Book Stand and Deliver - Dale Carnegie

Stand and Deliver - Dale Carnegie

Discover here how to overcome the fear of public speaking and become the great communicator you've always wanted to be!

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Who has never felt nervous when it comes to performing a presentation? Yeah! This is a fear that affects most people.

But know that speaking well in public is a skill that can be developed, and should not be considered as a gift.

This summary of the book “Stand and Deliver”, written by Dale Carnegie  promises to be the right guidance to make it happen to you. An, in fact, it's not difficult at all!

So it's your turn. Now is the time to change it all!

About the book “Stand and Deliver”

The book was published by author Dale Carnegie, aiming to provide everything you need to know to become a great and prepared communicator for your presentations.

All of this is shown in techniques that worked with thousands of people, including case studies, strategy tips and examples.

Who was Dale Carnegie?

Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) was a writer, teacher and consultant in sales training, such as public speaking and interpersonal skills. He has already impacted about 7 million people.

In addition, Dale also wrote the bestsellers “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” and “How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job”.

Why read the book “Stand and Deliver”?

The content of the book is ideal for those who are afraid and nervous of speaking in public, and believe that it disturbs their public presentations.

In addition, the book is given to all who believe that they can communicate more efficiently, with greater spontaneity and confidence in order to connect with people, persuade them, lose fear of speaking in public and have a high oratory impact.

Main ideas of the book “Stand and Deliver”

The goal of the book is to provide everything you need to know to become a great communicator, elegant and prepared for your presentations. Some main points are:

  • Others have the same fear you have of speaking in public;
  • Anyone can develop the ability to be a good speaker, just know what to do and be determined;
  • The best way to lose fear is by practicing speeches;
  • Hold knowledge about the subject matter to be spoken;
  • Train tirelessly until you know your speech;
  • Be yourself and have sincerity during the presentation;
  • Conquer the audience by talking about relevant stories and information about it.

Now let's get to know all this more deeply!

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[Book Summary] Stand and Deliver - Dale Carnegie

How to have a High Impact Public Speaking?

In the first pages of the book, Dale Carnegie states that anyone can speak well in public, from the content exposed in his work.

One of his first teachings is about the need to learn everything about the subject you want to talk about. Get ready a few weeks early, try raising a questionnaire with at least 50 questions on the subject and then build your answers.

After that, it is time to rehearse often in your mind. Rehearse everywhere and with all people. But do not memorize your speech, you have to answer with the main points naturally.

In addition, the book “Stand and Deliver” says that you can focus on different words and expressions, toggle speed and intensity in order to see which one best fits your speech.

According to the author, all this content must be adapted to the public, that is, the audience needs to hear about itself. Therefore, we can not decorate any speech, much less repeat the same words for different people.

Finally, the ultimate teaching of this introductory part is about being always true to yourself, basing your discourse on your character, experiences and natural talents.

How to overcome fear?

The first step in overcoming fear is actually wanting to speak in public, so you will act with courage. Also, pay attention to preparing your speech and spend an hour a day developing skills.

According to the author Dale Carnegie, the way to overcome the fear of any activity is to carry it out over and over again. This tip is not only applied in public speaking, but in any life activity that you are afraid of.

Never let anyone distract or discourage you. Focus on passing your message according to your preparation and speak only subjects that you have dominion. At the end of the presentation, evaluate yourself and learn from the mistakes.

Another alternative suggested is to eliminate fear and tension through humor. But that does not mean you have to be funny. Just convey happiness to your listeners.

Here are the suggested tips for you to make a humorous presentation:

  • Analyze whether the climate/environment is appropriate for the mood situation;
  • Present humorous content to your colleagues or a group of people;
  • See if the content of the presentation relates well to humor;
  • Do not let humor dominate your identity on stage, you're not a comedian.

How important is it to gain attention from the very first minute?

Have you ever heard the expression “the first impression is the one that stays”? During a presentation, there is no difference.

According to the book “Stand and Deliver”, you have to make a shocking opening to win your audience quickly. Therefore, you have to plan all the details of the presentation, especially the beginning.

In addition, the author suggests that you plan and practice every word in order to gain the interest of the audience. Thus, the techniques proposed are:

  • Generate anxiety in the viewers so that they want to know the answer;
  • Make questions;
  • Show something they want to learn;
  • Give opening to audience members.

How to use the Power of Persuasion?

In the course of your walk as a speaker, you will meet resilient people with your messages. For this, it is necessary that you adopt techniques to convince them to support your opinion.

Dale Carnegie presents the five pillars of persuasion, which are:

1. Invention

Adopt the greatest and most creative way of declaring your vision on the subject. Use words and a language that creates in people a reflection on their experiences.

2. Disposition

Be careful about how you distribute and organize the ideas and the content of your speech. Remember that your speech should be based on 3 steps: beginning, middle and end.

3. Style

Your speech has to sound right to who you are, meaning that your personality has to be expressed by your words. Choose the right characteristics to incorporate into your presentation according to the style and needs of the occasion, being loyal to yourself.

4. Memory

Even if you prepare well, sometimes your memory can fail. Then you need to plan for having some query material that can be deployed.

A good aspect of great speakers is to gently alternate forgotten content, keeping concentration and following the right path.

5. Presentation

The way you say is your delivery. According to Dale, for you to do well in this, it is necessary to practice your delivery in every possible way. After all, the way you say it, is the way you want it to be heard.

What is the magic formula for public speaking?

Dale Carnegie has developed a magic formula for public speaking, which is a technique to create connection, motivation, inspiration and action for your audience in the shortest time. It is composed of 3 phases:

  1. Tell an intense personal experience to awaken the action you want to stimulate in your listeners;
  2. Directly request that the audience do the recommended action;
  3. State the benefit that the audience will have in carrying out the proposed action.

For Dale Carnegie this technique is ideal to get the audience involved in a short time. In addition, you must not ignore the practical and physical environment in which the lecture will take place.

Other books about communicating with the audience

In the book “Mindset” by psychologist Carol S. Dweck, it is debated how our beliefs shape our behavior and our growth. While mindsets produce definitive worldviews, people can change as they learn new skills, such as speaking in public. Humans can be taught to react in different ways, such as facing fears and thinking differently.

Jeffrey Gitomer, in The Sales Bible”, leaves his message: be honest with customers. In a presentation to the public, there is no difference, as this helps the process of creating trust. In addition, the author states that humor is an excellent ability to attract people, however, you should not overdo the dose.

In the book “Atomic Habits”, James Clear explains how small changes (atomic habits) can produce great results. According to him, habits are a compound interest of personal improvement. Improving 1% each day brings about a giant change at the end of the journey.

Okay, but how can I improve my oratory?

Lastly, let’s see the top 10 teachings you can apply in your presentations:

  • Talk about topics that you feel sincere;
  • Transmit your emotions in a structured and logical way;
  • Your appearance and movement are important to success;
  • Do not read your notes, but be free to consult sometimes;
  • Test all equipment before a presentation;
  • Maintain eye contact with the audience;
  • Take breaks to generate reflection in the audience during your presentation;
  • Add humor whenever appropriate;
  • Practice your speech at home, and pay attention to all the details;
  • End the lecture with an interesting and blunt phrase.

You have in your hands a complete, powerful, and practical content about how to speak in public.

Now, make it a habit, practice every day and the door of success will be opened for you.

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Book 'Stand and Deliver' Dale Carnegie