Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker

Learn how to get rich by changing your concepts of money and adopting the habits of successful people.

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Why do some people seem to make money easily and others have to work hard to get it? Why do most people who win lotteries end up losing everything? For T. Harv Eker, author "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", the answer lies in the "money model", which are the beliefs we carry in the subconscious.

In this summary, we've written the best quotes from the book, including the comprehension of our thinking about money and how to change these wrong conceptions.

To change your mindset about money, we gathered all the 17 Wealth Archives stated by Eker to boost your life.

Got interested to leverage your results through these teachings? Stay with us in this summary and discover how!

About the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind"

The highly successful work of T. Harv Eker teaches the reader how to get rich by having the mindset and habits of rich people.

The author divides the book into two parts. In the first part, "Your Money Model", he discusses how the way we were conditioned in childhood in relation to money influences the actions we take today. In addition, Eker teaches how to modify beliefs that block the individual from becoming a rich person.

In the second part of the book, "The Wealth Archives", the author portrays the 17 ways of thinking and acting that differentiate a rich-minded person from a poor-minded person. In addition, T. Harv Eker suggests several practical exercises to change your financial life.

About the author T. Harv Eker

The millionaire T. Harv Eker is a motivational speaker and entrepreneur. He is currently president of Peak Potentials Training, a successful personal training company in the United States and Canada. This company runs courses on the concepts of the millionaire mind.

In just two and a half years he started his business and became a millionaire. Eker spreads his knowledge of financial success in his Millionaire Mind Intensive seminars.

To whom is this book indicated?

This book is suitable for those who want to get rich by changing their mindset and acquiring the habits of rich people. It provides vital guidelines for you to go further and finally reach wealthiness.

Main ideas of the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind"

  • Your inner world reflects on your outer world;
  • Many people have the idea that if you have a lot of money you are not a kind or generous person. But this is just a wrong belief and you have to dismiss it to build a rich mindset;
  • The only way you can earn what you really want is by working based on your results, not time lost;
  • Most people should be self-employed (part-time or full-time). Since the vast majority of millionaires have their own business and have enriched themselves in this way;
  • What measures a person's wealth is the net worth and not the income, as many people believe;
  • If the person has the ability to manage their own money they will be financially successful;
  • Buy real estate as soon as you can.
  • There is no way to be financially free without passive income;
  • Commit to growth - get involved in money, business, and personal development;
  • Don't let fear limit you.

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[Book Summary] Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker

Overview: Your money model

In the first part of the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", T. Harv Eker explains how each of us was brought up to think and act on finances and that we each have our own "money model". This model is created through the "Manifestation Process" that has the following reasoning: thoughts lead you to have feelings, they command our actions, and, finally, actions produce results.

This money model has been created since you were a child. The way you were programmed to think and act on the money. But how did this conditioning occur? The author reports that it occurred in 3 main ways:

1. Verbal Programming: "What you listened to as a child"

T. Harv Eker shows us how what we heard about money in the past reflects in our thoughts, thus affecting our feelings about it and ultimately the way we acted.

Thus, the author provides the example of people who early hear phrases such as "the rich are greedy", "rich are dishonest" or any other phrase that associates the rich with bad people. This caused that person's subconscious to be designed to not become a rich person.

2. Example: "What you saw as a child"

The second thing that reflects the way you were conditioned comes from the examples you saw as a child.

As a child, we imitate our parents in their thinking and acting. Regarding money, most tend to "imitate" the parenting model. However, there are also those who become the opposite of them. The example the author approaches is that of people who are born poor and become rich.

If the child is angry with poverty, they end up rebelling and doing everything to achieve wealth. However, most are not happy. Since this wealth is the result of a bad feeling, in this case of anger.

Thus, the author emphasizes that wealth will not bring you happiness if it is the result of bad feelings such as anger, fear, or the need for self-affirmation.

3. Specific episodes: "What experiences did you have as a child"

The last way that is part of your schedule concerns the money experiences you had as a child.

To dissociate yourself from these three ways that are responsible for your programming today, the author teaches that you must first reflect on what you heard, saw, and what experience you had as a child about money.

With this, you should analyze whether the experiences are having any effect on your current financial life. And finally, realize that they refer to past learning and that you can change.

Overview: The wealth archives

In the second part of the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", T. Harv Eker explains the seventeen wealth archives that are the ways of thinking and acting that distinguish rich people from poor people.

Wealth Archive 1 - "Rich people believe the following idea: I create my own life"

Rich-minded people believe they can control financial success as they take responsibility for what happens in life.

However, poorly minded people put themselves in the role of victim, i. e. blame others, justify or live complaining about the bad things that happen in their own life.

The author still punctuates the phrase "what we focus on expands", that is, when we focus on the negative things that are happening, we attract those bad things even more.

Wealth Archive 2 - "Rich people play the money game to win"

Poor-minded people care about their safety and survival, not about making a big fortune. Totally different from rich-minded people who are concerned about winning.

Wealth Archive 3 - "Rich people are committed to being rich"

The third way is that rich-minded people risk making a fortune. However, poorly minded people would just like to become rich, but make no effort or sacrifice to make it happen.

