Marketing 3.0 - Philip Kotler

Marketing 3.0 - Philip Kotler

Understand the new forces that are making marketing focus on the human being and follow the evolutions of the market.

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In the book "Marketing 3.0", written by Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan, you will see a new concept of marketing that will help you and your business understand how marketing needs to adapt to new trends.

You can't get stuck in the past when the behavior of your clients is changing! The market faces constant transition, and your company needs to be ready for this new era!

Keep reading this summary to know how marketing has evolved.

About the book "Marketing 3.0"

Published in 2010, by Wiley, the book "Marketing 3.0" brings a concept made by Hermawan Kartajaya and Iwan Setiawan, consultants of a marketing consultancy company in Southeast Asia, with the help of Philip Kotler.

It is considered as a marketing totally focused on values and in the desire of making the world a better place.

With 10 chapters and 208 pages, the work shows what characterizes Marketing 3.0 and how this concept became popular.

About the authors Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan

Known as "Marketing Pope" and "Father of Modern Marketing", Philip Kotler holds a degree in Economics and he is professor of International Marketing at Northwestern University, USA.

His studies laid the foundations of what marketing is today. He has been honored with numerous awards and one of his other books is "The 10 Deadly Marketing Sins".

Hermawan Kartajaya is the founder of one of the most famous marketing consulting firms, MarkPlus. He is already regarded as one of the 50 gurus who shaped the future of marketing and also he is President of the World Marketing Association.

Iwan Setiawan acts as a consultant for MarkPlus and was one of those who had the initial idea of the concept of Marketing 3.0.

To whom is this book indicated?

The book "Marketing 3.0" is recommended to everyone who wants to adapt to today's market changes and understand how to revolutionize their company's marketing by bringing better results and greater impact on society.

Main ideas of the book "Marketing 3.0"

The main concepts discussed by the authors Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan are:

  • The main trends that shape Marketing 3.0;
  • How the company can disseminate its guidelines internally and externally;
  • The best ways to apply these ideas in practice.

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[Book Summary] Marketing 3.0 - Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan

Overview: Trends

Over the years, marketing has adopted different styles and objectives, adapting to the realities of the market and society.

Marketing 1.0 was essentially focused on selling the product. Driven by the Industrial Revolution, it aimed to develop new products. Marketing 2.0 brings the consumer to this equation, leveraged by information technology, with a focus on product differentiation and positioning.

This is where Marketing 3.0 emerges, a new concept that has, as main target, the consumer not only as a buyer of the product, but as a complete individual, with, as the authors Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan say, heart, mind, and spirit. In other words, all characteristics are taken into account.

Thus, this "new marketing" is characterized as collaborative, cultural, and spiritual.

  • Collaborative: companies understood that, together, they are stronger and that joint actions will generate greater results;
  • Cultural: it considers that the culture of each population and each place is important for the performance and success of marketing;
  • Spiritual: it analyzes and reflects the values for consumers and brings the importance of the company's mission, vision and values to incorporate human well-being as an objective.

Marketing + Strategy

Considering this definition of Marketing 3.0, the company's main focus needs to be to win consumer hope. For this, marketing is not only the area that convinces the consumer to buy, but part of the strategy of the organization and its characteristics become reflections of the mission, vision, and values of the company.

The book "Marketing 3.0" brings the following model:

Values-Based Matrix Model of the book 'Marketing 3.0'.

Source: Reproduction of Values-Based Matrix Model of the book.

This image represents the Values-Based Matrix Model (VBM), which is responsible for uniting the characteristics of Marketing 3.0 with the strategic guidelines.

As a result, we can see how each guideline is related and how each relationship brings different aspects to be used in marketing, such as providing satisfaction and making a difference to achieve profitability and sustainability.

Identity, integrity, and image

According to the book "Marketing 3.0", it is necessary to be aligned with three concepts, known as the 3i Model: identity, integrity, and image.

A strong image in marketing is built by defining your identity and strengthening it with authentic integrity.

The 3i Model presented in the book 'Marketing 3.0'.

Source: The 3i Model presented in the book.

These three concepts are essential for marketing, as the authors Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan affirm, the market becomes increasingly competitive and consumers are demanding more.

The brand identity means how the company is positioned in the minds of consumers. Considering the desires and needs of the market, the identity has to be unique to stand out among the competition.

When you think of a soda, most likely the first one that comes to mind is Coca-Cola. This happens because this brand already has a very well-defined and prominent identity in the market.

Integrity is about keeping promises. If your brand positioned itself in the market in a way, offered something different and completely innovative, but didn't comply, it failed to show its integrity. A brand with integrity will be committed to delivering what has been promised and earning consumer trust.

The image, on the other hand, consists of delighting the consumer. Passing an image that fits the perceptions of buyers, the company will be treading the path to win them over. Therefore, the product must, through its image, establish a relationship with the consumer.

Thus, we realize that these 3 I's address the three characteristics of Marketing 3.0 (mind, heart, and spirit). By strengthening the connection with the customer and having strategic guidelines, it is possible to achieve new goals and bring better results.

Overview: Strategy

After presenting the principles of Marketing 3.0, the authors Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan indicate how to include them in the company's strategy based on organizational guidelines (mission, vision, and values) and how they relate to your company's stakeholders.

  • Mission: it summarizes, in a single sentence, why your brand exists. Through it, consumers will be able to understand what your business is and what you want to offer to the market;
  • Vision: it is the main objective of the organization. Think about the following question: "where does your company want to be in 3 years?";
  • Values: characteristics that will guide the performance of the company's employees to be always aligned with the organizational culture and the brand's mission.

