Mapeamento Comportamental - Rafael Zandoná, et al

Mapeamento Comportamental - Rafael Zandoná, et al

Learn how to improve your personal and professional performance through behavioral profiling methods applied by managers around the world.

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See how mapping your profile can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses in order to improve productivity at work, as well as relationships, in this summary of the book "Behavior Mapping".

Currently, the labor market values the employee as an individual with particular characteristics and, in return, demands not only technical skills but also a posture aligned with the company's values.

That's why developing your emotional intelligence is essential nowadays and can help you see how your emotions influence your behavior.

With the vision of different professionals, all organized by Rafael Zandoná, several theories and tools are explained so you can apply them to develop your skills according to your profile.

Keep reading to learn more!

About the book "Mapeamento Comportamental"

Published in 2019 by Literare Books International, "Mapeamento Comportamental: Métodos e Aplicações", "Behavior Mapping: Methods and Applications" in free English translation, is composed of 29 texts, written by different authors.

It presents various behavioral management tools that can be applied in team building, management strategies, vocational guidance, early childhood education, welfare, and high productivity through self-analysis.

About the author Rafael Zandoná

The book is the result of the collaboration of many professionals, some with years of experience, others at the beginning of their careers, attuned to trends in the modern world.

They are entrepreneurs, analysts, educators, psychologists, engineers, and architects who use behavioral mapping as an instrument of personal and professional development.

Rafael Zandoná is the general coordinator of this book. Expert in coaching and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Rafael is CEO of FAR Coaching and partner of the Instituto Líderes Exponenciais (ILT), which develops people in leadership positions.

To whom is this book indicated?

The tools presented in the book "Behavior Mapping" are essential for HR professionals seeking to maximize the productivity of the teams they manage.

It is also helpful to people seeking the quality of life through self-knowledge.

Main ideas of the book "Mapeamento Comportamental"

  • With all the personal and professional challenges of the modern world, it is evident that technical expertise is not sufficient for optimal performance;
  • Tools such as DISC, Solides, C-VAT®, and GDS aim to outline the profile of the analyzed professional;
  • Interpretation of the data obtained allows the identification of your individual potential, the function that fits your profile, and opportunities for performance improvement;
  • Knowing and working on your qualities and defects is the key to a better relationship with your social, professional, and family circle;
  • By applying behavioral mapping in early childhood education, through positive reinforcement, it is possible to guide the child in their social interactions and talent development.

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[Book Summary] Mapeamento Comportamental - Rafael Zandoná, et al

Overview: Theories and tools

Behavior mapping is based on a variety of profile analysis tools used in the area of people management by Human Resources professionals. Here are some of them:

  • DISC: theory elaborated by William Moulton Marston. It divides human behavior into four essential characteristics: dominance, influence, stability, and conformity;
  • Value Theory: according to German psychologist Eduard Spranger, we all have values that, in varying intensities, drive and motivate our experiences, shape our beliefs, and, consequently, determine our behaviors and attitudes;
  • Psychological Types: as explained in the theory of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, we can be understood from two attitudes: extroversion and introversion - and four psychological functions: sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking;
  • Solides: mapping tool based on the combination of four basic and distinct profiles: executor, communicator, planner, and analyst;
  • C-VAT®: profile analysis tool based on intensity variation between four dimensions of common functions: work, relationship, control, and thinking;
  • GDS Method: developed by Belgian physiotherapist Godelieve Denys Struyf, the method works by altering the emotional state by correcting posture, gestures, and body shapes.

As shown in the book "Behavior Mapping", with these theories and tools, it is possible to discover your qualities and defects and to think of ways to develop them in favor of your goals.

Overview: Personal development

To be successful in our goals and objectives, we must keep in mind our mission and discover our skills and vocation. In this process, understanding the origin of our habits and attitudes is the key to success.


The educator Mariza Baumbach speaks, in the book "Behavior Mapping", of the importance of self-knowledge for an ideal relationship with the people around us.

In line with the Theory of Values, she states that each individual has a behavioral profile based on interaction with the environment in which we live.

The beliefs we assimilate throughout our lives (especially in childhood) directly impact our desires, actions, and attitudes. Consequently, they guide our results.

