O Cérebro com Foco e Disciplina - Renato Alves

O Cérebro com Foco e Disciplina - Renato Alves

Learn here how to develop the focus and discipline necessary to make your dreams come true and live the life you've always wanted.

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Do you feel you that work hard and don't get the results you want? The author Renato Alves has the solution for you: self-control. In the book "O Cérebro com Foco e Disciplina" is shown all the tips for you achieve it!

Here you will learn how to develop self-control to stay focused and have the discipline to achieve extraordinary results. You can have the life you have always dreamed and enjoy the journey during it.

Renato explains all the concepts behind the human brain, and how our focus is connected with good habits, discipline and courage! He also shows the ways you can use it in order to increase your productivity!

Got interested to leverage your results? Stay with us in this summary!

About the book "O Cérebro com Foco e Disciplina"

The book "O Cérebro com Foco e Disciplina" was published in 2014 by author Renato Alves.

The work consists of 135 pages, divided into nine chapters, which cover how to develop focus and discipline to be more productive. In addition to improving the quality of life through increased self-control.

About the author Renato Alves

Renato Alves has won memory competitions by creating his own memorization method. Becoming a reference in this area and in accelerated learning.

He holds a degree in Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Philosophy of Mind. His training allowed him to analyze cognition with the mind-brain-computer triad and thus develop the "Renato Alves Method" of learning, concentration, and memorization.

In addition, he has authored books on how to use the mind for your advantage and has trained more than 300, 000 people with his lectures.

To whom is this book indicated?

The content is ideal for people who are not satisfied with their job performance, their relationships, and who have lost control of their lives.

Besides, anyone who feels that they lack the discipline or focus to achieve their goals should read this book.

Main ideas of the book "O Cérebro com Foco e Disciplina"

  • A focused and disciplined brain enables a person to improve their quality of life and to develop their full potential;
  • Distractions take people's focus off their path to realize their dreams. These can be external and internal. Inner distractions are generated by negative mental and emotional states created by a runaway mind;
  • Defending yourself from these states requires developing emotional shielding. This shielding is achieved through metapensing, the act of observing one's mind;
  • Self-control can be developed through eleven goals, presented here;
  • There is a sequence to be followed in order to make dreams come true and have control of your own life;

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Summary of the book "O Cérebro com Foco e Disciplina" PDF

Overview: An undisciplined mind is a weak mind

The author shows his concern for the growing lack of focus and lack of mental discipline in people. News such as "mother forgets her son in the car" is increasingly common. According to Renato Alves, this is because people are guilty of their unruly minds and distracted.

The author reveals that lack of mental self-control is a serious problem, accounting for an annual loss of $77 billion in the United States alone. It is urgent that people control their minds and not fall prey to recurrent toxic thoughts.

The solution lies in living more in the present, enjoying now. Stop reliving the pains of the past and stop worrying about hypothetical future scenarios. Renato suggests that adults starts to be more like children who marvel at each moment they live.

Overview: Distraction Specialists

According to the author, people live in an automatic self-destructive routine. People wake up, go to work, get distracted by irrelevant things, struggle to refocus on their work, go home, sleep, and repeat the next day.

In addition, the author says that they do not address or solve problems and prefer to avoid them. This is because there are numerous leaks within easy reach, such as internet games, TV shows, social networks, among many others, which gives the illusion that problems doesn't exist at least during the escape activity.

This problem may seem like a lack of willpower or aimlessness, but it is actually a lack of moral strength to be able to maintain choices regardless of the effort required. This is self-control, the key to success.

Alves believes that another thing that makes problem-solving difficult is the internal debate that people have between themselves, their minds and their memories. For him, to let the mind dominate is to be a prisoner of its emotions - lack of self-control - that can lead to disastrous actions.

The author suggests adding the moral strength needed to tackle problems, think of a solution and stick to it than to run away from problems and let them become bigger.

Overview: Where Distractions Begin

Renato Alves talks about how easy it is for humans to create distractions. The problem is that people attach importance to social acceptance - compliments from those around them - so you have, for example, a new pair of shoes.

The individual loses focus on his priorities and instead of using his mental energy to decide relevant issues, he chooses which shoe to wear.

The author argues that the solution to this problem is self-control, being lucid in choices, focusing on priorities and investing on being rather than having. Alves warns that it is the choices that create the person's beliefs and thus their future situation.

Overview: The Mental States and the Most Common Problems

Worry - Great Enemy of Concentration

Renato Alves says that when someone faces a problem and doesn't know how to solve it, they tend to create the worst predictions about the future, and consequently it eds up generating anxiety.

Attention thieves

Alves says that it is not just external factors, such as the noise of people talking that steal people's attention. The mind itself is capable of stealing attention through obsessive thoughts (addictions), bad feelings, such as sadness and the worry.

Fear and mental laziness

The author explains that a person who projects their mind to the future and thinks of a multitude of possible bad scenarios may feel fear and not act. This person begins to create an aversion to change and make it hard to get out of their comfort zone.

Alves says that those who don't expand their comfort zone because they are afraid of making the wrong decision generate mental laziness. Mental laziness widens, causing the person to lose focus and get distracted. This distraction ends up in mistakes and rework.

