Liderança com Base nas Soft Skills - Cyndia Bressan, et al

Liderança com Base nas Soft Skills - Cyndia Bressan, et al

How to differentiate yourself in such a competitive world? Find out more about Soft Skills and how they can transform your life and career!

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Have you ever had a horrible boss you hated? Or an inspiring and motivating leader that you loved? Know that the cause of love or hate can be the same: Soft Skills (or their absence).

It is common to hear that people are hired for their hard skills and fired for their lack of soft skills.

And when you become the leader? Will you choose to be the efficient and charismatic version or the one that plays the "I'm the boss here" card?

Learn in this summary more about behavioral skills and become the leader you've always dreamed of having and being.

About the book "Soft Skills based Leadership"

The book aims to enable leaders and future leaders to use behavioral skills to develop and optimize their team.

The work is divided into 19 chapters written by one or more coauthors. Specialists in their fields, they contributed with theories and some cases about what they are, how to apply and the results obtained with each competency.

Want to learn more about being a leader and not just a boss? The author will guide you through the 206 pages of knowledge in Soft Skills.

About the authors Cyndia Bressan, Mariluce Lemos Guetten Ribeiro and Andréia Roma

The work is composed by several coauthors, coordinated by Cyndia Bressan, Mariluce Lemos Guetten Ribeiro and Andréia Roma.

Cyndia holds a master's degree in Organizational Psychology and an MBA in Leadership and Organizational Management. She has applied her skills for 18 years in large companies in the area of People Management, Endomarketing, Coaching, among others.

Mariluce has a master's degree in business administration. She is a teacher, a lecturer and a master coach. She is also a member of the Latin American Coaching Society (SLAC).

Andréia Roma, the creator of the project, is the CEO and Project Director of Publisher Leader. In addition, Andréia is a marketing professional, writer, coach and behavioral therapist.

To whom is this book indicated?

The book is indicated to leaders and managers who are willing to improve their behavioral skills and stand out. After all, who doesn't want to evolve and have greater mastery of their skills?

Main ideas of the book "Soft Skills based Leadership"

  • A leader must know how to analyze scenarios, practice active listening, know his employees and understand their needs;
  • To grow, you must have a sense of ownership and study hard. The willingness to learn is essential;
  • Knowing how to communicate goes far beyond giving clear messages. It is to understand how the caller will interpret the message, to know the best means of communication to use;
  • Empathy, positivity, and critical analysis help a lot in development, and not to stand in the way, be resilient and result-oriented and service oriented.

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[Book Summary] Soft Skill Based Leadership - Cyndia Bressan, Mariluce Lemos Guetten Ribeiro, Andréia Roma, et al

Overview: Making Decisions

Making decisions is about routine, but it can be very complicated and stressful. That's why the book "Soft Skills based Leadership" presents an 8-part roadmap for decision making management:

  1. Decision Framing: clearly define which challenge to overcome. Preferably use a viewing frame;
  2. Vision: use the vision defined by your organization and visualize which direction you want to go;
  3. Mission: what is the mission of the company? Act accordingly;
  4. Culture code: use the company's "way of doing", its characteristics and values;
  5. Information and Reasons: Observe the facts and build a solid base of information, but don't let go of your intuition. Use critical judgment and creative solutions;
  6. Decision taken: make a decision between the solutions presented;
  7. Consistency of the decision: value the decisions. Give a score between 1 (poorly coherent) and 5 (very consistent) for this decision;
  8. Action Road Map: Now is the time to create the action plan and get your hands dirty. Good luck!

Overview: Empathic Leadership and Critical Thinking

According to the authors, empathy is a very valuable soft skill for the market as it allows the client's needs, both internal and external, to be understood.

Remember that empathy is different from sympathy. Empathy is putting yourself in someone else's place and sympathy is just being nice to others.

To become a leadership ICON, adopt the following scheme:

  • "Really care about people";
  • "Confront with love";
  • "Be proud of your team";
  • "Don't be afraid to say no";
  • "Encourage."

Thus, to understand people, we use empathic leadership, meanwhile, to understand scenarios, we use critical thinking.

Overview: Creativity and Innovation

In a world full of new technologies, innovation has become essential. It can be applied to both products and processes. According to the Oslo Manual, innovation can be radical, disruptive or incremental.

Radical innovation is what completely changes the status quo. Disruptive innovation, on the other hand, is a product that establishes a new market niche and destabilizes competitors.

Finally, there is incremental innovation that increases, significantly improves on something that already exists.

To innovate, it is necessary to explore the human potential of creativity through imagination and boldness. The creative process is divided into 5 stages, the first of which is awareness,, that is, knowing the problem.

Then we have the preparation, the incubation - in which thoughts are organized in the mind - the insight and finally the verification and implementation of the idea.

Overview: Strategic management of people and diversity

These two skills blend together and involve the ability to understand and manage each team member's individual ability. This requires understanding people management techniques and systems, motivating them, empowering them and being open to change.

In addition, knowledge of labor law, positive psychology, ability to resolve conflicts and promote group integration are essential.

Also, give opportunity to people with disabilities. Try to build a diverse team with different characteristics and skills to stimulate innovation and creativity.

Eliminate prejudice and list positive team outcomes. Build a trusting environment in which team members are encouraged to collaborate.

Overview: Emotional intelligence and positive communication

Emotional intelligence determines our response to the experience we are living. This response can be impulsive or controlled. To develop this skill, we need self-knowledge.

As we live a certain experience, a trigger is activated and will generate an impulse (emotional reaction) and this in turn will generate a behavioral response. At this time, we must become aware of the emotion and choose which response we want. Thus, we modify the final behavior.

