Book Não Negocie com a Preguiça - Alê Prates

Não Negocie com a Preguiça - Alê Prates

Do you want to learn to do the right thing at the right time and be free to make decisions? Discover everything you must know to get out of inertia and perform at your best.

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How many times have you tried to start a new week focused on playing sports and eating healthy? These are common mistakes of people that don’t have a life plan defined. Alê Prates will teach you how to do it in the book “Não Negocie com a Preguiça”.

Do you know what you are missing to get out of inertia? The engagement! In this book, it is presented the differences between engagement and commitment, and how each of them affects your life and your results!

We have separated the main concepts of this work, focusing on achieving engagement and leveraging the achievements in your life.

Did you get interested to learn more about and become an effective worker? Stay with us in this summary and discover how!

The book “Não Negocie com a Preguiça”

The book “Não Negocie com a Preguiça”, in a free translation “Don't Negotiate with Laziness”, was published in 2019 by Alê Prates. The main goal is to present the importance of engagement in order to awaken yourself and achieve success.

The author uses a simple and straightforward language to encourage engagement, as well as apply all the resources presented in everyday situations and in all contexts of your life.

The book's content is divided into 4 areas through 238 pages: career, leadership, health and relationships.

Who is Alê Prates?

Alê Prates acts as a speaker, he founded the ICA (Instituto de Coaching Aplicado - Institute of Applied Coaching) and has worked in large Brazilian companies. In addition, he is considered one of the most respected executive developers.

Alê is also the author of the book “A reinvenção do profissional”.

Why should I read “Não Negocie com a Preguiça”?

The content of the book is ideal for you who:

  • Cannot achieve great results in your life;
  • Don’t feel fulfilled;
  • Want to advance to the next level in your career.

Also, if you think you have good goals and plans, but can't do them, this book is for you!

What can I learn from “Não Negocie com a Preguiça”?

Among the content presented in the book, we have put together the best strategies to achieve great results.

  • You will not work all the time;
  • Be very good at what you do, however you don't like to do it;
  • Overworking doesn’t mean being engaged;
  • Be always present;
  • “When near, don’t stay away”;
  • Commitment isn’t engagement;
  • Value your current state;
  • Teach the learning path for your followers;
  • Define the right direction to ensure engagement;
  • “Knowledge without action is a mask”.

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[Book Summary] Don't Bargain With Laziness - Alê Prates

Why Engagement?

Today, many organizations and employees are looking for greater productivity, discipline, motivation, better time management, and many other good skills and behaviors. But few achieve a true result. But what does it take to achieve it?

Well, according to Alê Prates, this result comes from the consequence of our performance. And what leads us to the best performance?

That is the main point, and it can be summed up in one word: engagement. It is able to explain everything, because those who have engagement have focus, discipline, overcoming and full performance.

For the author, engagement can be defined as an act of willingly and spontaneously doing what needs to be done.

In order to proceed, it is necessary to demystify the difference between commitment and engagement, as this generates much confusion. The commitment is to accomplish by necessity what needs to be done, that is, it ends up being an obligation. In engagement, you do it because you want to.

In addition, engagement is an assertive participation that brings together intensity, frequency, and a method.

Engagement and your career

Alê Prates starts this part of his book remembering that you don't go and you don't have to work all the time.

So, you don't have to always be the best, you just have to be engaged in your path. You are only strong when you let yourself be weak, in other words, you can only move forward when you have the humility to acknowledge your weaknesses.

If you want to rise to the next level in your organization, you must strive to gain prominence. Also, make your participation strategic and intense, it will make you go further.

The author says that knowledge without action is just a mask. What shapes a professional is the volume of his participation and applications, not diplomas.

Finally, keep in mind that working too hard doesn't mean that you are engaged. To help you with this, check out these tips:

  • Value your time;
  • The result is worth more than availability;
  • Be 100% present.

Also, remember that at some point in your career you will have a transition, after all, it is part of the engagement. By this way, you will be forced to develop new skills and insights, as well as a lot of planning.

Engagement and your leadership

The book brings the affirmation that the leader will never extract from people what they don't have, so should develop them.

Is the new generation engaged by progress meaning people's engagement? So the guidance is that you help them build a path of accomplishment.

