Gestão do Amanhã - Sandro Magaldi, José Salibi Neto

Gestão do Amanhã - Sandro Magaldi, José Salibi Neto

Learn here what you need to know about management, leadership and innovation, to lead an organization in the current context of changes around the world and to prosper in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

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Today, changes in the business environment are happening fast, so that most leaders are unable to observe this process of change. But don't be afraid! The authors Sandro Magaldi and José Salibi Neto will teach you how to manage a leadership for tomorrow in the book "Managing Tomorrow".

In this context, mixing new technologies with the usual management system, many questions and reflections arise about our future. How to lead a business with these serious changes?

All these questions were answered in this summary! So don't waste your time and start read now!

About the book "Gestão do Amanhã"

The book "Gestão do Amanhã", "Managing Tomorrow" in free translation, was published in 2018 by the authors Sandro Magaldi and José Salibi Neto. Their main goal is to teach the reader how to govern an organization in the face of future scenarios.

The content of the book is full of modern concepts and case studies, all thanks to his extensive experience in successful projects, coupled with extensive research. In addition, they studied and interacted with the world's leading business leaders and managers.

For the change to take place in a new context, only people are responsible. In this way, they intend to lead the reader to action rather than reflection.

About the authors Sandro Magaldi and José Salibi Neto

The author José Salibi Neto is a co-founder of HSM and has worked with influential personalities such as Michael Porter, Bill Clinton, and Peter Drucker. He also acts as a speaker in Brazil and helps companies and professionals leverage results.

Sandro Magaldi is the co-founder of my Success. com, and is considered an expert in strategic sales management concepts in Brazil. In addition, he works as a speaker and mentor some projects.

Both authors wrote the books: "What Business Schools Don't Teach You" and "The New Code of Culture".

To whom is this book indicated?

The book is suitable if you want to:

  • Raise the results of an organization;
  • Learn and anticipate the future;
  • Have an active and effective working life.

Plus, if you are looking forward to take advantage of tomorrow's huge opportunities for you to thrive and innovate, this book is for you!

Main ideas of the book "Gestão do Amanhã"

From the content offered in the book, we've put together the best strategies for you to develop skills in order to run an organization today and in the new economy.

We will soon point out that the main points of the book, summarized in a few sentences, are:

  • Our main competitor is technology;
  • If organizations continue on the same business model, failure is guaranteed;
  • Large companies are not yet known;
  • The human being has difficulty in perceiving and keeping pace with technological changes;
  • The current educational model does not prepare you for future challenges;
  • Your business needs to have two growth engines;
  • Absorb as much knowledge as you need and make available, be a "sponge".

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[Book Summary] Managing Tomorrow - Sandro Magaldi, José Salibi Neto

Overview: Historical Overview

To understand the future well, we need to understand the past. Thus, the authors Sandro Magaldi and José Salibi Neto initially presents a historical view on changes in society and companies, focusing on changes in the area of management.

They explain where it all began with the invention of the steam engine, which was considered as the first step toward disruption. The presentation goes to the current state of management, considered as the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Social movements such as disruptions, innovations, and inventions are capable of changing the way strategy is made, and the way companies are run. Understand this scenario is required so you don't get in the way.

"Today its main competitor is the technology movement."

In addition, the book "Managing Tomorrow" presents the timeline of the management world, highlighting the leading thinkers and products capable of generating revolution.

"Any company designed to succeed in the twentieth century is bound to fail in the twenty-first century."

These days, we are living in an era of technology's meeting with web communication, and we can say that we have gained valuable insights from this intersection. The main ones are:

  • The average life expectancy of a company is 15 years;
  • By 2020, ¾ of large companies will not be known yet;
  • Managers, leaders, and companies find it difficult to understand technological changes and current dynamics.

With this intersection, we can clearly observe the difficulty of the human being to understand and keep pace with technological changes, we can cite examples of large companies such as Kodak and Blockbuster, which were swallowed by this technological movement.

Said that, the new business scenario establishes profound changes, and do you know who does better in this situation? The one that fits best.

Overview: Management Model in the 4th Industrial Revolution

There is no point in changing the strategic model alone, it is also necessary to change knowledge. Until recently, seeking this knowledge was done by joining large business schools. But today they no longer have this necessary knowledge, and leaders have to seek it alone.

The authors already say that as time goes on, professionals are responsible for their own development.

