Learn once and for all how to be a viable entrepreneur, get investors and build a winning startup. André Telles and Carlos Matos are ready to help you in their book "O Empreendedor Viável".
Out of five adult Brazilians, two are entrepreneurs. This is what a study from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research program found. Also, according to the survey, in ten years (2007 to 2017), Brazil went from 14.6 million entrepreneurs to 49.3 million.
This means that the number of people between 18 and 64 years old who engage in entrepreneurial activity in the country has more than tripled.
But could all these entrepreneurs be called "viable"? And even better, are you a viable entrepreneur?
Let's find out these answers soon!
The book "O Empreendedor Viável", "The Viable Entrepreneur" in free translation, by André Telles and Carlos Matos was released in 2013 and has 160 pages.
Content is considered a benchmark for new companies in the age of startup culture. Among other things, this book answers why some companies have a long life, while others soon come to an end. After all, what is being a viable entrepreneur? And what is the secret for the success of the winning companies?
André Telles is a Brazilian publicist and has advised several companies in the area of marketing and innovation.
In addition, he is the co-founder of the agency Digital Minds and received the Assespro award as the professional who most contributed to the dissemination of social media in the country.
In addition to "O Empreendedor Viável", Telles is the author of other books, such as "Digital Generation" and "The Social Media Revolution."
Carlos Matos is a Brazilian journalist and has been at the head of publishing and managing newspaper companies in Brazil and abroad. Focused on economics and business, he has written and edited in major publications in the segment.
Matos has already taken executive courses in communication, entrepreneurship, and management in London and Cranfield University, and a number of courses in design and programming in Brazil.
The content of the book is ideal for entrepreneurs and employees to develop innovative ideas in the companies in which they operate.
We separate the main ideas from the authors André Telles and Carlos Matos. They are:
In this PocketBook, we will learn about the "5W2H" tool that comes from English 5W (What, Why, Where, When and Who) and 2H (How and How Much).
This is the way to make any project viable. And as you are an entrepreneur, you can kick-start with answers to these seven questions.
So, Let's go!
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"What?". This is usually every entrepreneur's first question. According to André Telles and Carlos Matos, this is a scope, because its idea is just a conception. Then you need to have clear goals set.
That is: your idea is brilliant, all right, but (coming back to reality) how are you going to put it into practice anyway?
Following, check out the main concepts raised by the authors on this topic:
Every business must have a purpose. From the outset, the purpose of the business wins investors and ensures success with the market and customers. It also helps to keep everyone involved in the project motivated.
The viable entrepreneur must be prepared to take calculated risks in both his personal and professional life.
Have you ever heard the expression, "So-and-so was in the right place at the right time"? Yeah. According to the book "O Empreendedor Viável", this is not luck or mere chance work.
You must have a well-defined character and product, and strong reasons for bringing them to market.
So you have to get your projects done at the right time: why not seek information and set goals to be in the right place at the right time?
Do you know those "boring questions" such as "How to distribute the product", or "How to convert new customers", or "How...", etc.?
The viable entrepreneur knows all these questions. Therefore, aware of these questions, you should create faster, more efficient and repeatable processes. By the way, this is one of the prerogatives of the startup concept.
True, most investors only want to put money into companies that already generate revenue. No one wants to throw money away.
Do not take it personally. André Telles and Carlos Matos emphasize that an investment is a capital investment aimed at a target redemption forward, with interest, agio or premium added.
You need to prove to investors that your startup really deserves a chance. To do so, you will need persistence, commitment, independence, and self-confidence.
At last but not least, we come to the fifth "W", Who. According to the authors, the question "who" could be interpreted in various ways. The issue is also present in all decisions of a startup.
"Who" applies to your target audience, customers, employees, partners, founders, your entire network of contacts.
And there is the most important question: "Who can drive my startup to growth?" This is simple: yourself.
In the book "Empreendedorismo para Subversivos", "Entrepreneurship for Subversives" in free translation, the author Facundo Guerra tells about his professional career, which led him to leave the corporate world and become an entrepreneur, with more than 10 successful businesses. It also offers a guide for those who want to start their own business by revealing their mistakes and successes.
In "Traction", author Gino Wickman explores how successful entrepreneurs have an attractive and well-defined vision for their business. In addition, they know how to communicate this message to employees. And with that, a guideline is created to be followed by everyone within the organization, always used to develop solutions and guide strategic actions.
Finally, in the book "Innovation and Entrepreneurial", author Drucker, considered one of the greatest names in Modern Administration, defines innovation as practice and discipline. He also considers that innovation is a market need and essential for the sustainability of any company, regardless of its size and sector.
Now that we have covered the main points of the book "O Empreendedor Viável", by authors André Telles and Carlos Matos, how about a recap?
So, Let's go:
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