The Entrepreneur Mind - Kevin D. Johnson

The Entrepreneur Mind - Kevin D. Johnson

Learn from this summary the habits, qualities, and behaviors essential to your success in the entrepreneurship world.

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Do you feel motivated to push your limits and materialize new ideas? Can't fix yourself in a job or hate the lack of freedom and workload of a common occupation? These are signs that you have an entrepreneurial mind. Kevin Johnson introduces you to this world in the book "The Entrepreneur Mind".

If you don't identify with such characteristics, no problem. Contrary to common sense, the author views entrepreneurship as a learnable discipline and has written a book with one hundred essential lessons for those who want to successfully navigate the business world.

In this summary, we've separated the book's main ideas to help you comprehend better and so transform your life!

Got interested to learn more about it? Stay with us in this summary!

About the book "The Entrepreneur Mind"

"The Entrepreneur Mind" is Kevin's first book and has reached the top spot on Amazon's bestseller list. It was originally published in English by Johnson Media Inc., the author's company, in the year 2013.

Relating his life trajectory, the experiences of other notorious entrepreneurs, and popular references from North American culture such as the Shark Tank television show, Johnson sets out one hundred lessons for self-development and acting in the entrepreneurial world.

The book is 279 pages long and is divided into the following pillars of the entrepreneurial mind: strategy, education, people, finance, marketing and sales, leadership, and ultimately motivation.

About the author Kevin D. Johnson

Kevin D. Johnson is an entrepreneur with extensive experience in the field of communication and advertising. In addition, it is one of the first to invest in the potential of social media.

In college, he founded Johnson Media Inc., where he serves as president and CEO. He has received numerous awards and is a frequent presence on US channels such as ABC, CBS, and CNN.

To whom is this book indicated?

New entrepreneurs who want to develop the essential skills for efficient business management, as well as seasoned professionals looking to innovate in their approach.

Main ideas of the book "The Entrepreneur Mind"

  • Entrepreneurs have characteristics such as initiative, creativity, and perseverance;
  • With effort and direction, such capabilities can be assimilated and developed;
  • Based on his references, successes, and failures, Kevin D. Johnson defined one hundred essential habits for the successful entrepreneur;
  • How to behave, manage your business and control your finances are some of the main topics covered by the author;
  • Johnson stresses that the success of an idea lies in its execution, not its originality.

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[Book Summary] The Entrepeneur Mind - Kevin D. Johnson

Overview: Strategy

Kevin Johnson begins the book by advocating the importance of a well-crafted strategy in the success of an enterprise. Successful entrepreneurs adapt to market demands and technological innovations.

They take calculated risks and, above all, have the discipline to overcome procrastination. Keep in mind that the success of an idea lies in its execution, not its originality.

Referring to the book "The Blue Ocean Strategy", the author recommends devoting himself to creating new markets. Before thinking of a business plan, focus on developing your product, discuss the idea with potential customers, and examine the competition.

The self-reliant professional is a myth. For your business to work, it is essential to have employees aligned with your goals. Its function is to plan the growth of the company, so the idea is that it should be able to operate autonomously.

In fact, the author recommends that you hire a lawyer to ensure the legal protection of your interests and intellectual property.

Overview: Education

The entrepreneur's journey consists of a constant search for self-development. Creativity, versatility, and discipline are key factors in an exciting education.

Entrepreneurs seek to keep abreast of global trends and acquires new knowledge through the people with whom they live and the environments they frequent. In this sense, real-world experience is often more valuable than formal education.

Reading, for example, is an essential habit. Study the lives of other successful professionals and magazines focused on your area.

Try to keep in touch with professionals who have already traced the path you want to follow. As you progress, you will find out what your limits and potentials are, and the types of knowledge will be helpful to you.

Overview: People

Interpersonal relationships are an essential part of an entrepreneur's job. In the third chapter, Kevin Johnson covers topics such as managing people, forming contacts and partnerships, behavior, and even choosing a spouse.

He says that in the business world, being "weird" is not only normal but beneficial in many ways. Appearance need not be a priority. It doesn't determine your value, and it is best to wear whatever is comfortable so that you can perform at your best.