In addition, they claim that in order to face the 4th Industrial Revolution, it is necessary to build a new business model that is different from the traditional one. To do so, they suggest that the scale gain be geared to:

  • Increase in the number of markets reached and their interactions;
  • Have a special focus on increasing demand;
  • Community building.

Thus, to be able to turn the key from the current model to the most modern model, Sandro Magaldi and José Salibi Neto recommend that innovations be made out of everyday life, where there are all the problems and that pressure for the result. To escape this scenario it is even possible to create an exclusive company for this.

Therefore, the suggested model is to use growth engines 1 and 2. Engine 1 is responsible for day to day and billing, making the company focus on its current operation. Engine 2 is what drives the company to focus on the future.

This is intended to align the continuous improvement of engine 1 with disruptive innovation of engine 2.

Overview: Leader Profile for the 4th Industrial Revolution

So how can we do this whole transformation? Are we able to do this?

According to the book "Managing Tomorrow", the answer is no: the education model is not prepared for this new era. The challenges are huge. To give you an idea, half of the content obtained in the first year of college becomes obsolete in the fourth year. In addition, over 45% of the tasks we perform today will be automated in the future.

The new philosophy to meet these challenges must be based on:

  • Focus on the autonomy of the individual;
  • Problem-solving methods;
  • Faculty allied with academics and industry experts;
  • Teach the student to learn how to unlearn;
  • Understand that the act of making mistakes is part of the process;
  • Stimulate knowledge about technologies.

If we develop schools based on this new model, we will have leaders prepared to be the main drivers of this revolution.

But until that happens, and in order to be able to develop, become yourself that leader, and be responsible for the change, the authors have listed the competencies needed to accomplish this transformation, they are:

Creator of the future

It is imperative that you as a leader direct your growth efforts, focusing on the two engines presented. But beware, you may be thinking about generating initiatives for engine 2 only, but remember that engine 1 is responsible for the current outcome.

Think Bold

Bold thinking is exponential thinking. Thus, you have to be responsible for constantly expanding knowledge.

Massive transformative purpose

This purpose must be unique, cannot be narrow or something specific, it must be destined for the heart and mind in order to inspire all. In addition, the vision of purpose has to be integrated into the organization as a whole.


Risk has to be understood as part of the evolution of your project. Consider that there is no company formed, they are all in the formation stage and exposed to this scenario.

Understand Moore's Law, Platforms, and New Technologies

Technology grows much faster than our ability to understand it. Sandro Magaldi and José Salibi Neto believe that all leaders will need programming knowledge.

"No one is creating anything new, they are reinventing the old business."

Those who don't master this knowledge will be extinguished, especially at the present time, when the period of obsolescence is decreasing.

Focus on the customer

The main rule is that the customer is always right and you must always empower them.

Electronic devices and technology bring them into line with the customer's vision, fulfilling their wishes and enabling new business.

Ability to ask big questions

Because today's world is unpredictable, we have unpredictable answers. So the big question that must be asked should be ambitious and able to arouse change.

The most famous question in the business world is: "What is your business?"


In the 4th Industrial Revolution, knowledge is required in many areas, and a leader must connect all points, and be a sponge to absorb all knowledge.

All of these skills and abilities, well-aligned with emotional balance, are capable of excellent results in this transformation.

What do other authors say about it?

In the recommended "Everybody Matters", the authors Bob Chapman and Raj Sisosia show how true leaders must continually study to develop and develop those around them so that they can also become excellent leaders who believe and value people.

In the book "Dream Big", Cristiane Correa complements the idea of personal strategic planning and stresses the importance of maintaining a continuous improvement process to achieve her goals. Her ideas were inspired by the visions of the richest entrepreneurs in Brazil.

In "Disrupt You!", Jay Samit says that innovative ideas have the power to transform the world and disrupt the system. For you to unleash a disruptive profile, you need to plan your goals and be susceptible to both internal and external changes.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

How to change the company culture?

The first change is the mindset change! This can bring new minds to businesses. Also, focus on:

  • Lean business, without extra expenses;
  • Not studying about business, but about technology and inventions;
  • Trends and no pending issues.

We can say that the entrepreneur of the future is the one who can predict what will happen, which is not an easy task. So, don't settle down, and don't be that person who makes everyone the same and agrees with everything.

Good luck with your transformation!

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Book 'Gestão do Amanhã'