Pense Grande - Alex Bonifácio

Pense Grande - Alex Bonifácio

Get out of mediocrity now! This summary will show you that thinking big is the key to achieving the highest goals.

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Do you feel happy? Do you ever wonder why some people stand out and you don't? We know that achieving what you want by following your ideals is everything everyone wants. Being recognized for this is priceless!

In this summary, we will show you the teachings of Alex Bonifácio who, through real case studies, tells in his book what is necessary to reach the highest levels of life.

Who are these successful people? How do they get there? Well, keep following this summary and discover all the answers.

About the book "Pense Grande"

The book published in 2013 by Alex Bonifácio, is a study based on the author's curiosity to find out how some people can accomplish incredible and even impossible achievements.

With ten chapters, the book features case histories from various high-performing people and what characteristics have made them reach their fullest.

About the author Alex Bonifácio

Alex Bonifácio has a degree in Business Administration, a postgraduate degree in marketing from FGV and a master's degree in Knowledge Management and Information Technology.

He is a member of the Superior Council of the Association of Banks in the Federal District and of the Institutional Relations Commission of the Brazilian Federation of Bank Associations (Febraban).

To whom is this book indicated?

This book is a big start in the life of every person who is accommodated and stagnant in goals and wants to change this behavior.

Reading this book is also good for people who are uncomfortable with some aspect of their lives and don't want to adapt to fit in. With this work, they will understand where this insatiable feeling for change comes from and how they can begin to make a difference.

Main ideas of the book "Pense Grande"

  • Only 5% of the population want and motivate themselves to be a high performing person;
  • The 5% Group makes no excuses, but seeks to results;
  • Bounty hunters center their goals on fame, wealth and status (and this is not a trait of a high-performing person);
  • Good visionaries enjoy the journey of knowledge. For them, self-realization is the real reward;
  • Paradigms limit our performance and ability us to see new strategies;
  • The 5% Group is not fooled by fear, they control fear;
  • High performers are organized and realistic;
  • There is no right age to be in the 5% Group.

Now, let's get to know all the details of these high performing people!

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[Book Summary] Pense Grande - Alex Bonifácio

Overview: The 5% Group

The first characteristic of high performers is that, according to Alex Bonifácio, they are already born with the feeling of being able to accomplish everything they believe. For them, the impossible does not exist.

Generally, these people are those who are unhappy with any situation in their life, but they don't sit around waiting for something to happen: they make it happen!

According to the author, only 5% of the world's population feels this vigor. He defines them as the "5% Group".

While the majority of the population tries not to deal with unpleasantness in order to avoid "negative emotions," the 5% Group perceives this as a sign that an attitude of change needs to be taken.

At this moment, the 5% feel motivated and are able to go after them, face challenges and achieve their ideals. According to the author, it is a

"wonderful maelstrom of avenues available that can help modify perceived reality toward its true designs and goals."

The author defines this moment of Boiling Point. During his study, Alex noted the following characteristics of high performers:

  • Extreme perseverance;
  • Do not conform to contrary events:
  • Question, do not accept recipes or formulas;
  • Dissatisfaction with lived reality and an uncontrollable desire for change;
  • Deal with their feelings, resolve their frustrations, and remain confident of themselves and their beliefs;
  • Do not make excuses they seek for results;
  • Believe that all necessary supplies are around us;
  • Perform their activities with passion;
  • Aim at the common good.

The author gives some examples of people who are part of this 5% (and you may have heard of some of them): Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Ayrton Senna, Gustavo Borges, Zilda Arns and Muhammad Yunus.

Overview: The good visionaries and the bounty hunters

Who are the bounty hunters?

The book "Pense Grande" says that It isn't very difficult to identify a bounty hunter. He or she is that person who performs deeds in exchange for something material or recognition of someone.

The author jokes:

"But who is not happy with praise, the recognition of family and friends?"

However, these people have as their main objective these awards, regardless of the process of accomplishment itself.

They do things for themselves first and then think about the next. When they fail, they are never responsible for it; It always has a third element that causes its failure.

Alex Bonifácio says that if you know someone who uses a lot of the words "this is very difficult" or "has been tried before and it didn't work" then you probably know a bounty hunter.

For them, the "right" profession is one that will enrich you, bring you status and fame. They do not think about personal fulfillment, they think of material goods and recognition.

Worst of all, bounty hunters sabotage themselves by unconsciously creating their own obstacles to hinder their path to achieving their goals and success.

And who are the good visionaries?

The 5% Group. In the author's words, "they are people who do their best and do it masterfully." They do not cling to luxury as a goal, the trip they take is the reward.

They are inspired and know where they are going. Criticism does not shake its way, they seek to grow up with constructive criticism and are immune to cloudy, cold and tasteless life.

