Book Summary Marketing Motivacional, PDF

Marketing Motivacional - Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida, Renato Avanzi

Find out how to motivate your employees in the workplace and create success scenarios.

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Have you ever wondered what really motivates you in the workplace? In the book "Motivation Marketing", the authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi note that motivation doesn't always depend solely on personal will, it also depends on encouraging it.

The way we are motivated varies according to our history, the moment we are living in, and the corporate and socioeconomic environment. Therefore, there is no magic formula to motivate, each case is unique.

However, the old stimuli are no longer effective and it is extremely important to reassess the processes and fundamentals used by organizations.

Would you like to be a leader who truly motivates the employees? Keep reading this PocketBook and we will show you the way!

About the book "Marketing Motivacional"

The book "Marketing Motivacional: Orientação Prática e Conceitual", "Motivation Marketing: Practical and Conceptual Orientation" in free English translation, was published in 2012 by the authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi.

The work has 160 pages divided into 8 chapters that present the origin, paths, and steps for the creation of motivational campaigns inside your company.

Through humorous, realistic, and accessible language, the book will help you manage your company's performance factors and achieve high productivity goals.

About the authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi

Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida holds a master's degree in communication from Universidade Paulista and he has extensive experience in advertising creation, communication, and marketing with an emphasis on relationships and endomarketing.

Renato Avanzi has a master's degree in communication from ESPM and an MBA in Business Management and Marketing from ITA / ESPM.

He is the author of articles and research papers on communication and relationship marketing and has received several awards for Corporate Communication works.

To whom is this book indicated?

The book "Motivation Marketing" is for leaders who want to motivate their employees more effectively by creating a more enjoyable and, above all, more productive work environment.

Main ideas of the book "Marketing Motivacional"

  • Employees see work not only as a source of money, but mainly as a source of personal satisfaction;
  • Motivation is a dynamic process that works from the inside out;
  • Relationship marketing can optimize the relationship between people, companies, groups, and society;
  • Incentive marketing campaigns can show employees the importance of each one of them to the company;
  • Motivational campaigns should contain four basic elements: communication, motivation, evaluation, and rewards;
  • Communication plays an important role and should be worked on before, during, and after the launch of the campaign.
  • Everyone expects something in return for their efforts. Therefore, it is necessary to create a award mechanics with clear rules;
  • It is important to receive guidance from specialized lawyers before creating a motivational campaign.

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[Book Summary] Motivation Marketing - Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida, Renato Avanzi

Overview: Concepts and history

The incentive market, originating in Ancient Greece, has changed over the years and started to be part of a new communication format: motivational marketing.

The authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi explain that it is

a tool that uses rewards and recognition and is applied in the areas of sales, services, human resources, corporate communication, production, and administration.

Leaders need to understand that employees are not driven solely by money and that, above all, they see work as a source of personal fulfillment.

Therefore, when organizations relate money to incentive marketing, they cannot build employee loyalty or commitment.

It is up to companies not to confuse motivation with a financial policy aimed solely at generating results.

According to the book "Motivation Marketing", it's necessary to elaborate processes that lead to the development and satisfaction of professionals.

And motivation should be incorporated into the culture of companies, since motivated employees have a higher productivity index.

Overview: Motivation and its ways

There are many situations that discourage employees, such as lack of recognition of their work, absence of feedback, salary policies, career plan conducted inappropriately, and lack of institutional visibility.

Given this scenario, it is necessary that changes occur in the processes and behaviors of organizations.

As explained by the authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi in the book "Motivation Marketing", for these changes to be motivating, they need to be directed towards improvements in a clear and objective way.

However, any change generates instability and, therefore, they must be conducted in a more predictable and participatory way.

These transformations lead to a change of values that can interfere with people's quality of life.

Also, relationships are increasingly important strategically.

According to Philip Kotler, considered the "father of marketing", the main steps involved in establishing a relationship marketing program are:

  • Identification of key customers that deserve special attention;
  • Designation of an enabled relationship partner for each key customer;
  • Development of a clear job description of people involved with relationship marketing;
  • Appointing a general manager to supervise the relationship managers;
  • Each relationship manager should develop a long-term plan and an annual customer relationship plan.

Lastly, we must not forget that motivation is always associated with behavioral processes.

Thus, it is a dynamic process that occurs from the inside out and is influenced by our senses. Therefore, it is important to develop a communication that results in motivation and positive actions.

Overview: Mental models and relationships

Mental models are an internal representation of information, like patterns that characterize procedures and ways of thinking of people and companies, and can generate successes, failures, and opportunities.

Each person, through their experiences and beliefs, is able to create their own mental model, emphasize the authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi.

From this, it is possible to identify the actions of the employees and customers of a company and formulate actions and new standards that are capable of stimulating innovative solutions.

These mental models, important for knowing and understanding people, are very valuable in designing a relationship marketing program - a strategic tool that seeks to optimize relationships between people, companies, groups, and society.

As affirmed in the book "Motivation Marketing", relationship marketing, when well managed, can retain employees and customers and drive operational improvements.

To implement this process, it is necessary to follow 4 steps: identify, differentiate, interact, and customize customer service.

