Pega a Visão - Rick Chesther

Pega a Visão - Rick Chesther

Get to know Rick Chesther's life story and understand how a Copacabana water seller became one of the most requested speakers in Brazil.

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To undertake is the dream of most Brazilians - and the only option for others. Did you know that more than half of 18-34-year-olds dream of owning their own business? However, this journey can come full of surprises that can be fatal for those with little experience. In the summary of the book "Pega a Visão", we'll talk a little about Rick Chesther's story.

You will learn valuable life lessons, acquired after years of experience, to support your entrepreneurial career.

Rick Chesther's story - or "The Water Guy" - shows that entrepreneurship is a road of choice, not just a skill. And on this journey, problems ranging from finances to unresolved relationships can be huge obstacles.

He started selling vegetables he himself grew at the age of eight and became one of Brazil's most sought-after speakers. You will learn valuable life lessons from years of experience to support your entrepreneurial career.

To learn more, read on and we'll explain each topic.

About the book "Pega a Visão"

"Pega a Visão" was published in September 2018, shortly after Rick Chesther's meeting with mega-entrepreneur Flávio Augusto da Silva, founder of the Wise Up language school network and owner of Orlando City.

The book is marked by a language that preserves the author's authenticity and makes it more accessible to any reader. Over 28 chapters and 208 pages, Chesther brings lessons in entrepreneurship interspersed with the most remarkable stories of his own life, without sparing his own mistakes.

An instant hit, the title is among the top 100 in Amazon Brasil's overall book sales ranking and among the top 10 most sold in the Personal Transformation category.

In the book, Chesther talks about the importance of sowing to reap, the importance of choices, and how it is possible to undertake and live better through certain personal and professional attitudes.

About the author Rick Chesther

Rick Chesther became an instant celebrity after posting a video on social networks showing how an unemployed person in Rio de Janeiro could make up to 750% profits on $ 10 borrowed and a lot of willpower.

Audience success, however, came preceded by a story few have known before. Born in a humble family in Pitangui, Minas Gerais, Rick had a childhood rich in principles and experiences.

While his father provided the home with food and wisdom, Chesther sold his first vegetables at the age of eight. He demonstrated leadership skills early on and was easy to influence others by example.

Despite a history permeated by painful moments, the strength, resilience, and ability to move forward made the author a speaker of stature, with a stint at Harvard University and European institutions.

To whom is this book indicated?

No matter how educated you are: If you are considering entrepreneurship or even if you already have an initiative underway, you need to know the history and lessons of Rick Chesther.

The book is suitable for young adults who are looking to own their own business and also for entrepreneurs who already know corporate reality closely but need a new perspective to renew their strengths.

Main ideas of the book "Pega a Visão"

  • The Law of Sowing is a reality: whoever plants his garden will have his crop. Wealth is the result of labor and investment;
  • Undertaking means turning any available resource into a product or service;
  • When someone surrounds weak people, they will soon be weaker than all of them. And those who do not strengthen themselves suck the energy of others;
  • Accepting one's mistakes, admitting blame for one's own lifelong failures, and correcting them is part of every entrepreneur's journey;
  • Talent is important, but 80% of a business's results come from networking;
  • Entrepreneurship is not a gift, but a means to the realization of dreams.
  • Life is full of possibilities and everyone has everything to take advantage of opportunities. However, each choice conceals a renunciation;
  • When you invest in something with all your energy, that "something" expands - be it a video, a product, an idea, or a business.

Now, let's get to the content!

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[Book Summary] Pega a Visão - Rick Chesther

Overview: The beginning of entrepreneurial life

Rick Chesther narrates his trajectory, talking about traumas and difficulties he faced in childhood and how his family needed to separate for a while, due to his mother's health problems.

For him, family cohesion in the face of almost insurmountable adversities and his father's hardworking and honest spirit helped to form the pillars of his character and determined his future as an entrepreneur.

The author points out that money and wealth are the fruits - or consequences - of individual action and well-executed work.

He says that his father said that "getting along in life" had nothing to do with the amount of wealth he would be able to accumulate, but what would make the difference is the possibility of being able to walk with his head up and be a reference for people.

