O Cérebro de Alta Performance - Luiz Fernando Garcia

O Cérebro de Alta Performance - Luiz Fernando Garcia

Understand how to optimize your brain to the maximum to achieve high performance results and achieve your goals and change your life and your future!

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We have the daily challenge of making decisions of varying degrees. These are the decisions that will determine our success or failure. But how to act wisely and consciously in these situations? Luiz Fernando Garcia brings the answers in his book "The High-Performance Brain".

How to use every moment, regardless of the situation as a great opportunity for your life? How to face life's challenges and turn them into great opportunities?

The high performance of the mind can help you achieve positive results exactly the way you've designed them.

The secret? Use all your mental abilities from strategic workouts that will enhance brain synapses and you will discover a precious treasure stored in your mind.

Are you ready?

About the book "The High-Performance Brain"

Luiz Fernando Garcia's "O Cérebro da Alta Performance" (2013), "The High-Performance Brain" in free translation, guides the reader to train his high-performance mind and thus change his future. Listed among the best sellers in VEJA magazine in December/2013, considered Career Best Seller.

The book treats the brain like a computer, in which skills can be redirected to new learnings from new connections between neurons that are provided through stimuli and experiences.

If you would like to know the details, the complete work is available at:

About the author Luiz Fernando Garcia

Luiz Fernando Garcia specializes in Human Development and Business Psychodynamics (Business Psychology and Applied Psychoanalysis). He is also a lecturer, consultant, writer, entrepreneur, psychologist and trainee in psychoanalysis.

Garcia is a therapist specialized in business owners, national and international speaker, facilitator, entrepreneur, and CEO of Cogni-MGR - Mind, Management, Results. Creator of over 50 training methodologies for entrepreneurs and leadership positions.

He is considered a pioneer in Brazil in the Results Orientation approach in teams and companies and is the author of Best Seller Books: "Empresários no Divã" and "The High-Performance Brain" (2013).

To whom is this book indicated?

The referral goes to entrepreneurs who want to harness the full potential of their minds to reach their goals and make their dreams come true.

And also for those looking to change the outcome of their projects and plans through high performance.

Main ideas of the book "The High-Performance Brain"

  • The secret of a high performance brain is knowing how to use all mental potential at all times in life;
  • Goal visualization helps organize the prefrontal cortex for your executive actions such as goal planning and monitoring;
  • Staying focused is the key to achieving goals and succeeding;
  • There is a possibility of making mistakes and making bad choices, but it is important that we take advantage of this experience to get back on our feet.

Here are some strategies for training your mind at high performance, tapping into 100% of its potential.

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[Book Summary] The High-Performance Brain - Luiz Fernando Garcia

Overview: Knowing the Brain

In the first chapter, the author briefly clarifies how the central nervous system is formed, how important and relevant it is in the decision-making process, and how it can interfere with entrepreneurial behavior.

Entrepreneur Behavior

After conducting a series of studies, it was possible to build and understand the attitude, way of thinking and feeling of successful entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneur behavior can be analyzed from certain characteristics, which are:

  • Search for opportunity and initiative;
  • Persistence;
  • Commitment;
  • Quality and efficiency requirement;
  • Take calculated risks;
  • Goal setting;
  • Search for information;
  • Planning and systematic monitoring;
  • Persuasion and contact network;
  • Independence and self-confidence.

Overview: Entrepreneurial Conduct

Entrepreneurial conduct is different from entrepreneurial personality.

A stimulus perceived by an entrepreneurial personality elicits automatic reactions linked to their initiative levels, challenges, risks and quality of output visualization.

In the entrepreneurial personality, there is a feeling that there is a constant threat that triggers the fighting reaction.

In turn, the entrepreneurial conduct receives the stimulus without provoking so much emotion in the individual. This generates a reaction in structures related to primitive threats.

The person with entrepreneurial conduct can reason more about the problem, think among the pros and cons that their decision may have.

Overview: We are only able to reach a goal when we can see it.

Visualizing in your mind the situation you want to successfully accomplish is orienting your mind to where you want to go. It is to have and maintain the scene of conquest built into your mind.

This is how we get used to the brain acting according to the circumstances and getting closer to achieving a certain goal.

