decision to your customer.
A simple but very effective idea is to limit the customer's options in order to facilitate their decision making. Imagine this:
"You go to a cheese store and there are 45 different types of cheese for you to see, smell and taste. In another, there are only 5 types of them".
The chance of you making a purchase in the establishment with the least number of options is greater. This happens because when there are many alternatives, we tend to think more to make the choice, making the decision to make the purchase difficult.
A tip from Gustavo Ferreira, to apply this idea to your business, is "show only one offer to your customer, so that he doesn't waste time comparing which product or plan offered is the best".
Let's analyze now a strategy used a lot in marketing. It is the following:
"This product could be sold for $ 3 thousand, but you will not pay this value and not even half of it. To have access to all this you will need to invest only $ 800.00."
The name of this technique is contrast, creating a price reference ($ 3 thousand) and diminishing the value (until $ 800.00) you are making the proposal more attractive.
Although this strategy works well, we found absurd contrasts in the market, ie, prices way out of reality. Gustavo Ferreira suggests that:
"Good reference would be a price of up to 3 times the actual price you will charge."
Remember, always work with the actual price of your products or services. Use this technique to make price cuts for specific promotions and campaigns. "Really make this discount worth up to a certain time".
About the importance of the Internet for marketing, Seth Godin, author of the book "This Is Marketing" explains that the Internet has changed the rules of the game. It is the most massive means of communication ever created, as it connects billions of people.
In "Influence: Science and Practice", Robert Cialdini presents us the "mental shortcuts" to persuade people. These shortcuts are the mental triggers in which we can use authority and scarcity as examples.
In "Pre-suasion", Robert Cialdini complements his studies on the art of influencing people, saying that you must capture and channel people's attention. And as we saw in this Pocket Book, winning over the public is very important for your sales success.
To achieve a good result in your sales, through the mental triggers, you must strive to apply the following directions of the book:
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