With that, you will be able to segment your market, since it is impossible to please all customers at the same time.

Overview: Campaigns and their possibilities

Motivational marketing is an incentive tool that doesn't need ingenious actions. Its effectiveness is often in simple, yet innovative, actions.

A fundamental principle in the development of these motivational campaigns is that of inequality, that is, these projects must take into account the social, cultural, and economic differences of each place.

When employees are discouraged, this is usually reflected in productivity below expected levels.

In this scenario, offering participation in the company's profits doesn't usually generate employee commitment and many may understand that this is only an obligation of the company.

The authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi explain that incentive marketing campaigns, on the contrary, can show workers how fundamental they are.

All this happens through more playful learning in which everyone can participate equally.

It is important to note that the operators involved are the most capable people to propose simple and effective solutions to optimize the processes of their sector.

After all, no one would be more qualified than the people who live this reality every day.

Overview: Steps to create a campaign

As it is reinforced in the book "Motivation Marketing", it is necessary to know the profile of the participants to make an incentive program.

This campaign must be supported by the trilogy: behaviors, results, and values. Also, it must always be analyzed within a one-off or long-term context.

The authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi say that the way this campaign will be structured varies according to the reality of each place. However, your planning should consider four basic elements:

  • Communication: how actions and objectives will be disseminated;
  • Motivation: choice of what arouses in the public the desire to give the company the best;
  • Evaluation: criteria to define qualitative and quantitative goals;
  • Reward: which rewards add the most value.

It is noteworthy that communication is important not only to pass the campaign information but also to encourage people's participation.

In this sense, communication must challenge the participant and show what they will gain by participating in this process.

This communication can occur by parts, which don't have regular periodicity, by vehicles, which have regular periodicity, and social media.

The choice of the best means of disseminating information will depend on the size, characteristics, and needs of the public.

Overview: Communication and its stages

Communication is essential in any relationship and motivation process. Thus, planning the communication process is indispensable.

The authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi explain in their book "Motivation Marketing" that the first stage of communication occurs before the launch of the campaign.

New campaigns need preliminary actions to arouse people's attention and interest. In this case, teasers can be used to make ads more creative.

The second stage is marked by the official launch of the campaign, when a clear message should be given that this process seeks to implement novelties that will lead to transformations.

To have a successful launch, it is important to make participants comfortable, not only meeting but exceeding their expectations and offering something unattainable in their daily lives.

During the campaign, incentives should be created to renew the energies of the participants, so that they keep doing their best.

In the last phase, that is, after the campaign, the results and data obtained should be disclosed and filed, to create expertise for the next campaigns.

Overview: Award mechanics

All people usually expect something in return for their work and effort. For this reason, a motivational campaign must be structured to offer a prize to the public based on a results evaluation mechanism.

In the book "Motivation Marketing", the authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi show that awarding mechanics needs to contain six basic aspects:

  • Participation rules: determines who will contribute to the goal to be achieved.
  • Measurement criteria: what will be measured and how will it be measured;
  • Awards rules: quantifications, qualifications, awards, prizewinners, receipt, and periods;
  • Campaign regulation: an official document that contains all the conditions for its accomplishment;
  • Feedback and incentive information: disclosure of campaign progress and participants' performance;
  • Rewards: awards (monetary reward, benefits, working conditions).

It is always important to remember that people should not be required to participate in these campaigns, that is, participation must be voluntary.

For this reason, communication must contain elements capable of arousing people's desire to participate.

Overview: Legal and administrative aspects

Motivational and incentive marketing activities involve legal and administrative issues. To guide us and prevent us from having problems in the judiciary, the authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi present some tips on these aspects.

The first tip is to always be guided by a lawyer specialized in the area before carrying out an incentive marketing campaign.

Also, it is very important to archive all documents related to the planning of this project, as they will serve as evidence in case of any problems.

Another important aspect is that prizes must be associated with campaigns that have the following characteristics: deadline, clear rules, achievable and non-punitive goals, voluntary participation, disclosure of the rules and awards to participants, and acceptance of those involved.

Finally, hire an agency that specializes in motivational marketing campaigns to assist you.

After all, no one better than a skilled and knowledgeable team to ensure the expected results!

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "Value Generation", Flávio Augusto shows how, instead of just working for capital, it is important to generate value for customers. Creating value in other people's lives will create value for you.

In the book "Scaling Up", the author Verne Harnish gives some tips for the pursuit of continuous improvement. For example, employee feedback should be constantly collected to identify obstacles and opportunities for improvement.

The author Daniel H. Pink shows, in "A Whole New Mind", that empathy is also related to the universe of persuasion and enables the creation of strategies and direct actions that promote good coexistence with team members.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Value and recognize the efforts of your employees, this can be much more meaningful than a monetary reward;
  • People look for a source of personal satisfaction at work, so constantly create incentive processes;
  • Develop a motivational campaign with the support and assistance of professionals specialized in the area;
  • Understand the importance of communication at all stages of campaigns.

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To learn more about the lessons of the authors Edmundo Monteiro de Almeida and Renato Avanzi, purchase the book by clicking on the image below:

Book “Marketing Motivacional”