Using the C-VAT® (Culture and Value Analysis) tool enables you to better understand yourself by discovering which values guide your actions and which beliefs limit your performance. This helps in the development of socio-emotional skills and abilities that enable us to play our role in society.


Immersed in the fast pace of modernity, we eventually forget to take care of ourselves. It is common, but not ideal. Many things have changed, but it is still true that classic expression: "Healthy body, healthy mind". The state of the body directly influences mental performance.

Coach Anna Britto Almeida presents the Wheel of Health. This tool assigns grades from 1 to 10 to eight different spheres of life:

  1. Mind and body;
  2. Nutrition;
  3. Movement;
  4. Rest;
  5. Professional;
  6. Relationships;
  7. Environment;
  8. Spirituality.

The Wheel of Health allows graphical analysis of the sectors related to the well-being of the individual, making them aware of their behaviors in relation to health and lifestyle.

Coach Rossana Perassolo demonstrates how the GDS postural consulting method serves as a tool for self-care. This method identifies postural locks that are interfering with achieving your best personal and professional performance.


An interpretation based only on lived experiences is ineffective in identifying and correcting habits that interfere with our development. Understanding how the brain works is possible through behavioral analysis.

According to the book "Behavior Mapping", when our emotions are out of balance, we are unable to reason properly. This can result in poor performance and a bad relationship with the family.

Moreover, we are unable to discern desire and need, which motivates impulsive consumption, even causing financial indebtedness.

Avoid making financial decisions based on emotions. The financial coach Sidnei dos Santos Santana points out the main causes of debt, which are:

Overview: Transformational education

As indicated in the texts organized by Rafael Zandoná, behavioral mapping can be used for enriching early childhood education. Some contributors to the book "Behavior Mapping" present reflection and strategy-making tools in children's education.

Master trainer coach Ricardo Ávila points out that we cannot give what we don't have. To give your child the care they need and deserve, it is essential to take care of yourself.

An important part of this process requires breaking the repetition of negative behavioral patterns. Such patterns were unknowingly inherited from the relationship with our own parents and/or guardians.

There is no model. Each family is a different case. Routine dedication to the children's development is ideal, and understanding that they are individuals with dreams, desires, and needs of their own, not a miniature of their parents.

Architect and urban planner Natália Francalino addresses the treatment of special children. She emphasizes the need to work on the child's cognitive skills early on, including the effectiveness of using visual language and the repetition of information in learning.

Overview: Be a leader, not a boss!

Douglas Burtet, an entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in designing and adapting methods, affirms that leaders can only take their team as far as they have gone. It is essential that leaders go through the same process of analysis as their subordinates.

Understanding the foundations of human behavior is essential to increase business productivity. But beware! Always keep in mind that the ideal is to find the role in which the individual skills of the employee are valued, not to match the professional to the job.

In the bok "Behavior Mapping", the coach Fabio Roberto Mariano addresses the concept of transformational management. He says a company's success depends on how committed its employees are to achieve excellence.

Focused on managing autonomous and proactive teams, the transformational leader has the function of generating synergy. Aligning everyone's interests with those of the company, they should inspire and motivate the employees.

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "Mindset", the psychologist Carol S. Dweck discusses how our beliefs shape our behavior and growth. While mindsets produce definitive worldviews, people can change by learning new skills. Human beings can be taught to respond in different ways, how to face challenges, and think differently.

In "Unlimited Power", Tony Robbins explains that, generally, a successful person walks in a higher, more imposing manner, demonstrating self-esteem. One way to succeed, then, would be to replicate this behavior and walk more imposingly.

Finally, John C. Maxwell, in "Leadership Gold", says the best leaders are those who can listen to others. Listeners know what is happening because they are attentive. They learn better because they absorb from many places. Also, good listeners can see better other people's strengths and weaknesses.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Take care of your body! Healthy eating and physical exercise have a direct impact on well-being and, consequently, on productivity;
  • Keep a diary. Besides serving to reinforce your values and goals in memory, recording your daily activities allows you to analyze your behavior in certain situations and environments;
  • Use a financial control spreadsheet, you will know exactly where your money is going and avoid unnecessary expenses. Banks often offer this service for free in their applications;
  • For your children to learn to value effort, it is worthwhile to educate them by emphasizing the process rather than the outcome.

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Book “Mapeamento Comportamental”