Wealth Archive 4 - "Rich people think big"

Emphasizing once again that rich-minded people risk making a fortune, T. Harv Eker adds by saying that they think and act great, use their talents in personal and professional life. Poor-minded people do the opposite of this.

Wealth Archive 5 - "Rich people focus on opportunities"

When faced with a challenge, rich-minded people face it because they see it as an opportunity. However, poor-minded people believe that they need to be prepared or know everything (which is practically impossible) in order to face it.

Wealth Archive 6 - "Rich people admire other rich and successful individuals"

Poor-minded people resent the success of others. Rich-minded people, on the other hand, admire and thrive on the achievements of successful people.

Wealth Archive 7 - "Rich people seek the company of rich and successful individuals"

Rich-minded people imitate rich and successful people as they see them as a source of inspiration. They also prefer to be in your company because they can thrive on your success and extract specific success strategies. Unlike poorly minded people.

Wealth Archive 8 - "Rich people like to promote themselves"

Those with a rich mindset know its value and see the need to promote itself as it believes it can offer something truly useful to the person and can become rich. Poor-minded people, however, cannot appreciate this self-promotion or sales.

Wealth Archive 9 - "Rich people outweigh their problems"

By believing that you are bigger than your problems and can handle them, you assume the ninth way of thinking as a rich-minded person. Those who think small, however, do everything to avoid facing problems.

Wealth Archive 10 - "Rich people are excellent recipients"

Rich-minded people are "excellent recipients" because they believe they are worthy of what they are receiving, whether through a compliment or the opportunities that are happening in their lives. However, those with a poor mentality believe they are not worthy of anything.

Wealth Archive 11 - "Rich people prefer to be paid for their results"

Rich-minded people prefer to be paid for their results. Eker says this can be guaranteed if you start your own business, work on commission, or receive a percentage of company profits and revenue or stock, for example.

However, poor-minded people prefer to be compensated for their time spent performing a particular activity.

Wealth Archive 12 - "Rich people think: 'I can have both"

Those with a rich mindset believe they can have two things at once. For example, you can be professionally successful and have fun. However, those who think small believe that one can have only one thing or another.

Wealth Archive 13 - "Rich people focus on their net worth"

Net worth is the sum of everything a person has (money, stocks, bonds, real estate, current business, home) minus what he owes. For T. Harv Eker, who focuses on this are the rich people. While poorly minded people focus on income.

The author points out that to focus on net worth, you must increase your savings and income, increase the return on your investments, and decrease personal spending. With this, you should create an extract from it, monitor, and review it quarterly.

Wealth Archive 14 - "Rich people manage their money well"

In this part, T. Harv Eker states that the other factor that distinguishes poor-minded people from rich people is that they know how to manage their money.

In order to manage money, the author suggests that:

  • Open "Financial Freedom Account" and deposit 10% of the money you receive (net of tax). This money should only be used to invest, to buy, or create passive income streams;
  • Open the "Fun Account" and deposit 10% of your income. This money is meant for you to spend on whatever you want, at the end of each month you should leave this account without nothing because it will make you "feel rich".

Put the rest of your income into four other accounts:

  • 10% for the "Long Term Expense Savings Account";
  • 10% to the "Financial Instruction Account";
  • 50% for the "Basic Needs Account";
  • 10% for "Donation Account".

Wealth Archive 15 - "Rich people put their money to work hard for them"

Wealthy people believe that working hard for money is a temporary way, and they can earn it passively, that is, without working. That means "financially free".

But how to make money passively? This can be done through investment gains (stocks, mutual funds), or business gains (property rent, royalties, franchise brands).

However, people who think small spend all the money they receive and believe they always have to work hard, and it isn't a temporary form.

Wealth Archive 16 - "Rich people act despite fear"

One of the biggest features that distinguish rich-minded people from poor-minded people is that the former act, though doubt and fear about money exist, while the latter let these feelings be stronger than they are.

Wealth Archive 17 - "Rich people learn and improve all the time"

The last way of thinking about riches, states that rich-minded people are receptive to new learning, always wanting to be growing both personally and professionally. On the other hand, poorly minded people stagnate because they believe they already "know everything". And, moreover, they do not admit their mistakes or learn from them.

What do other authors say about it?

For Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestselling "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", the journey to enrichment should start as early as possible, and it involves assessing your finances, setting personal goals and finding the knowledge you need to achieve your goals.

Paulo Vieira, author of the book "Enrichment Factor" says that the journey of enrichment is made of peaks and valleys, be prepared and willing not to stop halfway. Remember that "not giving up" will make you a millionaire. Make you have a successful mindset, be able to see adversity and move on, doing what has to be done.

Finally, in the book "Think and Grow Rich", the author Napoleon Hill says that the first step to becoming rich is to have a strong desire to be rich. It may sound simple, isn't it? But this desire has to cause a fire in the belly and have a good deal of persistence.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Use the concepts you learned here to improve the way you view financial issues. Use them to make new choices, make new decisions, and get different results.

Reflect on each of the three main ways that have interfered with your conditioning (Verbal Programming, Examples, Specific Episodes) and the principles that distinguish a rich-minded person from a poor-minded one. How are they present in your life? What can you do to modify them?

In his book, T. Harv Eker provides some exercise that we strongly suggest for you to practice.

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