Sales Mind - Helen Kensett

Sales Mind - Helen Kensett

Succeed in any negotiation with these 48 essential tools to reprogram your mind and achieve your goals, making the customer increasingly attracted by your product.

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Behind a sale, there are a number of skills that are acquired and perfected with practice. The book "Sales Mind", by Helen Kensett, shows 48 tools to help you become a successful salesperson.

Selling is not just about improving the customer booklet, setting goals, and closing contracts, but also improving persuasion and establishing an organization to achieve professional growth.

So, do you really know how to sell? Keep reading this PocketBook and we will help you with that answer!

About the book "Sales Mind"

Published in 2016, the book "Sales Mind: 48 tools to help you sell" presents the tools capable of revolutionizing your sales results.

The 48 techniques are distributed throughout its 256 pages and six chapters, which have a very interesting chronological order, starting with the change in sales mentality, and going through the whole process of visualizing, thinking, improving, and closing the sale.

All content is based on the wisdom of sales psychology and the extraordinary experiences of the author Helen Kensett.

About the author Helen Kensett

Helen Kensett is a sales specialist. Through her brand "Sales Mind", she offers the mindset and skills needed to sell more. Her customers include Google, Channel 4, and many others.

Also, she leads Convince Consultancy, a company that helps organizations craft their marketing plans and persuasive sales.

To whom is this book indicated?

The content of "Sales Mind" is ideal for those who work with marketing or sales, both for veterans who are looking to improve themselves and for those who are conquering their space and willing to learn.

Regardless of your current position, the book promises to turn you into a high-impact seller!

Main ideas of the book "Sales Mind"

In this summary, you will see the steps to consolidate a sales-focused mind, and within each of these, the suggested tools.

The main points presented by the author Helen Kensett are:

  • Focus is an indispensable characteristic of sellers;
  • Prioritize your activities;
  • Acquire buyer knowledge through visualization;
  • Be objective and sincere throughout the process;
  • Know everything about your product and provide clear information;
  • Provide a test or a preview for the customer to try it;
  • Sales success is only achieved with time and lots of practice.

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[Book Summary] Sales Mind - Helen Kensett

Overview: Changing the mindset

A successful sale needs a good deal of attention. With this, the focus ends up being fundamental, and to develop it, you have to know well what your priorities are.

Helen Kensett suggests in her book "Sales Mind" that we regularly practice the mindfulness method of meditation, as it is a mental exercise with great results.

Also, check out the main tools of this first step:

  • Strengthen the mind: practice exercises like yoga and get coloring books for adults, they are essential for developing focus;
  • Detoxify the mind: a period of disconnection with devices and irrelevant information is necessary, it is advisable to use the time to discover what prevents you from having free space;
  • Charge the mind: it consists of facts relevant to you, print your project or write on post-its and be submerged by the challenge.

Overview: Visualize

Our ability to see causes much more than a visual stimulus and a quick response. First, it deals with all the systems and materials available to us. But, how come?

By practicing visualization, you can perfectly observe the situation and reality that the buyer faces, affirms the author Helen Kensett.

Also, it is a component that relates to the desires and decision-making processes, allowing us to fully see and acquire the right knowledge for sales activities.

To develop these skills, the tips indicated in the book "Sales Mind" are:

  • Four things: identify the four pressures of your buyers;
  • What? And why?: reflect on your product and its usefulness; Unpack it and explain everything in a simple way;
  • Three buckets: gather product experts and discuss what is great about your offer today, next year, and five years from now;
  • Corporate and Personal IAC: these are questions that provide a complete view of your buyer and you, the seller.

Overview: Think

Now that you have the knowledge and skills required, it's time to extract situations that are interesting to your buyer. In other words, this step is in charge of analyzing the problem and identifying which part of your knowledge will deal with it.

This is the right time to unravel and simplify the challenge, modeling the relevant and persuasive selling method for the buyer.

As the author Helen Kensett explains in the book "Sales Mind", the tools are:

  • The Bow Tie: gather the challenges, goals, trends, and reality of your buyers, write down all the details on the left side. Now, on the right side write down details of your offer and information about your product. In the middle of the tie, you lift the relationship that the sides have, how one can help the other. Something to get you excited and interested;
  • In their place: imagine yourself in the buyer's place. Ask questions like: "If I were the customer, what kind of approach would I like?", "What would excite me?", "How would I respond?";
  • Star Story: answer the six questions about your product: "who", "what", "where", "when", "why", and "how", as if you were going to apply the 5W2H tool. Organize this information and create a speech that is clear to the buyer;
  • What you are not: have a clear image of what your product is not, being it the specification, differentiation in the market, among others;
  • Spicing things up: in writing your sales pitch, see where you can add urgency and energy. Then, insert some adjectives or adverbs that make the sentence spicier;
  • Squeeze: imagine that you have to send a WhatsApp message, and the subject of the sale has to be condensed like an elevator speech, the famous pitch. What would you write?

Overview: Improve

After thinking, it's time to pursue your sale!

The author Helen Kensett says you can fail and make mistakes in this process, but you need to be flexible and able to learn from it. After all, sales success is a process that takes time and practice.

The main tools exposed by the book "Sales Mind" at this stage are:

  • Shark teeth: gather the results of sales projects and share them. Learn from rejections and seek continuous improvement;
  • The spiral: the spiral model is part of the sales approach. You try something, then improve it and, on the third try, perfect it. Take time to gather data, facts, and think about each step;
  • "And now what?": speculate on trends and news from the media, business, cinema, art, fashion, among others. Make your project associate with that direction, and attract buyers.

Overview: Closing the sale

Imagination is a decisive factor in the sales process and must be practiced constantly, combined with a few more techniques presented by Helen Kensett in "The Sales Mind", which will help in achieving the results:

  1. Take the safe path;
  2. Shake, don't irritate;
  3. Say and do;
  4. Test;
  5. Develop the ability to share;
  6. Don't be complicated to deal with;
  7. Anticipate the challenges;
  8. Think of the bigger picture;
  9. Acknowledge the facts.

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "The Sales Bible: The Ultimate Sales Resource", the author Jeffrey Gitomer advises that the most important and fundamental tool for any sale is the mind. Self-confidence is the key to controlling it, if you don't believe in yourself, no one will.

In "Selling to Big Companies", the author Jill Konrath clarifies that being focused is crucial. Don't try to sell to everyone. As you must become an expert in your customers' business, define your market carefully.

Finally, for Mitch Antony, author of "Selling with Emotional Intelligence", skilled tradesmen are able to find solutions in situations where others only see obstacles. The secret is to look beyond your own desires and needs and see the goals of your partners.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Now that you know a little more about the book "Sales Mind", it's time to adapt all the teaching of the author Helen Kensett to your business and go in search of success:

  • Get out of the comfort zone;
  • Have a spirit of leadership;
  • Be proactive;
  • Attract more customers;
  • Improve your persuasion;
  • Focus on the solution;
  • Find your differential.

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Book “Sales Mind”