How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie

Learn here how to get rid, once and for all, of the worries that insist on showing up and disturb your life.

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Are you constantly sad, dejected, tired and without energy? Is your main company your concern?

If you are discouraged, discredited, and emotionally shaken, you need to stop what you are doing now and keep reading this summary of the book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”.

Learn here, with Dale Carnegie’s teachings, how to reschedule your life and prevent fatigue and stress from making your work (and life!) routine impossible.

Come with us and let go of the negative energy now!

About the Book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”

The book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” was written by Dale Carnegie and released in 2012.

The work is made up of 408 pages, divided into eight fascinating parts in which they will teach you how to shield your mind, get around concerns and strengthen yourself in the face of everyday problems.

Who was Dale Carnegie?

Dale Carnegie was a writer known for producing works related to the business world, teaching about motivation and leadership. Other best-sellers books from Carnegie are:  “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, “Stand and Deliver” and “How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job”.

He graduated from Warrensburg State College in Missouri and was identified as a pioneer in the US to write about business. He served the US Army and during that time also worked as a business manager.

His legacy remains alive. “Dale Carnegie” is a multinational organization that stands out for providing business training and services worldwide.

Who should read “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”?

This book is indicated for all those who yearn to develop self-confidence, mind-strengthening and emotional maturity.

It's intended for people who want to know how to overcome worries, how to cope with anxiety at work and in everyday life.

Main Ideas of the book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living”

In the course of the book, the author highlights through explanations and examples some points for controlling the mind, organizing life and not letting worry take over:

  • The concern is directly linked to professional failure and health problems;
  • The present is the teacher of the future;
  • Your ideas worth much more than they are offering you;
  • Cultivating a mental attitude is critical to getting rid of anxiety and leading a healthy life.
  • A melancholy mind thinks only in itself and its frustrations.

In this summary, we will define the most important aspects responsible for preventing professional and personal growth.

In addition, we will teach you how to eliminate these problems through emotional control, mastery of these principles, and overcoming concerns.

Are you ready? So let's get down to business!

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[Book Summary] How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie

What are the consequences of a worried mind?

Worry is an anticipated fear. It's that idea we have about something, but thinking only about the negative side of that situation. That is the anticipated distress of the situation.

Dale Carnegie highlights how dangerous it is to maintain a worry-filled life. Worry is directly linked to professional failure. Can you believe it?

Well, just imagine a situation you were concerned about and answer to yourself:

  • How was your routine that day?;
  • How was your diet?
  • Your relationship with people? And with yourself?

There are a lot of evils caused by this feeling. It acts directly on the proper functioning of the stomach. Consequently, this affects the release of gastric secretions that can lead to ulcers and even cancer.

Can you understand the seriousness of the situation?

How is the relationship of concern with mental health?

The author says that worry breeds introspectivity. The concerned person tends to be quieter, trapped inside his own conscience and emotions.

Sensations and feelings of failure, worthlessness, weakness, and helplessness generate anxiety and despair.

Dale points out that worry is the trigger for madness and that most nervous disorders have no physical cause. Briefly, worry is the main cause of the emergence of mental problems today.

How to expel worry from your life?

The book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” tells that the main secret is to keep the mind busy.

Being engaged in some activity helps us to get away of anxiety. But this all has an explanation.

The human brain is unable to focus on more than one thing at a time. Let's imagine: you can't think of the beauties of a paradise beach while you work, can you?

This way, the solution we can apply, according to the author, is to remove idleness. The moment of rest is the most dangerous when it comes to worrying. It should be the other way around, but it isn't.

Dale Carnegie states that when we are in a moment of inactivity or leisure, our mind is free and begins to walk through the field of emotions. That lies the danger.

This is the time to act and keep our minds busy, as it's impossible to remain enthusiastic and at the same time be carried away by the wave of worry.

The author explains that it's important that we practice a pleasant activity, having seen that when we are concerned, the possibility of inattention is much greater.

Cultivating a mental attitude and keeping an active mind are fundamental principles for getting rid of anxiety and having a healthier life.

What melancholy can do with you and what can you do to get rid of it?

A melancholy person lives a sad, depressing and selfish life. A melancholy mind thinks only in itself and its frustrations, being attached to a particular world and not opened to the others or to external situations in the world.