If you are a leader, you have probably already used a variety of tools to achieve the long-awaited engagement, including countless feedbacks, climate surveys, and training.

But making an engagement is difficult. People know what they want, but they can't engage. So the tip is that you teach them the way by making it easier.

The main insights of this chapter are:

  • The incessant search for the result is making people sick;
  • Don’t worry about people, just showing interest is enough;
  • The result is not always a result of efficiency.

Given this scenario, it is time to rethink the current management. It’s time for the transition from results-oriented management to engagement-focused management, giving more value.

To be able to meet this challenge, Alê Prates provides some tips:

  • Share: show the new management model as well as the reasons and advantages;
  • Anticipate yourself: raise key issues, and divide among employees, so they can come up with solutions;
  • Get ready: bring problem-related material such as books and videos.

Remember that the more the leader prepares the team, the faster the problems will be solved. Throughout the book’s content, a much more specific step-by-step is presented so that you can build your management methodology, taking into account all the factors that influence engagement.

Finally, be the leader who motivates, trains, participates, recognizes and charges. Simply focus on management and do what it should be.

Engagement and your health

In the vast majority of cases, we focus on various areas of our lives and end up leaving health aside.

When it comes to health, the key to achieving results is to engage with your routine in a new way.

For example, if your sense is to have a perfect body, is it worth engaging with? Keep in mind that you will have to give up many pleasures and be very ruled.

Alê Prates shares the concepts that worked for him and may add much value to you, they are:

  • Assign the right value to your food;
  • Feel bad about not exercising;
  • Face the blame correctly;
  • Your indicator needs to be your evolution.

Therefore, it is essential that you engage with the right meaning for you, otherwise you will not stand it. Remember that life is a set of rules and exceptions, so formalize yours now, and follow them.

Engagement and your relationships

According to the author, relationships have a connection with your performance in any area of your life.

Therefore, these relationships must be healthy, so the author defines the ideal flow as:

  1. Relationship;
  2. Self-esteem;
  3. Self-confidence;
  4. Transformation;
  5. Performance;
  6. Results.

For your performance to improve in relationships, you need to live with people who are better than you. The author says that it was crucial for him to succeed in his career.

In addition, he warns us to not make the mistake of entering into a relationship just to extract something from it. We need reciprocity, that is, to serve people well and, in the future, reap the rewards.

According to the author, presence has become the greatest symbol of love in the contemporary world!

The above sentence is about presence, and this is something very complicated today. Usually, we don’t practice presence, most of the time the smartphone steals the show.

Finally, the author gives a reflection: how many people do you like and you are distant? For Alê Prates, this is not a lack of love, but participation! In the world we live in, we have many technologies that allow us to be close to those far away, so use them.

Books about planning and behavior

In Awaken the Giant Within, Tony Robbins explains that maintaining a commitment to your decisions can be challenging, but the harder you try, the easier it gets. So when you fail to evoke a change in your life, don’t be discouraged. Instead, think about what you can learn from failure.

In Unlimited Power, Tony Robbins explains that, generally, a successful person walks in a higher and more imposing way, showing self-esteem. One way to succeed, then, would be to replicate this behavior and begin to walk the same way, more imposingly.

Finally, in the book Mindset, by the psychologist Carol S. Dweck, it discusses how our beliefs shape our behavior and growth. While mindsets produce definite worldviews, people can change by learning new skills. Human beings can be taught to respond in different ways, how to face challenges and think differently.

How can I apply the ideas from “Não Negocie com a Preguiça”?

So that you can move on and follow the teachings presented here, we decided to leave some tips for you to apply in your daily life, they are:

  • Always lower your expectations, be satisfied with everything you have done;
  • Make a judgment on the target, ask who came before you and where you want to go and get great teachings;
  • Your life won't change over a weekend, take it easy and stay engaged;
  • When you want something, the whole universe conspires for you to fulfill your wish;
  • Choose a job you love and you won't have to work a single day of your life;
  • If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.

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Moreover, if you got interested to learn all the book’s details and tips, it is available for purchase by clicking on the following image:

Book Não Negocie com a Preguiça - Alê Prates