In addition, the 5% Group paddles against the current. They act professionally and personally in accordance with their values, not by accepting others, much less for money. For them, money is a consequence of an inspired and well-done job.

These visionary people tend to be more engaged in collective affairs, lending their abilities to generate maximum good for all.

Overview: The danger of absolute truths

Paradigms are a kind of "laws" that society takes as absolute truth. Alex Bonifácio says that paradigms limit performance and make many possible solutions invisible to many problems we face every day.

When we accept ready-made solutions, we are doomed to self-indulgence. This is because, therefore, we do not analyze the spectrum of possible strategies (some of them may be even better than we usually adopt). In addition, we have not developed our creativity to generate a new solution.

Fully realized people do not accept forms, they prefer to create. They are not overwhelmed just because before them someone did differently, they prove that they are able to broaden their minds and expand opportunities by seeing things from other angles.

At the end of the chapter, the author makes a reminder:

"We are all able to reach new levels of performance."

Overview: The failure

Many people who yearn to start a project do not take initiative for fear of failure, even if the chances are slim. On the other hand, Alex Bonifácio noted that people in the 5% Group have a different view:

  • They are not fooled by fear;
  • They deal with this feeling daily so that their decisions are not influenced by it.

It's important to keep in mind that making mistakes is natural to the process. Sometimes we will go through many situations in which, before success comes, we will often fail. But we should not see this as a reason to give up, but as a step closer to reaching the goal.

Overview: All in time

Time is a fact that can trigger feelings such as worry and anxiety. As a result, many people find themselves desperate to finish their projects on time. However, they see no way out because they are blinded by bad feelings.

Members of the 5% Group realize that great deeds can take years to accomplish or recognize. Given this, they can handle this with serenity and patience.

Extraordinary people do not race against time to prove themselves right or to be recognized. They focus on your process, your wills, the learning journey and the passions.

Overview: Goals

We have seen that bounty hunters are those who do things to be recognized or to become rich, famous. Setting our goals based on this kind of reward, according to the book "Pense Grande", it is a tragic way to reduce the ability to achieve goals.

The author adds that it is essential that we have a goal, but that it is inspiring. In this way, we will be working on our best skills and striving for something that really has value.

Alex warns:

"You have to set deadlines and figure out the best way to reach it."

As we organize our tasks, we begin to see our goals more clearly. That way we'll know exactly where we will arrive.

Be committed to pursuing your goals because they are your missions. Commit to something that reflects in society. Only then will you make sense of what you do.

Overview: The success

Alex states that a stable and comfort situation is the ideal setting for you to develop self-indulgence. When we reach one of our goals, our mind tends to feel a sense of accomplishment. And this is where you, the reader, should pay attention!

The author says we should not settle for the initial success; on the contrary, you must let go of things that have led you to success and adopt new strategies. As we achieve things, we must focus on achieving new ones.

"Success brings with it myopia, a haze that makes it hard to focus on the goal."

Overview: What is your age?

It is never too late to make the change. Take a moment to analyze aspects of your life, reflect on whether you are happy the way you are now. And ask yourself the following question: "Is there anything that would bring great meaning to my life?"

If you want to be part of the 5% Group, you should keep in mind that the time to change is now! It doesn't matter if you are ten years old or at your best.

At work

The author raises a point that catches the attention of business owners and directors: "Age paradigms also need to be broken." Companies that engage in such conduct to make hires or layoffs are not giving importance to those who really have disruptive power.

Everyone who has a passion for something has the ability to accomplish great transformative deeds. It takes focus, determination, passion and energy to be a high-performing person: the ones who make the difference!

What do other authors say about it?

According to Caio Carneiro, author of the book "Seja foda!", success is 99% made of failure. Moreover, if you consider failure as the opposite of success, you will not build anything productive, since every failure is just a step on the ladder of your success.

In "Disrupt You!" Jay Samit says that innovative ideas have the power to transform the world and disrupt the system. For you to unleash a disruptive profile, you need to plan your goals and be susceptible to both internal and external changes.

Finally, Malcolm Gladwell, in the book "Outliers: The Story of Success", reinforces the idea that practical intelligence, that is, knowing how to say and what to say, culture, opportunities, generation and family history are more important factors than analytical intelligence (IQ) to achieve extraordinary success.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

We've put together a few tips to get you in the 5% group:

  • Quit self-indulgence. Don't adapt to the things you can't change, change the things you don't want to adapt;
  • Don't focus on achieving your goals to be rich, famous or recognized. Self-realization is based on doing things for you, not for a reward;
  • Strive to excel more and more. Be better than you were yesterday;
  • Don't be seduced by success;
  • Be willing to make a difference in the world with something you love.

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Book 'Pense Grande'