Throughout the book, Dale Carnegie explains that melancholy can also be characterized as hatred for someone.

The melancholy always blames someone for their miseries. Lack of humor, love, job, health, energy always has someone to be guilty. The truth is also that melancholy causes a social detachment and, above all, a collective disinterest.

The person doesn't care if there's someone sick, sad or hungry. This human keeps absent from empathy and understanding, as well as, lack of affinity, identification, and attunement to someone.

What to do?

The book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” explains that the main weapon against melancholy is a good deed.

From the moment we volunteer to help someone and cooperate with the welfare of others, we feel useful and at the same time, we broaden our view. In this way, we begin to see beyond ourselves.

This new vision caused by good deeds is transformative, contagious, and totally revolutionary.

Detachment from ourselves causes liberation. Release from fear, anxiety, worry, and melancholy.

A good deed makes all the difference. Putting a smile on someone's face isn't only pleasurable but also synonymous of satisfaction, joy, and vitality for both parties.

Tiredness? We have the solution!

Did you know that tiredness and fatigue happen because of our mental and emotional activity? The source of these problems is not our physical.

The feeling of worthlessness, tension, overload, anxiety and worry are the causes of tiredness in a human being's life. Worse, they dramatically reduce efficiency in the workplace.

People who are very tense are much more vulnerable to being affected by a physical illness. This is because immunity is totally impaired in the face of these factors.

The author points out that during our life we have learned that mental work, to be considered arduous, requires a feeling of overexertion. However, this thinking is totally wrong. Let's stop to analyze?

Generally, when we are undergoing a task that requires greater mental attention, we modify the natural state of the body. Do you know how?

  • We frown our foreheads;
  • We contract our eyes;
  • We lift our shoulders.

We exerted a totally unnecessary physical effort for the activity in which we were submitted.

Want to know the secret to all of this? Modify your habits through resting. In what way?

  • Relaxing the body;
  • Working whenever possible in a comfortable position;
  • Understanding that for a job to be productive it needs to have the least amount of stress being imposed on it.

Working is necessary, but learning how to do it is essential.

How to get rid of the inferiority complex?

What is the inferiority complex? As the name implies, it is a feeling of disadvantage and subordination about yourself. It's always feeling smaller, less seen, less beautiful, intelligent and capable.

The person who suffers from this feeling is often judged by others, but especially, from self-judgment. The person isn't confident and doesn't feel capable to perform some activities.

According to Dale Carnegie, the lack of confidence, courage, and hope are the gateway to the inferiority complex.

Throughout the book, he teaches that being close to reliable people who are encouraging sources is critical to strengthening our emotional area.

But not only that: self-overcoming is essential. Overcoming fears, shyness, overcoming barriers makes all the difference.

Other books to reduce worry and increase self-confidence

In “Unlimited Power”, Tony Robbins explains that usually, a successful person walks in a higher, more imposing manner, demonstrating self-esteem. One of the ways to succeed, therefore, would be to replicate this behavior by reproducing trust in our actions.

The author of “Psychology of Selling”, Brian Tracy, says successful people enhance their inner dialogue with upbeat and confident phrases. Reaffirming your ability to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles reduces worry

Finally, author Daniel Goleman in the book “Emotional Intelligence”, clarifies that IQ only contributes 20% to your success in life. The rest is the result of emotional intelligence, which includes factors such as the ability to self-motivate, persistence, impulse control, mood regulation, empathy and hope. Therefore, reducing worry is as important as determination.

How can I apply Dale Carnegie’s teachings to my life?

  • Express your opinions and feelings: introspectivity goes side by side with worry;
  • Keep your mind busy with productive activities;
  • No more excuses! Let go of the need of justifying your failure and look for improvement through better results. Your success depends on you;
  • Rest. Taking time to relax your body and mind is critical to getting your activities refreshed;
  • Encourage supportive people who support your work.

Overcoming anxiety is hard work that doesn't happen overnight. But know that you are never alone in life; you have your friends, your relatives, people who like you for who you are.

So get off the ground, shake off the dust and embrace the wonderfulness that you are!

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Book 'How to Stop Worrying and Start Living' Dale Carnegie