How do you start your day? Stressed about waking up late? Hit the snooze button several times? Had an unproductive and sleepy morning? Hal Elrod, David Osborn and Honorée Corder give in the book "Miracle Morning Millionaires" some good tips to be more productive and achieve your goals easily.
Be aware that the way we start our day defines what the rest of it will look like. Also, be aware that there is a very large connection between mornings and millionaires.
If you do a quick survey you will see that most rich people take advantage of the mornings to leverage their day and their business. Want to know how to achieve this and perhaps become the next millionaire?
If your answer for the last question was yes, stay with us in this summary!
The book Miracle Morning Millionaires was published in 2018. The content of the book brings together the well-known methods of "The Miracle Morning" combined with author David's business experience.
The authors aim to share the habits of millionaires, how to apply them in your daily life and make you wake up focused on the goal to becoming a millionaire.
The book is divided into three parts: identifying and teaching the practices that define who chooses to get rich, understand these practices and make them the first thing to do every day, and practical skills to become a "morning person".
Hal Elrod is an internationally recognized writer, entrepreneur and motivational speaker. In addition, its main purpose is to show people how to overcome challenges and reach unfinished potential.
Interestingly, he only conquered all this after suffering a very serious accident at the age of 20. He broke 11 bones, died for 6 minutes, suffered brain damage and doctors had said he would never walk again. Yeah, he went around and became the one quoted above.
David Osborn is a major investor and operator in over 35 real estate companies. He has done business in over 40 states of Canada and the United States. In addition, he is the president of Magnify Capital and author of the bestseller "Wealth Can't Wait".
Honorée Corder is a coach of entrepreneurs, writers and anyone who wants to publish successful books. Among his works are "You Must Write a Book" and "Vision to Reality."
If you want to have productive mornings and more wealth in life but don't know the route, this book is right for you.
In addition, it is suitable for everyone that is seeking skills and motivations to have a rich life in all the ways.
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At the beginning of the book "Miracle Morning Millionaires", the authors aim to show why mornings are so important. With this, they bring together some views of scientific researchers who came to the conclusion about the benefit of the morning, the points raised were:
So, these will be the main advantages for you by creating your morning miracle and building your wealth with purpose.
Waking up early turns out to be very difficult, isn't it? But calm, this difficulty is temporary, after all, your sleep pattern is usual, and the wonders of the day ahead are directly linked to your way of waking up.
In order to overcome the obstacles of waking up early, Hal Elrod, David Osborn and Honorée Corder suggest a five-step walkthrough:
Be aware that the first investment lesson you should take toward wealth is to maintain discipline every morning.
The techniques for the morning miracle are named by the author as "saviors of life", and are divided into 6 practices.
Life saviors can be customized based on their schedules and order of preference, according to each need. The most common schedule is 60 minutes, divided as follows:
Silence can come in many forms, with meditation, prayer, reflection, gratitude or even deep breathing. Leave your mind quiet and have no external thoughts.
Create positive affirmations and speak aloud every day so that it is fixed in your mind. Also, a tip that the author conveys is that you think about what you want in each area of your life. This will unlock your brain and pursue your desires.
Visualization gives you a clear view of what you want, paving the way for it to come true.
Imagine as much detail as possible to fulfill this wish. If you want to get a good grade on the test, imagine yourself asking each question easily and without limitations.
When you exercise in the morning, you increase your confidence, emotional well-being, health, and concentration.
In this way, learn from other people's experiences. According to the author, daily reading is the best and sometimes the fastest way for those seeking knowledge.
Get in the habit of reading 10 to 20 minutes a day about specific subjects you want to reach.
To record the morning miracles, you need a diary. You can choose what to write on it, it can be achievements, thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
Write every day. After all, we have enough information daily for new thoughts to arise. Review the mistakes, the lessons you learned, and the progress of the day.
For Hal Elrod, David Osborn and Honorée Corder, performing a few minutes of practice is better than nothing.
