Quiet Leadership - David Rock

Quiet Leadership - David Rock

Learn here how to be a leader of excellence. Have the victory manual ready and understand once and for all how to be an organized, victorious and determined manager.

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How is your leadership in your work environment? Is your team engaged and bringing good results to the organization? Well, here you will learn how to build a strong, solidified and focused work team and be ahead of the market.

The book explains clearly that the lack of connection between the workers of an organization is directly related to the manager's posture.

To solve this, the author offers strategies for you to be able to develop the performance of your employees, through a change in thinking and habits.

Are you curious? So, keep reading!

About the book "Quiet Leadership"

This book was written by David Rock and is considered a successful leadership manual.

The book presents six key steps to engaging and growing a successful team.

About the author David Rock

David Rock is a writer, co-editor of the Neuroleadership Journal and a doctor of leadership neuroscience at Middlesex University.

Fully engaged in leadership training, David is a director of the Neuroleadership Institute and he is also a current faculty member of the European-based International Business School, CIMBA.

To whom is this book indicated?

The book is a good tip for leaders, managers, and directors who are uncomfortable with inertia and ready to begin a radical change in their lives, focusing on appropriate directions and tips for successful leadership.

Main ideas of the book "Quiet Leadership"

  • The true leader helps people make their own connections;
  • The neural connections of the formation of new habits;
  • Strategy building is effective for problem-solving;
  • Effective interaction brings results, saves time and energy;
  • The perfect relationship between leaders;
  • The words of a leader make all the difference;
  • The importance of facing detection in an organization;
  • Accompanying your employees on a successful path is a symbol of motivation;
  • The self-conscious employee is behind an experienced leader.

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[Book Summary] Quiet Leadership - David Rock

Overview: The Connections of Thought

In order to talk about successful leadership, reach out to employees, and engage them toward a common cause, we need to focus a little on the connections of thought.

The brain is fully responsible for the organization of our thoughts and abilities, as well as for decision making and motivation. But what we really want to draw attention to is about mindmaps.

Often you, the manager, need to give your organization new directions. And that involves restoring goals, focus and even changing your team's business vision.

But what to do? Understand that changing habits is not and will never be an easy task. The older a habit is, the more it is solidified in our thinking.

This is explained by it being in a brain area called the basal ganglia. The more we repeat a particular action, the more the ganglia connect physically.

The book "Quiet Leadership" explains that in order to create new habits, we need to create new neuronal links and connections.

A leader who wants to have a successful future needs to have the art of encouragement as one of his main characteristics. And it is through this behavior, along with the appreciation of teamwork, that there will be a change in the corporate view of employees.

Also learn that in order for change to take place, you need to learn a new approach, to get closer to your workers.

In order to unite the force of thought with habit and make new neuronal connections, you must:

  • Think;
  • Write;
  • Speak;
  • Take action.

Overview: Step 1 - Think About Thinking

Throughout the work, the expression "quiet leader" is used, which can be understood as the behavior of a successful leader.

The successful leader doesn't have to shout to the four corners of the world about the methods used to increase employee performance.

The true leader, who really yearns for the best performance of his workgroup, must first look for ways to improve employee thinking. That is, show strategies for problem-solving.

The book explains some effective methods by which you, the leader, can do this. Among them, we can mention:

Be an advocate of autonomy

If you are an authoritative manager and want your business growing at full capacity, you need to rethink your behaviors.

Understand that productivity has to do with the environment in which the individual is inserted. For greater motivation, and for you and your employees to reap the rewards of hard work once done, they need to feel free in the workplace.

Give them autonomy. This time you will need to listen to the difficulties and understand why the obstacles are being greater than the achievements.

After this, present possibilities. It's not thinking for them, it's thinking with them.

Search answers

Focus on solutions. As obvious as that phrase is, it is not usually followed. It is much easier to direct our attention to looking for guilty for the failed plan.

The bad thing is that we will be directing our focus to the past and consequently losing two things with it: time and energy. It is not interesting to focus on the causes of the problems, on the contrary, it is wise to look for methods to solve them.

Change your speech from "why" to "how can we change". Surely, through guaranteed leader autonomy and support, your team will take higher flights.

Be a change driver

According to David Rock helping someone to establish new routes is challenging. Messing with the subconscious is difficult and creating new spinners of ideas is necessary. The true leader needs to be an adept of positive feedback.

The feeling of fear, frustration and anguish can appear when something innovative needs to be tried. But keep in mind that if you direct your employee and make them understand that change is necessary for growth, this transition will be more smooth.

Praise small achievements and express your satisfaction with your team's work. Understand that anyone who is not motivated in small things will never do something great.

Overview: Step 2 - Learn to Listen

Leadership has to do with listening. There is no point in setting up a meeting with your employees and waiting for them to say what you want to hear.

To really be able to help your team's psychological transformation and new neural connections, you must be able to listen without prejudice, pre-established judgments or previously formed opinions.

A true leader values spoken ideas as the only solution to the problem. A real leader is attentive, motivating and interested. If you are able to learn from your group, understand that there are no teachers but collaborators for the common good.

A foolish leader, dictator or who always says what to do can have two consequences:

  1. Either having a lazy employee who is always waiting for prompt answers;
  2. An insecure employee who has no courage to give their opinion and always lives in someone's shadow.

