Every day organizations undergo several changes, but they have already paid attention to this reality that affects the professional environments. Pedro Mandelli will teach you in the book "Muito Além da Hierarquia" the guidelines to restructure your company's hierarchy.
But are people following this evolution? Greatly responsible for managing this growth is the company leader! And this leader has to be the one who knows how to value and empower people to deliver good results.
To do this, here we have some valuable tips and techniques to help you be different, impact your team, and get great results.
Got interested to be a revolutionary manager? Stay with us in this summary and discover how!
The book "Muito Além da Hierarquia", by Pedro Mandelli, seeks to present a series of techniques and skills to conduct self-management today.
Divided into 7 parts, the content focuses on the new role management must play, how important people management is, the relationship between managers and employees, team alignment and behavior, and how to achieve the high-performance level.
All of this content was derived from the author's long journey and various experiences from large companies in which he consulted. The book has 348 pages divided into 16 chapters.
Pedro Mandelli is the founder of Mandelli & Loriggio Consultores, which aims to guide strategy processes, people management, and organizational and cultural changes.
Mandelli has extensive experience in companies of various sizes and segments. In addition, he teaches MBA at Fundação Dom Cabral and is considered one of the most beloved teachers in Brazil.
He is also the author of the book "Life and Career: A Possible Balance" and co-author of "Exercising Leadership", "The Discipline and the Art of Change Management", and many others.
The content of the book is right for you if you want to:
If you're a team leader or want to get start to become one, or even getting more credible, this book is for you!
From the content offered in the book, we've put together the best strategies for you to develop skills to effectively conduct your self-management for many years.
Do you have no time to read now? Then download the free PDF and read wherever and whenever you want:
The first point made by Pedro Mandelli is that you understand and identify the changes that have occurred in recent times, in terms of scenarios and skills needed to leverage a company.
Not long ago, the top of the organization used to define what should be done, but it had few management tools, having access to limited information. In addition, these senior positions had many privileges, such as the right to a room.
But since 1990 things have changed, companies have required everyone to think like the president, have a strong group work interaction, reduce headcount and double the results, always aligned with motivation and seeking innovation.
With this, comes the need to become a Manager Beyond Hierarchy (MBH) and, for that, see the author's initial tips:
In addition, pay attention to the other tips presented by him:
In order to become a prepared manager for the present day and future actions, the author says you need to consider two factors:
These skills and behaviors are often represented by those who can complete tasks, but can they contribute to the organization's results? That's the question. Start doing your self-diagnosis.
Now, if you're talented, will the company promote you and give you more resources? If it was some time ago, the answer would be yes, but today it only gives you more work. That way, time starts to run low and you feel pressured, so you need to eliminate some tasks and exercise what you can do to reduce the workload.
Finally, in this first step, the author presents management styles and how to deal with each one. In addition, it provides ways for you to evaluate your current performance.
To develop a high-performance infrastructure you must be a Manager Beyond Hierarchy (MBH).
Managers have to be consistent with their values, after all, employees will be guided by this means. According to Pedro Mandelli, one of his best features is to think big to make small.
In addition, the other characteristics mentioned by the author are:
Of course, if you develop these features, you will also get a high-performance team.
But to be able to strengthen all these points, you need to know your team very well and understand their profile. For this, the author listed the top 5 pitfalls that make companies fall, they are:
It has many side effects, especially when you have more control, which concludes that you have less confidence. To gain confidence, you have to be clear about expectation, and:
These are often predatory and are often people-based rather than idea-based. Therefore:
Conflicts lead to lack of commitment, to avoid this you can:
Most of the time, lack of courage is caused by avoiding being held responsible for poor performance and confrontation. To avoid this:
These are the areas that look only at the navel itself. Teams must look at overall results, not just individual ones. The attitudes to develop are:
So that you can guide and manage it all, the best way is to recognize your feelings and strengthen empathy. To use it the first step is to put yourself in the person's shoes.
"Would I feel angry or motivated in their place? Would I be afraid or happy?"
In addition, to go deeper into your team's style, focus on:
During the process of pursuing high performance, there will come a time when strategic changes must be communicated to the team.
By this way, 15% will join immediately in order to get more space in the company. Another 15% will be afraid, feeling threatened by the possibility of losing power.
The remaining 70% will be divided into those who depend on good examples to follow and do right, and the other half will be on the wall, where they will consider what action to take.
For this, Pedro Mandelli says that you have to be cautious and don't judge anyone. In addition, you will be responsible for developing 4 topics that can help you with this change. They are:
Be aware that this whole process takes time and will never have 100% membership. But why can't I reach 100%?
The answer is simple. This is because people don't give up their individual values and personalities. So, focus on the most important part and make it perform at high performance.
One of the great ways to get along well with your pairs is by developing a multidisciplinary team. To do it, you must observe the behaviors that must be taken into consideration, such as:
This will improve your credibility. Another key point to increase this credibility is to work and pursue innovation.
According to Pedro Mandelli, you must be prepared to spread your idea and with it, conflict of interest threatened rights and distrust. But believe in its power of innovation, focus on planning this strategy and its action plans.
"Gaining credibility is always bigger when other people grow with your help."
The author cites three opportunities for you to achieve your professional development. This can happen when you leverage and implement a project, and evaluate a viable idea.
To make the most of this opportunity, know how to identify your role, and let each team member collaborate and help the ideas of others.
In their recommended "Everybody Matters", the authors Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia explore how true leaders must continually study to improve and develop those around them, also seeking to be excellent leaders who believe and value people.
In "Developing the Leader Within You", John Maxwell discusses the importance of leaders demonstrate that they care about their team, developing leaders among them. In addition, he works with the idea that 80% of his efforts should be channeled into 20% of his most important priorities to reach his goals.
Finally, in "Dare to Lead", the author Brené Brown says that a leader must take responsibility for recognizing people's potential and their ideas, encouraging them to develop that potential. He knows that the true power is the one shared with everybody.
Applying all techniques, concepts, and methods require action to achieve results. All this content shows you the way, and your team should be resistant to do new things and embrace new risks. You are the responsible for triggering this process! Don't forget: you must be the change you wish to see in the world!
Start right now! Take and execute, miss one, two, but never give up. A big change is made of ups and downs, the important thing is to be resilient and make your team believe in this purpose, try to show them that this change will be beneficial for the incomes!
After this process, it will be easier to apply the lessons learned here in the company and in your life.
Are you ready to change the hierarchy structure of your company? Did you find this content useful? Leave your feedback in the comments!
Furthermore, if you got interested in the subject and want to learn more about, don't hesitate to click on the image below to buy the book!