The rework discourages and makes the person look for escapes that take the focus of their priorities, affecting their lives, generating uncontrolled attention.

Unruly Attention

Alves explains that the human mind is dispersed by nature and not focused because it was an evolutionary advantage thousands of years ago, when humans should be aware of any change in the surroundings because it could be the attack of an animal or the presence of prey, but it is no longer.

Not being able to govern one's attention brings problems of memorizing and remembering important issues, making the person unproductive.

The author clarifies that both productivity and innovation need a calm and distraction-free environment to be effective.

Overview: The Paths to Emotional Shielding

The author believes that the best way to deal with stressful situations is not going overboard, but observing the emotions reactive to that stressful situation. Thus, the person don't explode in anger or crying, but neither do it accumulate health-damaging emotions within himself.

The ability to be a spectator of your own emotions and thoughts is self-control, as defined by Renato Alves, and one way to develop it is through meta-thinking, which is watching over your own thoughts.

The author emphasizes the importance of controlling the thoughts because they have the ability to change reality. Thoughts generate feelings that generate actions that lead to results.

Overview: Smart Reaction - Creating Healthy Relationships

The author believes that everything someone has in life is the product of his communication. This means that if the quality of communication improves, life also improves.

Alves's suggestion to improve communication is to learn talking firmly and sweetly. By this way, possible mental distractions are eliminated at their source.

He also recommends that when dealing with difficult people, you should view them with benevolence, that is, with compassion and without judging them, so negativity is not perpetuated and possible distractions from it do not appear.

Overview: The Goals for Developing Self-Control

Here the author presents 11 goals to develop self-control that needs nothing but commitment:

  • Goal 1 - Avoid Comparisons;
  • Goal 2 - Do your part without expecting anything from anyone;
  • Goal 3 - Achieve Accomplishment through Humility;
  • Goal 4 - Learn to receive criticism;
  • Goal 5 - Do not criticize;
  • Goal 6 - Don't Judge;
  • Goal 7 - Learn to Receive Advice;
  • Goal 8 - Don't advise;
  • Goal 9 - Make Positive Statements;
  • Goal 10 - Speak Less, Reflect More;
  • Goal 11 - As far as possible always tell the truth.

Overview: Organization, Courage and Discipline

In previous chapters, Renato has explained how to eliminate distractions so that you can have a peaceful mind and thus increase focus and discipline.

The author reminds readers that concentration is an exercise in exclusion, i. e. eliminating what is not a priority.

How to make your dreams come true

Alves shows that self-control and meta-thinking have the utility of making dreams come true. He explains that the first step is to understand the reason for the dream. Happiness is something that can be achieved immediately. It is not fair to condition happiness for achievement because it is obtained for free. According to the author, just be happy.

Alves invites, once you discovered the reason for the dream, to make a map, step by step, of how this dream will be achieved. This will remove all the distress and keep motivation.

The organization: A moral value

The author invites the reader to develop the organization. With it, will be solved and avoided various problems that would occupy the mind.

He also warns that being organized is not the same as being methodical. Although both have their value, he asks to be organized because it values practicality.

The organization improves the performance of tasks, bringing the desired results and improving the quality of life. He adds that the organization must facilitate two other aspects essential to achievement: courage and discipline.

Courage and discipline

If someone has a good idea, try to organize to put it into practice. If you have the courage to start your venture and have the discipline to stick to it, it will succeed.

According to Alves, to be disciplined is to follow the route drawn despite the difficulties and temptations. He explains that discipline gives the ability to don't give up and therefore to go further, and the first step to get it is to value it.

Take over control

The last advice given in this chapter is to take your time and enjoy the way. Self-control helps the person to respect their mental and emotional rhythm.

Overview: Now You Got the Power

Renato Alves believes that leaving the vicious circle of waking, working and sleeping requires self-control to develop organization, courage, focus, and discipline.

He also recalls the importance of living the present enjoying nature, family and leisure. Respect your own emotions and observe your own thoughts in order to make the mind work for you. That way, according to the author, people will achieve their dreams.

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "Focus", Daniel Goleman argues that practice only brings you closer to perfection if done smartly, that is, if the person practicing is using this time to make adjustments and improvements.

In "Deep Work", the author Cal Newport divided the book into two parts. First, he explains that, in almost every profession, keeping a focused job has enormous benefits, including personal life. After that, he presents the four rules for achieving this work and making them into habits.

Finally, the author of the book "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less", Greg Mckeown, says that multi focus is a problem since we can't focus on two things at once. And doing so will decrease productivity.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Wake up early and enjoy the birdsong at dawn is the first step out of the daily rush;
  • Write the mental states you use most. Are they good or bad? How about setting aside the bad and empowering the good? Just start using metapensing;
  • Choose a dream and realize it. How? Start by organizing yourself, charting your map, that will lead you to this dream, have the courage to act, and be disciplined. You will get there!
  • Choose some goals described here to develop self-control. You will find that it will become easier and easier. Soon you will have reached the eleven goals and, with them, self-control.

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Book 'O Cérebro com Foco e Disciplina'