Effective listening also requires the listener to distance themselves from the problem. David Rock explains that there are imperative attitudes needed to make this happen. Among them, we can mention:

  • Be aware of the conversation, but do not get lost in the unnecessary details;
  • Do not let your assumptions about something hinder the smooth progress of the conversation;
  • Be aware of constant commitments. Understand that people, to perform better, need to feel important;
  • Attention to emotional triggers. Many times you get lost in a conversation by paying attention to some detail emotionally attached to you. Invest in your emotional control.

Overview: Step 3 - Speak Intent

For a perfect connection, the true leader needs to be careful about empty speech. If your focus is on improving your team's skills and assisting in new thought connections, you need to direct the words.

Be concise with your words. Most of the time, the famous work meetings are tiring and unproductive. This way the book "Quiet Leadership" advises to be clear with your message because it will bring more engagement, focus and understanding.

Specificity, in turn, requires effort, precision and study. In contrast, it gains reach and interaction in the mean in which the message is being propagated.

Also, David Rock tells to be generous. The generous person is committed to the other. Positive reinforcement and encouragement are critical to the health of an organization and greater team engagement.

Overview: Step 4 - Point to the Solution

The author David Rock explains that, just as in dance, a successful organization needs synchronization between team members.

For this to happen, it is necessary to establish four essential characteristics for problem-solving within a corporate environment:


The work "Quiet Leadership" highlights that permission is important for a true dialogue between the leader and the followers. And this permission is given through closer interpersonal relationships.

Dialogue can be separated into levels of affinity and especially intimacy. With whom we are closest, we have established a trusting connection.

You need to feel comfortable to say something. Whether they are problems or ideas, speeches or simple meetings, it is first of all necessary to establish social harmony.


A company that has growth as its goal must be guided by sincerity. Positioning is effective not only for vertical structure but also for horizontal management among employees.

After the break that prevented the start of a dialogue, it is time to c ome up with ideas. Be able to discuss goals, ask questions, but most importantly create strategies for a perfect interaction between you.


Question consistently. The questions are effective for greater engagement and creativity. Ask questions that lead to reflection and a possible solution.

That way, by creating possibilities, you'll be expanding interpersonal and neural connections triggering a better performance for your team.


It is important to redirect employee attention to the solution. It is not feasible to centralize the problem and put the team in doubt. This is the moment of clarification.

Being a facilitator of ideas requires attention, determination, commitment, and interaction. Understand that answering questions, establishing positions, establishing connections and clarifying doubts are the four pillars for the synchronization of success.

Overview: Step 5 - Understand the CREATE Way of Thinking

The penultimate step cited by the author is the CREATE model. It can be understood as a self-assessment by the manager through the other steps taken.

This model is a way to analyze the effectiveness of people's work after going through the previous steps.

The leader will evaluate any possible changes in employees, performance and staff as a whole.

This method is effective as it motivates the organization in the change process. In addition, it reinforces the importance of the collective and how a focused leader can realize strategies for the common good.

CREATE assists members in confronting their own dilemmas and opens possibilities for exploring new problem-solving alternatives. Consequently, it broadens the horizons through new neural connections.

It is at this stage that the individual is most motivated to change the situation that afflicts them and turn simple perceptions into new everyday habits.

Overview: Step 6 - Follow Up

The sixth and last feature is an accompaniment. It doesn't work listening, evaluating, showing the steps to forming new habits if there are no ways to continue what has been learned.

We know that the chances of forgetting what we have recently learned are high. That said, here is the need to fix ideas through neural connection and wiring, cited by David Rock.

Wiring corresponds to the permanence of the connection and formation of new mental maps that guide the newly acquired thoughts.

"But when these connections are not well established, how can I identify my team's doubts?"

You can assess the degree of affinity (or difficulty) your professional has with a particular area. Then, it becomes possible to establish once and for all methods and paths for more applicable solutions.

The expressions are four:

  1. Dilemma is the most complex phase. The professional cannot find a way out of that problem;
  2. Reflection is the second phase. They begin to think of possible solutions, but are still discredited in the credibility of their thoughts;
  3. Motivation. The phase in which they begin to believe in their assumptions and face fears that were once obstacles;
  4. Lighting is the phase of the reorganization of ideas. The individual is fearless, willing and ready to act on a given situation.

The FEELING model is masterfully highlighted throughout the book. This model brings together the idea of the importance of the junction of:

  • Facts, gathering what was or was not learned,
  • Emotions, assessing how they felt after the achievement of a particular activity,
  • Encouragement through positive reinforcement, praise, and motivation,
  • Learning, enabling new neuronal connections
  • The pursuit of new goals, motivation, and constant creativity.

Here is the manual of the victorious leader. Don't stop, success calls you.

What do other authors say about it?

For John C. Maxwell, author of "Leadership Gold", the best leaders are those who know how to listen. Listeners know what is happening because they are attentive. They learn better than others because they absorb from many places. In addition, good listeners have the ability to better see other people's strengths and weaknesses.

In the recommended "Everybody Matters", the authors explore how true leaders must continually study to develop and develop those around them so that they can also become excellent leaders who believe and value people.

Finally, Ed Catmull, author of the book "Creativity Inc" advises: Always give people more preference than ideas, because creative people create good ideas, but good ideas can be destroyed by bad teams.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Do not give solutions. Instead, show the possibilities;
  • Be an encourager. Learn that praising makes you no less a leader, on the other hand; greatly increases your chances of victory;
  • Be a good listener. Listen to ideas, strange as they may seem. Don't see obstacles, admire skills;
  • Strengthen your emotions. You are a leader, but above all you are human. Take care of your emotions;
  • Intend your words and target the intended audience. Do not waste your time let alone those who work with you;
  • Follow your team along the path of success.

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