Mission to consumers

As it is affirmed in the book "Marketing 3.0", making a mission is not easy. An effective mission has to create impact and be innovative, differentiating itself from other brands.

The members of the company and clients need to understand it and pass the message. Therefore, the authors present characteristics of an adequate mission, which should be created based on an innovative practice, disseminated through stories that move people and concretized through consumer empowerment.

  • Innovative Practices: companies like Microsoft, Linkedin, Facebook, and Disney have innovative practices that influenced the design of the mission. Having an open vision for innovations is fundamental for new practices to be approached and, thus, your brand has a competitive advantage in the market;
  • Captivating Stories: the best way to spread your mission is to tell stories that move your audience. When your company tells a captivating story, consumers identify with it and, consequently, will identify with its mission;
  • Consumer Empowerment: show the importance of the consumer to the mission of the company and that their opinion and participation are essential. For example, on Amazon, readers can write book reviews and recommend them to other readers.

So, the first step is to have a good and innovative mission. With that, your customers will identify with your brand through the good stories that will be told and, then, they will interact with your company.

Values with employees

To have an efficient team aligned with the mission of your company, it is necessary to focus on having a well-defined culture and shared values.

Shared values are those that make employees work according to the mission of the company. When you align these values with those of your employees, you will have a corporate culture formed, that is, the values will be expressed in the daily life of the company.

Having a marketing of the values to your employees is as essential as having a marketing of the mission to your clients, because when you give autonomy to employees, they will be engaged with the company and, in line with the mission, will seek to transform the lives of consumers.

Values with channel partners

The authors Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan affirm that these partners must have identity, purpose, guidelines, and, in particular, values aligned with your organization, so that you can develop together and collaborate to achieve the goals.

Vision with shareholders

Shareholders are very important in the strategic direction that your company is following. At this point, having a well-structured vision that will transmit your objectives to these stakeholders is essential.

So, it is up to marketing to communicate this vision, aligned with the mission and values, to the shareholders, so that they understand the strategic directions planned.

And when we approach Marketing 3.0, there are aspects that the vision must consider, as a way of achieving cost reduction, increased revenue, and growth of the brand value, which are the main aspects required by shareholders.

Within these aspects, we can mention the adoption of sustainable practices, as the current world is characterized by an increasing polarization and scarcity of resources, which makes sustainable trends guide the new decisions to be made in the market.

Overview: Application

Now that we have seen, in this summary, the definition, trends, and strategies of Marketing 3.0, it is time to talk about the applications and transformations that we must seek with this new marketing model, which are: sociocultural transformation, creation of entrepreneurs, and search for environmental sustainability.

Sociocultural transformation

The great motivation for opening a new business almost always involves generating profit. Based on this, the concept of Marketing 3.0 shows that companies tend to become mechanisms for social transformation.

Thus, a brand shouldn't only aim at profit, but also take actions that promote changes in our society, demonstrating that the company is concerned with public, cultural, and social problems.

In this way, sociocultural transformation becomes part of the company's philosophy, culture, and strategy, showing that it has been aligned with the main objective of this new marketing: the focus on the human being.

Creation of entrepreneurs

As the authors Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan emphasize, inequality is one of the biggest problems plaguing the modern world. While wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, poverty spreads through the lives of many.

It is in this scenario that a new characteristic of modern marketing enters: stimulating the creation of companies and entrepreneurship in low-income populations, with social objectives, but which generate profit and allow the development of the population.

Search for environmental sustainability

In a reality where environmental problems are growing every day, being responsible for the impacts your company generates is a competitive advantage, according to the book "Marketing 3.0".

Companies need to act as innovators, investors, and propagators, creating new sustainable ideas, investing in the development of new attitudes, and propagating the thought of environmental sustainability.

A company doesn't need to occupy these three roles, but it can occupy one of them and act together with others. In this way, the brands will be creating the "green market", where the market seeks profit, but in a responsible manner, without harming the environment.

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "Discover Your True North", the author Bill George says that authentic leaders must be smart and capable. But, more than that, they need special internal qualities: principles, ideals, values, and morals.

Jeff Walker presents, in the book "Launch", a guide on how to sell products on the internet, considering all the challenges and difficulties of doing efficient digital marketing.

And, in the book "This Is Marketing", the author Seth Godin points out that effective marketing begins with identifying people's intrinsic needs and desires. They are usually related to different emotional aspirations, such as adventure, connection, freedom, tranquility, and strength.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

The authors Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan present the "The 10 Commandments of Marketing 3.0", which will help you put these ideas into practice!

  1. Earn your customers' loyalty and have respect for your competitors;
  2. Be alert and prepared for change. Don't be resistant and change when you have the opportunity;
  3. Create your identity and establish your reputation;
  4. Segment your customers, each one is different and you must first reach who will be most impacted;
  5. Have a fair price that reflects the benefit you are offering;
  6. Let your customers find you easily;
  7. Conquer new customers and maintain a good relationship with the current ones;
  8. Your company should serve the customer, and your products should impact people's lives;
  9. Focus on continuous improvement, always strive to evolve your processes daily;
  10. Collect as much information as possible, seek to learn, consider all variables, and make smart decisions.

By following these commandments, your company will be able to have a well-structured marketing, focused on the human being, and aligned with the brand strategy, leveraging its results.

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