Out of The Maze - Spencer Johnson

Out of The Maze - Spencer Johnson

Learn about leadership, perseverance, determination and courage and understand how a life based on these qualities can influence and make you a real winner.

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How do you face the obstacles in your life?

Many times, we choose to give up our dreams for fear of frustration or simply for lack of motivation in the pursuit of what we desire.

Learn in this summary of the book "Out of The Maze", the right way of thinking and the method that will help you overcome difficulties, overcome barriers, and further achieve your goals.

Are you ready to be a winner?

So, come with us.

About the book "Out of The Maze"

"Out of the Maze" was written in 2002 by Spencer Johnson. Filled with words of resilience and courage, the work is a true teaching of how to achieve your projects even in the face of great difficulty.

About the author Spencer Johnson

Spencer Johnson was a graduate writer, speaker, and psychologist at the University of California. Spencer is the author behind the big bestseller "Who Moved My Cheese?"

He has sold over 40 million copies of his masterpieces based on leadership, success, and helpful tips on how to overcome difficulties and achieve goals simply, quickly, and practically.

To whom is this book indicated?

Leaders who want to take a winning path by learning how to get around the obstacles that hinder their success.

Main ideas of the book "Out of The Maze"

  • Old beliefs do not lead you to the expected goal;
  • To get out of the maze, you need to study it;
  • A belief is a thought held true;
  • Deliverance from the old conviction can make you victorious;
  • Beliefs are a personal choice;
  • Success, to be achieved, needs credibility;
  • A selected thought is a healthy thought.

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[Book Summary] Out of The Maze - Spencer Johnson

Overview: Convictions X Success

Beliefs can be explained as ideas that we take for granted. At the same time, it can be understood as the maximum certainty of something, be it a teaching, ideological principles, a theory or even a thesis.

They can be personal or professional, a religion or a culture by which we adhere to our lifestyle. But what we really need to understand is that beliefs act directly on our success or failure.

Professionally speaking, the way we carry out our work is based on convictions. But when is our performance unsatisfactory? What to do when our goals are increasingly far from being achieved?

We need to reevaluate what we believe to be right.

Often, what prevents our reaching the goal is the absence of error detection. Either we really believe in the basis for something and we don't want to change, or we just give up on the goal. That is the problem because we have difficulty studying about our difficulties.

The maze cited by the author is all that keeps us from winning. All the obstacles, mistakes, losses, bad feelings that keep us from reaching our "oasis".

When the error is detected, the time has come to understand what led us to that situation.

Sometimes they are consequences of our own choices. Whether they come from bad decisions, lack of dialogue in the workplace, poor articulation of ideas, or even the lack of existing project structure.

Well, if the obstacle of detection has been overcome, one must realize that the goal is closer than before. Hope is fuel for the realization of what we desire.

When we have hope, we are strong and better able to fight. But it is no use having confidence if we struggle with the same convictions.

Old ideas need to be set aside for new ideas to come. The old weapons, ideologies, methodologies, discourses, projects need to be reformulated. however much this will require greater willpower.

Incidentally, fixing a problem is far from easy, but you can be sure it will be much faster and more profitable than hitting the same key as the error.

Think about it.

Overview: Get rid of fear

As stated, detecting the error is difficult. This is because of the error, to be identified, needs the study of the maze. And that not everyone wants to do.

The idea of "try again" has already been bought. And that's not bad. But first, we need to understand that attempts to be valid need to be based on sound planning.

The book cites people's fear of analyzing their own mistakes. Be it the fear of going back to what went wrong and it will negatively emanate from the emotions, or because you are simply afraid of going deep into the maze.

Fear paralyzes, while it regresses dreams and procrastinates people. This sentiment is an expert in crates.

The fearful person, for example, cannot see solutions because he lives on the success of the past. She lives on delusions and false attempts due to the difficulty of getting out of the comfort he is in.

This is why it is so difficult to dare. Dare on goals and projects. The use of old weapons will most likely not work the same way it once did. Strategies need to be changed.

Spencer Johnson cites the fear of the character with the maze mishaps. Often our fear is built on our own thoughts or on what we have heard.

Understand that our projects cannot be based on the experiences of others.

We need to experience our own steps, suffer our consequences, and fix our own mistakes. Only then will we be able to fight our own wars and cohesively manage the strategies.

Overview: Escape the obvious

It is misleading to keep in mind that creativity is a unique and innate characteristic of each individual. On the other hand, creativity can be acquired by curious people through practice and good living habits.

In the professional world, it is crucial that we have a creative mind. This is because creative people deal with the challenges at work much easier. They are not afraid to risk finding unusual solutions.

If you want to accomplish your goals, grow professionally, put your business on top of success, you need to get away from the obvious. For this to happen, first of all, it needs to change the mindset. Demystify the usual and break the paradigm through confrontation.

But understand, it is no use confronting them otherwise you are not willing to try the new. You need to work on self-confidence. The fact that we are attached to old beliefs has a lot to do with the field of emotions and the lack of control of the ego.

Understand that if you do something without believing it can come true, you are already doomed to failure. As hard as these words are, they are real.

The work is good, the creativity is excellent, its functions are fundamental, but it is your confidence that will bring the accomplishment to what you so desire. It is expected that is the search valve for the unexpected, the escape from the obvious, and the arrival of creativity in the unexplored fields of your life.

Overview: Do you control your thoughts?

We know that thoughts and emotions are entirely related and both constitute the essence of all that we are. Sometimes, when we are working on something important, some projects, strategy, it is common to be unmotivated when we fail to achieve the desired time.

And this whole wave of negativity starts in our mind, especially if it's in a cast that doesn't want to know other beliefs. That is when the sense of failure comes.

Bad thoughts isolate the individual's experience in the present. Johnson teaches the importance of not believing everything that comes to mind. The "facts" are not immutable and can be understood as just a perspective.

The book advises us not to limit our beliefs to absolute truths. It is essential that we select our thoughts so that it does not negatively influence our emotions and our performance.

Using the contextualization method of thoughts is a good tip for greater control of what comes to your mind. It is important that you, the leader, are committed to this pursuit of good thoughts and, above all, understand that your team also needs to share that same commitment.

Otherwise, the results will not turn out as expected.

What do other authors say about it?

In "The Secret", Rhonda Byrne argues that everything is energy. This energy vibrates as you think and feel. The tip is to let go of that part of your past that doesn't suit your present and future. To be aware of the present is to become aware of the power of your thoughts and the state of your feelings.

Already in "The 5 Second Rule" author Mel Robbins says that failure, from one point of view, is the path to success, and focusing on that, we put insecurity aside. This is very positive since the overwhelming majority of our decisions are based on feelings, not logic.

Finally, in "Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald's" we are told to find our differential. Do not be overwhelmed by a mistake that will give you up on your dream. Even the most successful people have overcome many failures that are part of the path to success.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Select your beliefs and analyze if they will actually lead you to the desired goal;
  • Be open to new concepts. The tether-free individual detects problems better and finds more strategies in a shorter period of time;
  • Value the pursuit of creativity. New ways, new ideas, new possibilities for success;
  • Believe in your goals. There is no point in fighting for them if within them the light of hope is not lit;
  • See an outlet for the problem. Explore the unexplored and realize the "unrealizable".

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Book 'Out of the Maze'