Poder e Alta Performance - Paulo Vieira

Poder e Alta Performance - Paulo Vieira

Get to know the CIS method, based on strategies focused on emotional intelligence that will help you have the life you always desired.

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You have probably heard many people say that mental changes in humans do not happen, and when they do, the process is very slow.

Also, how many times have you tried to accomplish a goal and have not got the desired result?

This book aims to demystify all of this and to show that there are correct tools and methods to carry out your goals and make you achieve, after all, a quick change and in line with your desires, becoming much happier.

Do you want to know how? So, let's go!

About the book "Poder e Alta Performance"

Published in 2017, Paulo Vieira's book, promises to be a practical manual to promote deep and rapid changes in your life, The author makes the promise that, in only four months, it is possible to reap the rewards of this change.

The book offers fundamental tools to develop a full life and to have control of the destiny. All of these tools are based on the CIS method, a method created by the author himself and considered to be the largest training in emotional intelligence in the world.

All of this content aims to teach how to have a better life and to be successful in a professional and personal way.

About the author Paulo Vieira

Paulo Vieira is a writer and is considered one of the largest and most experienced coaches in Brazil, with more than 10 thousand hours in sessions. In addition, he is the creator of the Integral Systemic Coaching (CIS) methodology and president of Febracis.

As an academic background, Paulo holds a PhD in management and a master's degree in coaching, both from Florida Christian University (FCU), where he is a teacher.

The coach is also the best-selling author of:

To whom is this book indicated?

The book is a good tip for you that wants to get out of your comfort zone and move quickly to your goals, thus, seeking a more balanced, fulfilled and happy life in every way.

If you are looking for this, find out how great you are and how many opportunities they have for you. And the best part, awakening within you all the power and high performance needed to turn your thoughts into reality.

Main ideas of the book "Poder e Alta Performance"

  • Identify your current situation;
  • Take responsibilities;
  • The power of communication;
  • How to accomplish grandiose and achievable goals;
  • Create your life mission.

This summary will introduce you to the main teachings on how to become a high-performance person in all scenarios! Are you prepared? Let's go!

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[Book Summary] Power and High Performance - Paulo Vieira

Overview: Identify your current state

According to the author Paulo Vieira, for the process of change to occur three principles are needed: "Discovering your current state", "Finding out where you want to go" and "Elaborating action plans".

In this chapter the central goal is to understand where you are now. In this way, the author asks a series of questions, and you need to be honest and think deeply. The main questions are:

  • Who are you? (Beliefs, feelings, thoughts, behaviors);
  • What have you been up to? (Work, study, family);
  • What do you have in the material context? (Residence, car, financial reserve, assets).

Another tool presented by the author is the Systemic Self-Assessment Map (MAAS) that measures the quality of life based on 11 individual values.

Overview: Self-responsibility

According to the author, you are responsible for the life you have taken. That is, you are responsible for your actions, behaviors and words regardless of whether things have worked out or not.

So the responsibility for change is yours. It is necessary to find the error, to analyze the reason and to act in the correct form without being blamed, but taking responsibility. Remember that the complaint does not get you anywhere.

To aid you in the conquest of responsibility, Paul suggests that you should apply the six laws:

  1. If you're going to criticize people... shut up;
  2. If you are going to complain about the circumstances... give suggestions;
  3. If you look for guilty... seek the solution;
  4. If you are becoming a victim... be a winner;
  5. If you justify your mistakes... learn from them;
  6. If you are about to judge someone... judge that person's attitude.

In order to start using the laws, the book "Poder e Alta Performance" advises you to print them and paste them in the places that you frequent and that have easy visualization.

Overview: The power of communication

Physiology: the posture of the kings

The author makes clear that our physiology has an immediate effect on our feelings and behaviors.

Therefore, communicate as if you have already achieved your goals. Have a straight posture, raise your head and shoulders, open a smile and open your eyes: you will be a better person regardless of the situation.

