Storytelling: Histórias que deixam marcas - Adilson Xavier

Storytelling: Histórias que deixam marcas - Adilson Xavier

Learn about the wonderful “tecnart” of storytelling that can seduce and thrill your audience.

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Have you ever wondered about the impact that globalization and new information and communication technologies have on brand and product promotion? This summary will help you to understand these innovations.

In this book, Adilson Xavier addresses the concept of storytelling and its importance for reaching the audience, rambling on the stories behind big brands and stories that have weathered the information boom.

Are you excited and want to find out how to be a good storyteller? Keep up with us!

About the book "Storytelling: Histórias que deixam marcas"

The book addresses the importance of knowing how to tell a good story and how much emotional capital makes a difference in communicating with the public.

With reference to great authors in the field of communication and marketing, Adilson Xavier deals with the concept of storytelling, gives tips on how to improve the narrative and even presents success stories of people who applied the technique.

About the author Adilson Xavier

Adilson Xavier is a writer, publicist, producer, screenwriter and film director. Author of "Flying Over Babel", "The Shooter of Ideas" and the acclaimed "The God of Creation", also produced the miniseries Spinoza which aired in Brazil in 2015.

Among the many awards and posts of Adilson's professional career, some of them are:

  • Member of the FCB World Council (1999);
  • President and Chief Creative Officer of Giovanni + DRAFTFCB (2006);
  • President of the Brazilian Advertising Association - ABP (2013);
  • International and national awards such as Cannes, Lions and Clios.

To whom is this book indicated?

This book is intended for advertisers, management and marketing professionals, content producers and anyone who wants to improve their narrative.

Main ideas of the book "Storytelling: Histórias que deixam marcas"

The main ideas fostered in this book are:

  • Storytelling is a tool designed to drive products and brands;
  • The attention crisis is a challenge faced by marketers, advertisers and content producers;
  • Emotional capital is the sum of attention economy (ways of attracting) and affective economy (how to engage and retain consumers);
  • The good text should be cohesive;
  • Storytelling contributes to the success of big brands because with this tool brands can attract consumer attention and engage them emotionally;
  • While the various possibilities of conveying information generated a crisis, it also allowed the same information to be conveyed by different means.

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[Book Summary] Storytelling: Stories That Mark - Adilson Xavier

Overview: The Thread

In this introductory chapter, Adilson Xavier presents three original definitions of storytelling. Here, the author emphasizes the highlight of the theme on the international scene, using as an example the presentations of the 2014 International Festival of Creativity in Cannes.


According to the author, storytelling is an old practice, but its value has been rescued due to digital technologies. Globalization has revolutionized the media, directly impacting those who work with the presentation of ideas and projects.

In this context, two forces that commonly appear as inverse arise: the excess of information and the lack of attention. Adilson Xavier points out that in order for the attention crisis to be solved, it's necessary to work with emotional capital.

Overcoming the superficiality barrier

We often get the impression that we don't have enough time, as we deal with many entertainment options and a large amount of information, which leads us to consume information inattentively and retain less of what we read and hear, generating a crisis of attention.

The book "Storytelling: Histórias que deixam marcas" suggested a way to overcome this barrier, it is by understanding how emotions motivate the consumer and the best way to motivate the consumer is by telling a good story.

Overview: A Brief History of History

In this first moment, we are introduced to great stories and consecrated tellers. Here, Adilson exemplifies how a well-executed narrative can decree the success or failure of a story.

According to him the essence of the story is what remains, even if some details are forgotten. Great stories are forever. And cohesion is a fundamental element for their perpetuation.

A good story has to be true, and it becomes true when it fits the codes of the universe that it seeks to narrate, obeying temporal and spatial contexts.

The first function of a story is to entertain. The reader should be seduced early in the story. It should be able to thrill you and generate feelings of identification with what is being read in order to retain your attention.

Overview: Brands That Count

In this part, the author inserts the readers in the creative universe of big brands that followed leaders in their segments, resisting globalization by telling good stories.