The family organization undertaken by his father helped to form the concept of leadership: each older brother was responsible for the younger ones since the parent often traveled for work to earn a monthly living and his mother was in poor health due to leakage.

Thus, every gesture, attitude, and word that he expressed was measured in such a way that he was not a negative influence on his younger brother.

Overview: The learnings

Chesther narrates his transit in society as a leader of the traditional square dances in Brazil and later as the community's political leader. However, he points out that too much surrender to these experiences and excessive vanity had negative consequences for both his personal and professional life.

He explains that he could not fully devote himself to any of his activities. With a constituted family, he worked as a street vendor, junior gang leader, as an advisor in a parliamentary office in the city of Belo Horizonte, and also served as a general services assistant for two years.

With the frustration of having a lot of work, but nothing concrete and not understanding what was missing, the author explains that two marriages were dissolved and all the lessons learned during childhood no longer influenced their decisions.

Not knowing where he had gone wrong, the author says that he returned to his family roots and began to rethink his choices in order to build something lasting.

One of his main learnings, he details, was to discover that when someone surrounds themselves with weak people, they will soon be weaker than all of them. And who does not strengthen on his own, sucks the energy of others.

By identifying the mistake he made, the author realized that the solution was also in it and outlined four factors of a formula that he would need to follow to stand out:

  1. Find the error;
  2. Accept that you made a mistake;
  3. Correct the error;
  4. Don't commit it again.

Overview: Trip to Rio de Janeiro

At one point, Rick Chesther says in his book that he made the decision to move to Rio de Janeiro, a city where he already had affective ties. His first activity was to be a water seller on Copacabana Beach.

In a short time, it mapped the drink depots on the beach, modernized service, provided contact through WhatsApp, and implemented solutions that no other vendor offered. According to the author, he realized that 80% of any business is based on relationships and only 20% on talent.

Chesther points out that entrepreneurship is not a gift, but a road through which dreams can come true. Travel, he says, is more important than the destination itself.

For the author, life is full of possibilities and every person has everything to be a winner or a loser. It is not the opportunities, but the choices that make people. And each choice requires a waiver.

Sales money, he teaches his colleagues, must be divided into three parts: the first is personal savings so that the salesman has a half-foot in the most difficult times; The second refers to the money that needs to be reinvested in the business to generate new sales. The third, finally, is the salesman's salary.

After deciding to leave the house of his partner and live alone, the author reports that all the money he had was enough just to pay the rent and left only R$ 70.

Following the entrepreneurial concept, he applied his resources and soon acquired not only the bed but also appliances, furniture and finished setting up his home without having to resort to credit, only with the money from sales.

The way he conquered the goods, he says, makes each item more valuable to him than what was actually paid for.

Overview: The famous video

Inspired by the idea of entrepreneurship he already knew from the books "Value Generation", the author says that he decided to record a video explaining how any unemployed person in Rio de Janeiro could make 750% profits just selling water in Copacabana.

The video was shared by several celebrities, including businessman and author Flávio Augusto da Silva.

With the repercussion of the video, the author narrates that he decided to create the painting "Minute of Entrepreneurship" on his page. Every day, he published a differently themed video associated with his entrepreneurial routine, using his own language. For the author, the true entrepreneur cannot lose sight of the consumer.

In one of the videos, he explains that the entrepreneur should consume his own product and ask himself if:

  1. He would pay for that product;
  2. He would take for his family to consume;
  3. He would present the product to friends.

If all the answers are yes, the product, whatever it is, is ready to go to market.

Chesther explains that when you invest in something with all your energy, believing that you can do something, that project expands - be it a video, a product, an idea or a business.

Another aspect that made a difference in your life was relationships. According to Chesther, none of them were in vain. All the meetings have taken him to where he is today, and even though many of these relationships are over, there is no trace of grudge.

Overview: The challenges of entrepreneurial life

The author states that each person must be moved by their inherent ability not to stop, to remain in constant motion. For him, if a person becomes a better human being, the whole world changes for the best.

It is necessary for each individual to accept his share of the blame in misfortunes, the author points out, and seek to improve on it. Without this acceptance, the only alternative is stagnation.

Every opportunity is created, built, not given, or bought; he says. The opportunity seized, in turn, generates recognition, not the other way around.

For Chesther, everyone needs to be aware of their origins so that they have a clear view of where they want to go.

