Life's obstacles are in the most subtle things. Sometimes it is in the way we see ourselves, or even in the way we pass our message on to others. But the author Dale Carnegie in this book "How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job" will help you to overcome these obstacles through some behavioral strategies.
A more pleasant life comes from self-acceptance, from discovering your passion and the way you deal with other people. This work is a true guide for you to stop facing reality and start enjoying it.
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The book "How to enjoy your life and your work" is a Dale Carnegie bestseller originally released in 1970.
With over 45 million copies sold worldwide, this book talks about how to be closer to peace and happiness, doing what you love and adding people to your life and work purpose.
The work is a compilation of another 2 books by the author: "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living".
Dale Carnegie is one of the most renowned authors in history. With hundreds of millions of copies sold worldwide, it spreads motivational and productive messages that you can apply to your work and life.
He was born on November 24, 1888, his works are still references to the greatest contemporary entrepreneurs, leaders and thinkers. Besides have been a writer, Carnegie was a lecturer too, developing famous courses in self-improvement, public speaking and interpersonal skills.
The book "How to enjoy your life and your work" is suitable for individuals who want to live a fuller and happier life. The book makes possible for us to create a new approach to life, looking to it with another conception.
It is also fits for all company leaders who want to encourage and engage people to the purpose and values of their business. Showing the guidelines for a good communication and the importance of integrity and originality in our lives.
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In this section of the book "How to enjoy your life and your work", the author Dale Carnegie explains that life is, in large part, what we make of it. In this part, it shows that you must do what is necessary to achieve your goals.
Thus, it presents seven key points for you to be happy:
In life, we would face many obstacles and challenges that can put us away from our very essence. Being that social convention, having fear of showing who you are, causes neuroses and internal conflicts.
The idea is that you will never be at peace and happy if you avoid who you are.
"Let us not imitate others. Let us find ourselves and be ourselves."
Work on the problems you can solve now. Things must be resolved according to their degree of importance.
As soon as you face a problem, try to deal with it right away, but, of course, only if you have what it takes to solve it.
Organization and planning are essential, as well as knowing how to delegate and supervise functions.
Boredom, resentment, feeling useless, devalued and other bad feelings are things that put us in a state of nervous fatigue. Dale Carnegie recommends that you rest whenever you can.
Also work in a comfortable position. Poor ergonomics causes nervous fatigue (in addition to body aches). Reflect if you are not making things more difficult than they really are and, at the end of the day, reflect on how you feel.
Remember: if you are tired, it is not because of the mental work, but because of the way you did it.
Dale Carnegie says:
"One of the main causes of fatigue is boredom"
Are you dissatisfied with your work? Does work tire you? Understand that tiredness "is a product of our emotional attitude rather than physical effort."
When we do something that we like, or that interest us, we rarely get tired. Even if you can't get out of your job right now, look for a reason inside that will motivate you until you get another opportunity.
In this part of the book "How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job", the author quotes Schopenhauer:
"We rarely think about what we have, but always about what we lack."
And he provokes: would you accept $1, 000, 000 in exchange for your eyes? For your legs? For your children?
His intention here is to show that we must value the wealth we have:
"Count the blessings you received - not your annoyances."
Keep in mind that if you are a victim of free hate and criticism, it is a sign that you are doing something that draws attention. Bad people tend to pin people above them who are more successful.
"If we are tempted to worry about unfair criticism, remember that unfair criticism is often a compliment in disguise."
Know how to separate what is constructive criticism and unfair criticism - and you will be shielded. If happens to you to face the second option, remember that you are on top.
So, don't lower yourself to the level of these people; otherwise you will be acting like them.
At this point of the book, the author Dale Carnegie states the first fundamental step, which is that before you judge someone, try to understand them. This generates sympathy, tolerance and kindness.
Discover the qualities that the person has, know why he/she does what he/she does. And admire it for its strengths. It is not about flattering them, but about praising them for the right and honest reasons.
Add people to your cause. Walk with people who add you. Generate a "burning desire" for what you do, invite it to work together on your brilliant idea. And so you will have more support for the same purpose.
But don't do this out of mere interest and greed. You must be genuinely interested in the other person. Dale Carnegie says that:
"If you want people to like you, if you want to deepen true friendships, be for them, and they will be for you."
The author also reveals that for you to win someone over immediately, you must make them feel important. Its is very exciting and rewarding to whom is receiving it. But again, not for false reasons or mere flattery, you must do this sincerely.
If you want to make enemies, the easiest way is to disrespect their opinion, says Dale Carnegie. And trust: this is not how you will win people over.
Even if you don't agree, you must respect them!
Instead of attacking, approach in a friendly and kind way. That way, they will be much more susceptible to changing their minds.
Convincing and winning people depends essentially on how you speak. You must involve her, directing her under questions and statements that lead her to agree with you. Do not be in a hurry, as an old Chinese proverb already said, "slowly go far."
Drive the person's thinking towards yours so that they feel that it was they who came to that conclusion - and, in fact, it was; you just helped!
Don't be selfish with your ideas. If you want them to be disseminated, other people need to feel that they were part of their construction as well.
There are many approaches you can take to point out someone's mistake without making them feel offended. You must be careful when trying to correct someone, so that they don't understand it as a personal attack.
First, in the book "How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job", Dale Carnegie explains that you must attract attention indirectly. It should not be said that their job is horrible, that they are incapable or something similar. Lead them to the hit.
Be empathetic. Showing that making mistakes is normal and everyone makes mistakes.
To do this, first talk about your own mistakes. If you cannot recognize your own faults before criticizing someone, then you are unlikely to be a good leader.
Carnegie says that nobody likes to receive direct order. Again, you must guide it to success. Ask questions that clearly point you in the right direction. Make them discover their own mistake. And so you will allow them to learn from herself.
In "Start with Why", Simon Sinek will help you find your purpose for building your prosperity, learning to bring people together who also believe in it and keeping it alive within the organization.
In Rhonda Byrne's book "The Secret", is taught to us that thought is a magnet: you attract what you emit. You can attract the best in the world to your life. For that, your feelings must serve as an injection of encouragement for your well-being. Love, the author says, is the greatest of these feelings.
In the book "The 5 Second Rule", Mel Robbins advises: always be honest and frank with people and with yourself. Do not wait for the right moment to say what you feel. There may not be a tomorrow.
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