We can encourage an entire group to have more positive reactions through emotional contagion. For this, we use body language and tone of voice.

Deliver clear and detailed messages. Understand that communication is a process subject to failure, noise, and because of this, try to minimize it.

And remember: use reason and emotion intelligently in conflict resolution.

Overview: Adaptability and time management

We all have twenty-four hours a day and what we do with those hours defines our quality of life. So learn to prioritize your tasks and say "no" to the unimportant ones.

Important and urgent tasks yield positive results. The difference between them is precisely in the time available for the task to be performed. For important tasks, there is sufficient time for execution and the opposite for urgent tasks.

But be careful! There are also circumstantial tasks, that is, they "appear out of nowhere" and are useless, as so, they do not generate results.

Have action plans to deal with adverse situations and unwanted interruptions.

For this you must learn to adapt. This involves having positive reactions to adverse situations. Do not waste time insisting on the mistake. Adapt, be flexible and don't try to control everything.

Overview: Conflict Resolution

First, it must be said that conflicts happen naturally and are actually necessary but require a good mediator to resolve them.

The mediator should then read the scenario well and act very prudently to obtain a positive outcome.

To resolve any conflict, there are the keys of competence, which are:

  • Knowledge: study techniques, mediation processes, cognitive and developmental psychology, group theory, mental models, and organizational diagnosis;
  • Skills: improve your communication, negotiation, assertiveness, collaboration, active listening and emotional intelligence. Also learn to reformulate phrases and make analyzes in a logical and objective manner;
  • Attitudes: be empathetic, flexible, resilient, sensitive and practical;
  • Values: maintain impartiality, fairness, equity and ethical conduct;
  • Surrounding: this is the reading of the scenario. Know well the company and the parties involved;
  • Situations/Evidence: have a mediating posture. Be flexible and know how to position yourself.

Overview: Orientation to results and to service

When identifying a demand, we must plan its way of supply and execution.

We, then, set a goal and use the systemic vision, teamwork and commitment to achieve them. But often individual interest does not correspond to collective interest. It is up to the leader to find common ground for everyone to pursue the same result.

Use the guidance to serve you. Look for meeting people's real needs so that their problems are solved and they get some benefits.

Try to see beyond the obvious and learn to listen. So with humility, optimism and education, offer support and solutions for the customer to achieve their dreams.

Overview: Owner attitude and self-leadership

The feeling of ownership is nothing more than the mindset responsible for establishing the need to be a protagonist. It is the pursuit of a positive outcome because of the desire to grow, not the fear of possible punishment.

Your attitudes will change only when your mindset changes. Seek to be truly interested in the company and its function. Realize improvement points, study and strive to improve them. Use criticism as a starting point.

And how to arouse self-leadership?

Use Thought Resolution Strategies (ERP) and Behavior-Focused Strategies (EFC). These strategies avoid triggering destructive actions and thoughts, by focusing on positive thoughts.

ERP consists of:

  • Self-analysis: identify, confront, compare and modify limiting beliefs by positive beliefs;
  • Internal dialogue: observe what you say to yourself and seek to use positive and motivating speeches;
  • Mental visualization: consists in imagining yourself performing the desired activity the best way as possible.

Already the EFC requires:

  • Self-observation to identify undesirable behaviors;
  • Self-definition of specific and challenging goals and objectives;
  • Self-reward with something simple, tangible or not, to reenergize and motivate yourself;
  • Self-correcting feedback to counter ineffective behaviors; but be careful to don't be too rigid with yourself;
  • Self-sustaining to train the desired behaviors and use triggers of your choice to trigger them.

Always stimulate and reward yourself for the positive behaviors and changes you achieve!

Overview: Ability to learn

Learning has the stages of:

  • Unconscious incompetence;
  • Conscious incompetence;
  • Conscious competence;
  • Unconscious competence.

They refer to whether or not they have the ability and apply it to "autopilot" or not.

Learning becomes easier when you identify your learning style. This can be visual, auditory and/or kinesthetic (based on sensation, touch or movement).

Remember that adults learn best by association, so, use it in your favor. In addition, use all the technological resources at your disposal to leverage and accelerate this process.

Overview: Positive attitude and resilience

For a leader to maintain a positive attitude, three things are necessary. They are:

  1. Welcome the choices (yours and your employees);
  2. Have and maintain focus;
  3. Engage and motivate others.

Positive attitudes combined with resilience are powerful skills for dealing with adversity.

Having a systemic vision, knowing the organization's strategy, understanding the environment and knowing the company's mission, vision and values help to have resilience.

To develop resilience, resignify your beliefs and invest in lasting primary solutions.

What do other authors say about it?

Brené Brown, in "Dare to Lead", says that a leader must take responsibility for recognizing the potential of people and their ideas and encouraging them to develop that potential. He knows that the true power is the one shared with all.

In "Leadership Gold", John C. Maxwell argues that we need to develop self-awareness to become true leaders. It will illuminate the habits and behaviors that lead us to overcome obstacles.

According to author Angela Miguel, in the book "Learn Leadership with La Casa de Papel", the purpose is the strongest characteristic that determines the leaders and it is from where there are the explanations for decisions and destiny.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

The best way to develop soft skills is through practice. In order to do that you can:

  • Study hard. Always seek to learn more about improving your skills;
  • Listen to people and learn to communicate well. Look for understanding what is really happening and find assertive solutions;
  • Positivity always. The joy is contagious and motivating, it generates better results;
  • Self-knowledge is the key to everything. Observe and try to know yourself well. From there, with emotional intelligence and resilience, you will become who you have always dreamed of being!

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