Book Manual Completo de Empreendedorismo, Summary in PDF

Manual Completo de Empreendedorismo - Alexandre Sita, Elissandro Sabóia

Discover in this summary everything you need to know to be a successful entrepreneur in an increasingly competitive market.

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Having a successful company is not easy, especially starting in a competitive and constantly changing market. To help entrepreneurs, the book "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship" was written by 53 specialists in the area, who shared their vision, lessons, and experiences.

Entrepreneurship is a challenge and, like any other challenge, we need to understand how to overcome it.

So, if you want to succeed with your business, you have come to the right place!

About the book "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship"

Published in 2018, the book "Manual Completo do Empreendedorismo", "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship" in free English translation, provides you with all the information about the entrepreneurial world.

Through the experience of experts in the field, the book offers 53 stories on how to develop your entrepreneurial potential and guide your business towards success.

As the book is a compilation of the teachings of several people in the area, it is possible to find convergent and divergent opinions. This way, you can have an even wider range of information at our disposal.

About the authors Alexandre Sita, Elissandro Sabóia

While the editorial coordination of the book is on behalf of Alexandre Sita and Elissandro Sabóia, the authors of the texts that compose this book are stars in various areas of management and business.

The 53 experiences presented in the book "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship" were written by masters of coaching, marketing and sales, strategy, people management, successful entrepreneurs, among others.

To whom is this book indicated?

"The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship" is suitable for those who want to be entrepreneurs or already are.

With the tips presented here, you will have a much broader understanding of how the business world works and how to get the best results, from idea design to product sales.

Main ideas of the book "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship"

  • Discovering your purpose is a crucial point to succeed in your venture;
  • Entrepreneurship in Industry 4.0 requires the development of new skills;
  • Brilliant ideas generate successful businesses. Important factors: knowledge, skills, attitudes, validation, and engagement;
  • Identify your personality as an entrepreneur: transformer, rocket ship, star or diamond;
  • Entrepreneurship presents several other challenges that we need to be aware of.

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[Book Summary] The Complete Guide for Undertaking - Alexandre Sita, Elissandro Sabóia

Overview: Why be an entrepreneur?

It is not difficult to find examples of known people who, in a time of need or opportunity, decided to open their own business. But many of these people who join this new journey end up not moving forward and closing their business.

To prevent this from happening, the book "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship" presents the importance of purpose and how it can contribute to the success of your company.

There are 3 questions that need to be answered in the initial phase of the venture:

  • "Why do I want to open a business, launch a product or a service?";
  • "Why would this be the best choice to make?";
  • "Why not establish a partnership with someone?".

By observing these questions, one can perceive a common term: the "why". And it is this term that will guide the development of the idea.

Is your idea related to what you love? Does this idea inspire you?

The goal of entrepreneurship should not be just financial gain. While generating revenue is very important, doing what you love will motivate and inspire you, help you extract the best from your business, guide you toward success, work with pleasure and harmony, and still have some free time to spend with your family and rest.

With this venture, do you believe you will have moments of happiness or moments of worry, anguish, and anxiety?

No one likes to work with worry, anguish, and anxiety. If you are working like this, you need to do something to change.

As presented by Alexandre Sita and Elissandro Sabóia, happiness should not start only on Friday at 6: 00 pm, it needs to be present in the day to day of your company.

For your new business, do you have the gift and technical skills to perform or will you need help from others?

Know all the skills and knowledge you have. Many businesses are based on guessing. For example, many people think they know how to make pizza, but when it comes to putting it into practice, it's not as they imagined, creating problems for the business.

Does your idea matter only to you or will it spark the world's interest?

You need to be aligned with your purpose, but that alone is not enough.

According to the book "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship", it is essential that the public develop an interest in it; so consider whether your idea is innovative, whether it will be valued, and whether it will solve someone's problem, as successful ideas need to solve problems.

Is this the right time?

You should make a personal reflection about whether or not the time is right for your life, understand how the management of this new company will affect you and the people around you.

Also, analyze your financial condition and whether you will have the necessary investment to get your idea started.

Overview: Brilliant ideas

Successful ventures require ideas that will spark the interest of consumers.

Thus, the organizers of the book "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship", Alexandre Sita and Elissandro Sabóia, show 5 key points of support that are the basis for developing brilliant ideas, optimizing the whole process of conception and validation of ideas.

1st point: Knowledge

Good ideas must conquer people. For this, it is essential that you know your audience and their preferences, motivations, needs, and pains. Collecting and analyzing information will allow you to have more knowledge about consumers and how to best impact them.

Be curious, search, ask. Curiosity is one of the best fuels to acquire new knowledge.

2nd point: Skills

We all have skills that can be improved and that will assist in strengthening us as entrepreneurs.

Work on your weaknesses, but develop your strengths to the maximum, showing that you have a well-developed skill, using it in the process of improving your idea.

3rd point: Attitudes

With the knowledge acquired and the skills developed, it is necessary to apply all this with the right attitude.

Assume an innovative attitude that will create a connection with the public and differentiate you from your competitors.

4th point: Validations

The market and public preferences change very fast. Therefore, validation is extremely important.

You must validate your idea in 2 moments: pre and post-launch. In pre-launch this is done by Minimum Viable Product (MVP), where you will analyze if your product is satisfying the public and if the proposed solution is being effective. This way, it will be possible to know what needs to be improved quickly and easily.