Another extremely important aspect for entrepreneurs is financial education, Chesther recalls. According to him, many suffer from not knowing how to save or save money to reinvest. This lack of knowledge causes many people to work all year long and the business remains stagnant.

The author recalls that knowledge, now more available than ever, can relieve the burden of entrepreneurial life.

For him, in undertaking, it is necessary to have complete control of all incoming and outgoing resources - that is, income and expenses, all at the tip of the pencil. From then on, one should control spending. But most importantly, understanding that improving one's life or succeeding is not the same as acquiring objects to get other people's attention.

The author explains that it is necessary to know three things: how much you earn, what you do with what you earn, and how much you can save from what you earn. Without this discipline, he explains, the worker will toil all year and never leave the place.

The author ponders that the misguided way people use money can lead to promising bankruptcy, no matter how large or small. It is the use of money, not its possession, that makes people rich.

To get rich, the way is to multiply the resources available, make savings and reinvest profits.

Based on this and his life experience, the author states that he proceeded to divide people into three groups:

  1. Those who live;
  2. Those who survive;
  3. The ones that pass.

The first group would be the people who have already overcome the challenges people who had to overcome and live only to fulfill their mission. In the second are those who crave a better life but cannot detach from their present way of life and remain accustomed to their own mistakes.

Finally, there are people who have given up on everything and just wander about the planet. Everyone can choose which category they will belong to, says the author.

Overview: The top

An emblematic figure in social networks, the author comments that success on the Internet is fleeting and that all the capital invested there can evaporate in seconds. The virtual world is not a good anchor for entrepreneurs.

Chesther also criticizes the misuse of cell phones. Many people, instead of monetizing and using the full potential of cell phones to multiply resources, use them only to sustain vanity. The secret is not in appearance or technology but in multiplication.

Thus, the author points out that the biggest investment he could make once he achieved all his professional and financial goals would be to invest in people. Both the most privileged and the needy, he says, need another mindset.

For Chesther in his book "Pega a Visão", being on top is about being a reference to other people in a given area without losing touch with the roots. Those at the top should inspire others to walk along and stop when they get tired.

"The top is not who loses or who wins. The top is who never stops fighting"

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "Value Generation", Flávio Augusto says that victorious thoughts are more likely to generate positive results. Whereas trivial thoughts yield only trivial results. Where do you get victorious thoughts? Wrong question, the right question would be who to learn from.

The answer is: "learn to think with those who have arrived there." Flavio says that "you can only learn to have a winning mindset with the winners."

In "Winning: The Ultimate Business How", Jack Welch discusses that we must always strive for quality in our working lives. If you are not satisfied with your job, find a job that provides enthusiasm for your career, it is very important that you do not settle and leave the comfort zone.

Finally, in "Dream Big" Cristiane Correa complements the idea of personal strategic planning and underscores the importance of maintaining a continuous improvement process to achieve your goals. His ideas were inspired by the visions of the richest entrepreneurs in Brazil. It is possible to draw excellent lessons to apply on your entrepreneurial journey and thus achieve amazing results. Also, seek the long-awaited financial independence.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Have your family as your base, a place where you have bonds, memories in common, and emotional security to start over;
  • To undertake is to transform resources into products or services. Use this concept whenever you think about starting a business;
  • Avoid vanity and learn to focus on activities and people that bring value to your life;
  • Surround yourself with strong people from whom you can learn. Weak people will only steal your energy;
  • In times of crisis, identify where you made a mistake, accept that you made a mistake without attributing it to others, correct the mistake and do not make it again;
  • Divide the money you make from sales into three parts: one will go to savings, another to reinvest and buy materials to generate new sales, and the third will be your salary;
  • Before launching a product on the market, ask yourself if you would pay for that product, take it for your family to consume, and introduce it to your friends. If the answers are yes, the product is ready for launch;
  • Be aware of your origins so that your vision of where you want to be is as clear as possible;
  • Do not use the money you make with so much time and sweat to buy superfluous items. Correct use of money is critical for any entrepreneur;
  • Know how much you earn, what you do with what you earn, and how much you can save from what you earn. Misuse of money can lead businesses to bankruptcy;
  • To stay on top, never stop fighting.

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