Remember: you are the average of the people around you. Cultivate a diverse social circle that stimulates your creativity and intellect. Networking should be explored as a means of sharing contacts and knowledge, not a way to inflate the ego.

Honesty and objectivity are essential virtues that will ensure the fluidity and productivity of your business. Establish open communication with your employees and don't hesitate to fire unproductive ones.

Overview: Finances

The decisive factor in investor choice is, of course, the prospect of profit. Therefore, generating positive cash flow is one of the most important functions of the entrepreneur.

When dealing with payments, be assertive and organized, quickly build trust with your customers and hire a good accountant. It is an investment that will ensure the financial health of your business.

As a crisis prevention and harm reduction strategy, he advises making strategic loans before the money runs out. Be cautious when dealing with banks, and be sure to be prepared to pay your taxes!

Kevin stresses that to execute an idea is essential to have initiative, not money. Last but not least, know the reputation of your company!

Overview: Marketing and Sales

The idea that entrepreneurs need not respond to anyone is misleading. The success of a company depends on the satisfaction of its consumers and investors.

Plan ahead and find out as much as you can about your potential investor before making the first contact. Each customer is a different case, so a flexible approach is the most efficient.

Kevin Johnson says companies focused on consumer needs from the start have a greater chance of success. Study the behavior, tastes, and desires of your consumers in order to increase adherence to your product.

The quality of an idea is not in itself a guarantee of success. Have in your company employees able to sell your product or service. And don't be shy about talking about your business.

Remember: word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising.

Overview: Leadership

As components of the Entrepreneurial Mind, leadership qualities can also be learned and taught.

Johnson says that entrepreneurship is like running a marathon: an activity that demands endurance, perseverance, and constant dedication to improving performance. The more you strive to grow your business, the better you will become at your job.

Keep in mind that developing a business venture is a journey full of sacrifices, small and large, where your commitment to the idea will determine your likelihood of success.

The world of entrepreneurship is made up of fleeting opportunities and precise decisions. You must be prepared to overcome your fears and act despite what you are feeling. Self-control is an essential discipline.

Don't be afraid to dare and sometimes even break some rules. The author presents examples of entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and Larry Page, whose rebellious nature was essential to the success of their companies, Apple and Google, respectively.

Overview: Motivation

This chapter presents common motivations for the most successful entrepreneurs, their impact on personal and professional performance, and how to direct them to their work. Kevin states that each lesson in this last chapter is motivational in itself.

As an entrepreneur, you must develop a mindset toward achieving your professional goals. With motivation properly aligned with achieving ever-higher levels of entrepreneurship, each obstacle becomes an opportunity to push yourself beyond your limits.

Success and fame should not be a priority. A true entrepreneur is driven to develop innovative ideas that meet the demands of consumers.

It will not be an easy journey. You will find people who, for various reasons, don't understand an entrepreneur's job, and will advise you to change careers. But if this is the right path for you, your motivation will be greater than doubts, crises, or failures.

What do other authors say about it?

In "Traction", Gino Wickman explores how successful entrepreneurs have an attractive and well-defined vision for their business. In addition, they know how to communicate this message to employees. From this, a guideline is created to be followed by everyone within the organization, always used to develop solutions and guide strategic actions.

"Different" is a book that talks about innovating in the marketplace. The author Youngme Moon reports the mistake made by companies that want to level with the competition. This process of competition makes companies actually achieve a general market average, causing a "competitive herd".

Finally, in the book "The 5 Second Rule", Mel Robbins gives motivating advice: Always be honest and forthright with people and yourself and don't wait for the right moment to speak up. There may not be a tomorrow.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Establish a work schedule that explores your highest performing moments without distractions and with substantial breaks;
  • Share ideas with your friends and don't be shy about asking for help. Remember: the self-reliant professional is a myth;
  • Seek the guidance of professionals established in the area you wish to follow;
  • A diverse social group is ideal for expanding your knowledge areas.

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Book 'The Entrepreneur Mind'