In the post-launch, a system of feedback must be established to carry out a constant follow-up on the product.

5th point: Engagement

Finally, you need to engage the customer with your brand. Engagement means that the customer sees value in the product and the company.

An engaged consumer will not only be loyal to your company, but will be a brand promoter, attracting new customers.

Overview: Entrepreneur Personalities

The challenges of entrepreneurship are greater than we can imagine. There will always be unforeseen problems and how you will handle all the challenges is very important for you to overcome them.

Knowing your personality is very important to know where you can improve and increase your chances of success.

That's why the authors of the book "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship" show 4 entrepreneur profiles. Analyze and understand which one suits you best.

Diamond Entrepreneurs

Examples: Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg

Diamonds entrepreneurs are those capable of revolutionizing the market, impacting people all over the world. They are visionaries, determined, and confident, but always have a clear execution plan in their heads.

If you have identified yourself as a diamond entrepreneur, see the following tips:

  • Learn to listen to other people's opinions and don't be stubborn;
  • Share success with the people around you;
  • Don't disregard your customers because, as determined as a diamond entrepreneur may be, the opinion of the customer is very important to develop your idea and your company.

Star Entrepreneurs

Examples: Oprah Winfrey, Giorgio Armani, Donald Trump.

Star entrepreneurs are those who built famous brands from their bright ideas. These people have a great personality, launch trends, and inspire audiences.

For people who identify with this profile, the book "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship" presents the following recommendations:

  • "Follow the recipe": just like in a recipe, a successful business needs all the gears running to be successful, from customer service to financial control;
  • Form a team with complementary skills;
  • Develop your analytical skills, because in the entrepreneurial world it is not enough just to be creative and intuitive, you need a balance.

Transformers Entrepreneurs

Examples: Ray Kroc, Howard Schultz.

Like the examples cited above, who are founders of McDonald's and Starbucks respectively, transforming entrepreneurs operate in traditional markets.

The main purpose of this personality is to change the world, to transform what is ancient, and to promote revolutions. Always focused on "doing differently", transformers are dreamers, perfectionists, and idea-oriented, but they can also be arrogant, ironic, and anxious.

If you have these characteristics as an entrepreneur, check these tips:

  • When innovating, make sure your business model is consistent;
  • Your strategy needs to be effective in the long run;
  • Promote real changes, which will generate real impacts;
  • Analyze and be prepared for the challenges.

Rocket Ship Entrepreneurs

Examples: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Michael Dell

If you want to be a rocket ship entrepreneur, you need to be analytical and focused. Whoever fits this profile tends to be good at assessing and solving problems and has continuous improvement as a guide in their performance, making projects cheaper, more agile, and better.

Are you a rocket ship entrepreneur? So pay attention to these tips:

  • Do not limit yourself to numerical results because in the entrepreneurial world sometimes you will need to make decisions where numbers cannot help;
  • Be more curious, look for new models of acting;
  • Get close to people because they are important to your development.

Overview: Entrepreneurship in Industry 4.0

New technologies are emerging exponentially. What is new today may be obsolete tomorrow. And innovations like bitcoin, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) will change the way of being an entrepreneur.

Therefore, the authors of the book "The Complete Handbook of Entrepreneurship" bring Entrepreneurship 4.0.

Check the ingredients that make the entrepreneur of the digital age:

  • Purpose: it consists of finding out why your business is your big goal. It is the purpose that makes great changes;
  • Creativity and Innovation: Industry 4.0 is synonymous with creativity and innovation. Now the entrepreneur has a new generation of technologies to create different products;
  • Continuous Learning: invest in new knowledge, leave your mindset open to learn and relearn, establishing a continuous flow of development;
  • Focus and Action: pay attention. Nowadays, we have much more information at a much higher speed of diffusion. Therefore, focus on your goal and take action, because without focus there can be problems of prioritization, attention, and execution;
  • Emotional Intelligence: manage your emotions, avoiding feelings like fear and frustration, and cultivating positive emotions, like empathy. Entrepreneurs who don't control their emotions can cause revolutionary ideas to fail, even before they succeed;
  • Leading: large enterprises only move forward with the conduct of an entrepreneur, a leader who is visionary and pragmatic, focused on results;
  • Network: connect with people. This is essential for the growth of your company. People can teach you new things, publicize your brand and your product, and boost your company's ability to succeed;
  • Values: create values for your business, which will build an identity. Align your personal values with those of the employees and establish the principles that will guide the behavior of the company.

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "The Lean Startup", the author Eric Ries says that the true productivity of a startup is measured by the systematic search for the right things to do. Every product, feature, and advertising campaign is understood as an experiment to achieve validated learning.

Cristiane Correa complements, in the book "Dream Big", the idea of personal strategic planning and stresses the importance of maintaining a process of continuous improvement to achieve your goals. Her ideas were inspired by the visions of Brazil's wealthiest entrepreneurs.

The author of "Traction", Gino Wickman, explores how successful entrepreneurs have an attractive and well-defined vision for their business. Also, they know how to communicate this message to employees. From this, a guideline is created to be followed by everyone within the organization, always used to develop solutions and strategic actions.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

To apply all of these concepts in practice, we can follow the checklist below:

  • Identify your purpose;
  • Understand your entrepreneurial profile, your strengths, and weaknesses;
  • Follow the step by step to structure your ideas;
  • See the new opportunities that appear in the market;
  • And most importantly: don't be afraid!

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