That way, if you don't have time or are stressed about your routine, calm down! They have developed a quick and practical version that lasts only 6 minutes and works as follows:
Hal Elrod suggests that this version be done in a limited way after all this is an alternative that should be used only on calendar days and not a routine.
Choosing to get rich is deciding, planning and acting. This is what defines all millionaires, but this choice will have hard decisions to make, difficult plans, and many challenges. After all, it's good to make it clear that becoming a millionaire requires effort.
That way, wealth starts early. It starts in the morning when you set aside a portion of your time to devote to get richer.
Once you have made your commitment, the first choice to make is to accumulate wealth, and that accumulation has to be in assets. There are a few ways of wealth accumulation to become a millionaire, such as:
There may even be other ways, such as working all your life and saving a lot of that money or using traditional investment tools. But we are talking about going further.
Then you need to have a strategic vision and be able to leverage your business, i. e. invest to multiply your efforts.
The last choice is change, it is essential to achieve wealth. If you are not rich today, it is because of your past actions and thoughts.
At this stage, it's time for you to create your millionaire vision, so, the book suggests that you make a letter of your rich version in the future, here are 5 tips:
After building this letter, it is time to create your goals and plans. Your goal has to be set at peak times, and you always have to be flexible. Don't forget to set a reward for yourself.
Plans are responsible not for being a to-do list, but as a map that will take you from point X to Y. To do this, always set one step at a time, anticipate risks and impediments that may arise, and always be alert and willing to revise your plan.
One point you should always consider is when not to give up. Most of the time, they will be represented by three reasons: fear, mistakes, and inertia.
All of these reasons will usually appear in the execution of your plan, face them and know that every rich person had passed through it. Throughout this chapter, Hal Elrod, David Osborn and Honorée Corder present some tips to handle it.
In addition, an algorithm is presented that helps you decide whether close such a project or not, and is quite simple. It consists of 2 questions:
You should only give up if both answers are no. In addition, you must either continue on the path or change something.
According to the authors, you must become the leader of your own life, knowing your beliefs and possessing the vision you want to live with.
For this, they listed four principles for the development of the leadership:
To continue on this path of success, you must also develop your self-control and self-image, this can be accomplished through affirmations and visualizations.
The first step is for you to engage in energy-generating drinks and foods, focus on healthy foods, paying attention to their consequences rather than taste.
Another very important point is that you set and strictly follow a time to start and end sleep.
Lastly, the authors say that you should set aside a time of the day to rest and recharge, that is, do something that generates happiness for you. It can be a nap, meditation, sport or anything else you find pleasurable.
To achieve unwavering focus, the first step is to choose or create an ideal place for it. Set a spot where you have focus!
Afterward, you must do a mental and physical cleansing. Take a moment to clear the place and organize it, and then clear your mind.
Finally, get rid of all the possible causes of interruptions. Do your part, silence your phone and talk to your friends that you need to be alone for a few minutes.
Daniel Goleman's book "Focus" also emphasizes the value of meditation, as it helps you focus on one activity over a period of time.
The author Kevin Kruse, on his book "15 Secrets that Successful People Know About Time Management", says that most business owners adopt a morning routine to reenergize themselves physically and mentally. They recharge with plenty of water, healthy food and exercise. Busy CEOs also invigorate their minds with reading or meditation.
Finally, in the book "Atomic Habits", James Clear explains how small changes (atomic habits) can yield big results. According to him, habits are the compound interest in personal improvement. Improving 1% each day generates a giant change at the end of the journey.
As you may have noticed, the book does not bring a magic formula for wealth, it is more about personal development, about planning your future based on millionaires' pillars such as claw, mindset growth, and abundance. And from that, how it can help you become a millionaire.
In addition to all the tips presented, here are some points that might make a difference in your execution, such as:
"How you use your time, money, energy and talent is what determines wealth (ability to learn)."
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