Reproduce the excellence

Any pattern that becomes repetitive produces recurring moments and feelings.

If what you repeat is good, keep doing it. But if your feelings are being unhappy and bad, it's time to end this repetitive action and only perform addictions that bring you good feelings.

Words: power of life and death

As a common knowledge, words have the power to kill and save someone, everything depends only on the way in which they are transmitted.

The author's tip at this stage is that you commend people. Everyone has something to be praised, small or grandiose things. But be honest and do not base yourself on lies.

By putting this into practice, you recognize the value of the other person and transform your environment and relationship in a fascinating way.

Overview: How to Establish and Achieve Great Goals

To ensure that you are able to work out realistic goals and achieve them, the author outlines the six criteria for accomplishing this good formulation. They are:

Established and positive objectives

Most people think negatively and most of their desires are based on something they do not want to happen, such as denial or loss.

In order for you to build good goals, you have to structure yourself in a positive way; and you also have to eliminate negative and unpleasant ideas. Seek solutions so that your denial or loss is not achieved.

Specific in all respects

The more specific you are, the greater the chance that your goal will materialize.

You have to make a clear and specific trajectory in your brain of how everything is going to happen.

Initiated and controlled by the person

One of the biggest mistakes is to create goals for a particular person without he/she being willing or able to meet them. And the end result is not so good.

As the principle itself says: the goal has to be initiated and controlled by the person responsible for it.

Challenger, but possible

Your goal has to be balanced. If it is too small, it will not be challenging. Otherwise, if it is too large, it can make the person not even start.

Paulo gives the following guidance:

"if anyone can, we all can. If someone has accomplished, we can all accomplish it."

Ecological, that benefits everyone

The author's main goal in this principle is to do an analysis around you to see the impacts of certain decisions and whether they really should be taken. Also, alert us about the risks and analyze whether it is worth the both of sacrifice and effort.

That way, you will be more empowered to take action in a prudent and motivating way.

Temporary, with a date to happen

Remember that the human mind works by priorities. And when a goal has a specific date, our behavior changes.

So, write down the author's tip: every goal has to have a date to happen and its evolution must be tracked over time.

Overview: Creating a Life Mission

According to Paulo Vieira, when you are living your true mission, life is fun and every day has a new challenge and new opportunities.

"The mission" is what will guide you and it is your greatest purpose to achieve your goals. It can unify all of your behaviors, beliefs, values and actions, finding greater motivation and determination.

The purpose of the mission is to make you become a much better person than you already are. So take a positive view of the future and put everything you are and what you want to be.

Overview: Understand and Release Forgiveness

In this last part of the book, the author asks you to write the story of your life from birth to the present day, focusing until the age of twelve. This story has to be very detailed, so try to talk to relatives, see photos and analyze every moment.

In this way, the author wants you to focus on moments of suffering and all limiting beliefs. The idea is for this to be brought to the surface for treatment.

You can not hide your frustrations behind beliefs, as these beliefs attract people who reproduce the same pattern.

Thus, to begin the process of change it is necessary to forgive the people who made you suffer. This will free you from this limiting pattern.

Remember that good feelings are responsible for producing empowering beliefs.

What do other authors say about it?

For Tony Robbins, author of the book "Awaken the Giant Within" to promote lasting change in your life, you must first change your beliefs. A good way to facilitate this process is to have a model to mirror, and to adapt the guidelines to your reality.

In the book "Mindset" by psychologist Carol S. Dweck, it is debated how our beliefs shape our behavior and our growth. While mindsets produce definitive worldviews, people can change as they learn new skills. Human beings can be taught to react in different ways, such as facing challenges and thinking differently.

The book "Value Generation", Flávio Augusto says that winning thoughts are more likely to generate positive results. Whereas, trivial thoughts only produce trivial results.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Now that we have presented the main tools and methods that the book proposes for you, it is possible to change your neural patterns and processes, making possible great achievements.

According to the author, these valuable teachings were able to change thousands of people, and the next victim will be you!

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