"Clearing the mental confusion of the tasks we have to do causes neurological pathways to better solve them."

Overview: Fear is the Raw Material of Attention

The biggest lesson of the challenges is that if we stand still, thinking too much, we will never "go forward." To exemplify, Garcia quotes Antonio Machado's poem "Walker, there is no way, one makes a way when walking".

That is, the path does not come before us, we make the path when we start walking and when we start facing challenges.

The challenge comes when something can cause us enough emotional tension for our brains to build new synapses. Fear is the best example.

When we feel fear during a challenge, our brain releases substances like norepinephrine that will give the feeling of satisfaction upon completion of such a challenge.

In addition, dopamine, a pleasure-related neurotransmitter, is also released.

Overview: To set a focus, first make it clear what your target is

Defining a focus is not as difficult as maintaining a focus, whether for a person or a company.

To stay focused, there needs to be intelligence when making decisions, interacting with people, whether in social life or the workplace.

Also, care, affection, and attention to those who are important to you and especially to yourself.

Focus is something that must be trained. It is much better to engage in one activity at a time than to be a multitasking person and not perform all the proposed jobs to perfection.

Luiz Fernando further states that:

"It's necessary to focus and make the choice seemingly harder."

Although it is a seemingly castrating phrase, it is actually part of the effort to control reactions and thereby achieve the desired success.

"One of the great keys to being able to thrive in any market - and, frankly, in any area of life - is to keep that focus in place longer. Follow the target, fulfill your goal".

Overview: Creating a Route Map

Mapping the route you want to follow is the most efficient thing you can do to train your brain.

It's through the map that you trace a location and a flow of actions. You can chart it in the short, medium and long term, this will depend on each of your goals.

By creating a route map, you will have the ability to:

  • Divide the largest result into tasks and actions with specific deadlines;
  • Determine short-term results with units of measure;
  • Establish and review your priorities for each task and action you will perform.

To build a route map you must:

  • A larger goal is broken down to make your deadlines more realistic;
  • Determine the stage of life that the map will be applied to, for example, the family cycle (having children);
  • Take action so that the goal can be achieved;
  • Things need to be simplified for the route map to be effective, so ask yourself, "Where can I still remove problems from?"

"By building small tasks, we work better than sticking to one big goal."

Overview: The power of writing is linked to the capacity for mentalization

From writing, you can build a clear path, and most importantly, one can see oneself in it. So when problems and challenges arise, you are ready for them.

In some cases, you can even anticipate and order actions without rush, emergencies or kicks.

Overview: Butterfly Effect

Life is made by choices, and in professional life could not be different.

If you want to have a successful career, during a certain period of your life, you will have to make choices, such as preferring to study over bars on weekends with friends.

This small attitude, which may look bad today, could make your future bright.

At such times you need to have hope. And also develop the ability to commit to your own expectations and those you generate in others.

"In the world of entrepreneurship, the drive is also directly related to you, it's the ability you have to direct your own energy, take the momentum and the ability to hold it, pointing it to where you are targeting."

What do other authors say about it?

Gino Wickman, author of the book "Traction", explores how successful entrepreneurs have an attractive and well-defined vision for their business. In addition, they know how to communicate this message to employees. From this, a guideline is created to be followed by everyone within the organization, always used to develop solutions and guide strategic actions.

In "15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management", author Kevin Kruse explains that most entrepreneurs adopt a morning routine to reenergize themselves physically and mentally. They recharge themselves with water, healthy food and exercise.

Finally, in the book "Winning", Jack Welch discusses that we must always seek quality in our professional lives. If you are not satisfied with your job, find a job that provides enthusiasm for your career. It is very important that you do not settle and that you finally leave the comfort zone.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • To be a successful entrepreneur, you must first behave as one. Be persistent and commit to the responsibilities assumed;
  • Your risks must be calculated and scheduled;
  • Set goals to carry out systematic planning and monitoring, dividing tasks and subtasks by set deadlines;
  • Create a route map so that your goal programming is more organized and the goals can be achieved more easily.

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In addition, the complete edition of the book is available for purchase below:

Book 'The High-Performance Brain'