Adilson Xavier recounts the process of creating the first products until the moment when big brands stop selling products only and start selling stories and profiting a lot from them.

Here you can see practical examples of how meaning-making and a more intrinsic relationship with the consumer are crucial to the perpetuation of a brand.

Brands that value the narrative factor sell more than one product, they sell an experience that adds value to the product beyond the material.

Take Coca-Cola, for example the brand emerges as a producer and marketer of soft drinks, but, coupled with the secret formula of its soft drink, begins to market products that fall outside the standards of its segment, such as clothing, kitchenware, and school supplies.

Coca-Cola is also a major sponsor of world sports championships. It promotes the FIFA World Cup Cup Tour, taking the artifact from hundreds of countries and is also one of those responsible for creating the Olympic Games campaigns.

The author also mentions the example of Brazilian Havaianas and her trajectory from a popular article to a world-renowned Brazilian souvenir, winning co-created versions including the H-Stern jewelry store.

We are introduced to the rebellion and breaking of standards proposed by the Diesel brand. And we have still explained the relationship between motor vehicles and sensuality, status and power.

Overview: History that never ends

In this third and last part, we get tips on how to apply what was presented throughout the book to become good storytellers.

With the advent of the internet, anyone who has a mobile phone and is connected to a network is a potential content producer. There are many possible narratives: expose personal life and ensure visibility in social networks, leverage a business, show the world who we are, what we like, who we like and so on.

This way, with each new media that comes along, there is also a buzz about the threat of extinction it poses to older media. But in reality, information and communication vehicles coexist.

We should take advantage of this plurality of means, which have different audiences and reach, to leverage and spread our stories.

Just like the good stories, brands have universes. When these universes are well delineated, it is easy to dare to communicate with the public beyond traditional forms.

The games and the tales

Games are also a way of telling stories and offer a unique experience of interaction between the story and its consumers.

The authors, when writing a work, intend to engage their readers in such a way that they feel part of the story: find an identity with the characters, cry, laugh, cheer for a determined outcome and feel anger at the villain.

Games are narratives where the player determines, according to the possibilities, what happens in that scenario. It is the player who is the main character, the one who saves people, who beat street races, who shoots, who interacts with other players by plotting strategies to win a battle.

Games offer their users the opportunity to experience a story, albeit a virtual one, but one that arouses real emotions.

What do other authors say about it?

The book "The Storyteller's Secret" by author Carmine Gallo presents stories of 37 people who can inspire others through words using storytelling.

Carlos Domingos's book "Oportunidades Disfarçadas", tells the stories of the world's largest companies and how they found in the crisis the opportunity to earn millions and build empires like Apple, Dell, TAM, Coca Cola, Nike, Casas Bahia, Fortune, among others.

Finally, the book "Inside Steve's Brain", Leander Kahney states that one of the causes of Apple 's success is that Steve Jobs created the best user experience as a top priority.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

After reading this book you will surely improve your narrative and learn how to take better care of your brand, be it your personal life, exposed to virtual social networks, or a product.

Here are some things we learned from Adilson Xavier:

  • Find the message you want to convey through your brand or product;
  • Set the environment where your story events will take place;
  • Define the characters that will travel through your story;
  • Set a challenge to overcome in your story. Challenges arouse public interest;
  • Keep the story you created for your brand cohesive;
  • Position yourself according to the values stated in this story;
  • Engage your audience emotionally. This is the most effective way to secure the attention and generate a sense of identification by what you are producing or publicizing;
  • Define and work to know the type of consumer you want to reach;
  • Call on experts to help you see and better explore the resources you have available;
  • Abuse and use various communication channels to promote your brand or product;
  • Allow your audience to live your story, even in a virtual way;
  • Keep the personification and context well outlined;
  • A good story, even if it is pure invention and has no commitment to reality, is based on real life. Enjoy a universe of inspiration!

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