We currently live in a world where everyone craves success and wealth, however, it is not trivial to assume the ideal behavior to achieve these goals. The book "The 16 Laws of Success", by author Jacob Petry, brings to the reader the main lessons of Napoleon Hill, which teach the way to prosperity.
Thousands of people have already been influenced and transformed by this work, achieving personal growth and making their dreams come true. The next could be you!
Ready? So come on!
Andrew Carnegie invited Napoleon Hill to study, research, and deeply discover what attitudes and characteristics held the main leaders and entrepreneurs in history.
In this way, they believed they could create a science of success that people could follow. Thus, the habits of thousands of successful people were studied, with more than 500 interviews with personalities of the time.
After 20 years of much research, Napoleon published his findings in the book "The Law of Success".
This book was an immense success and became a best seller. In addition, he was responsible for influencing thousands of people around the world.
After several years of study, Jacob Petry extracted the most important content and published in 2017 the book "The 16 laws of success", offering a modern and up-to-date version on how to succeed in today's world and transform your life.
Jacob Petry is a Brazilian naturalized American. He has a degree in philosophy with a focus on Karl Popper, Plato, Socrates and Rousseau.
In addition, he is a journalist and researcher, specialized in the philosophy of mind and the psychology of cognition applied to business.
Jacob is the author of great books published in several areas, such as emotional intelligence, psychology and personal development.
This book "The 16 Laws of Success" is a great option for you that want to develop both the professional and the personal life, shaping yourself into great personalities, possessing financial stability and making assertive decisions.
The highlights of the book are:
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In this first law of the book "The 16 Laws of Success", the author reports the difference between people who achieve success and others who do not.
The big secret is to get you to establish a purpose for life. You need to find something that explores your talents, that has a passion and that generates money.
You must have a clear, specific and attainable purpose for your path, focusing all the energies and thoughts to contribute towards achieving your success.
According to Jacob Petry, Master Mind is:
"The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people, in a spirit of absolute harmony, in order to achieve a definite purpose".
The author's tips is that you surround yourself with optimistic people who can leverage your life and who motivates you. Do not be afraid to get away from the negative people who hold your energy and your dreams.
That way, you will increase your energy, acquire the necessary knowledge and accelerate the journey in the way of your dreams.
All the interviewed people have one characteristic in common: high self-confidence.
According to Jacob Petry in his book "The 16 Laws of Success", you must trust yourself and believe in your dreams, transforming all power, prestige and success into reality.
A tip from the author is to make you turn all obstacles into an aid element. Therefore, move away from negative people, who say that it is impossible to accomplish what you desire, because they will not make a difference in your life.
Try to exalt all your strengths and pride every day, because you will have times when you will not feel so good, and only that will make you feel better.
At the beginning of this chapter, Jacob Petry makes clear that without saving money it is not possible to win in life. And there is no exception to this rule. In addition, he says we should not spend more than we earn.
We must eliminate the pre-established limits that we can not make more money and get out of this life of scarcity, where it is believed that it is not possible to get rich.
It is necessary to acquire an abundance and wealth mindset by creating positive habits, separating a certain amount from what you earn to save or invest.
Your financial decisions should be based on your life purpose. Waste your time on things that add value to your goal, not the silly and punctual things. Remember that saving money allows invest in your dreams and provide spirit and peace.
In order for us to get all dreams off the ground and make them come true, it is necessary to practice the fifth rule of the book "The 16 Laws of Success".
There is no point in having approached all the laws if you have no enforcement. This execution and initiative will make you a good leader.
So, eliminate procrastination and start practicing the initiative habit at all times. Start with the small things, as this will influence other people to practice the initiative and everything conspires to your purposes.
Combine your creativity with initiative and you will have promising results on the path to reach your goals.
According to the author Jacob Petry in his book "The 16 Laws of Success", it all starts with the imagination, and to create something excellent it is necessary to think what nobody thought about something that everyone sees, so you must follow 4 steps:
Enthusiasm: this is the main fuel that most respondents had to achieve success, being the main responsible for the willpower that creates motivation.
In addition, it is he who will not let you give up, so look for him where it is necessary for everything you want to be realized.
The tip of the author Jacob Petry in his work "The 16 Laws of Success" is that you constantly think about your purpose, and this will create an emotion that will turn into enthusiasm. The greater your enthusiasm, the more good people will join you, contributing to the achievement of your goal.
"People generally triumphs more easily in a field of effort in which he throws himself body, soul and heart".
Be in love with your dreams!
It is necessary that you have control of your mind by practicing emotional intelligence, as our thoughts are responsible for leading us to success or failure. So, learn to control them, taking control of your emotions and avoiding inconvenient behaviors.
The author makes it clear that whoever wins the most is the one who serves the best.
Always be your version of excellence, deliver your best and later you will be rewarded in the best way for this. Otherwise, you will be just an intermediary professional like so many others.
In addition, you will feel better as it will increase your self-esteem and your professional reputation.
To have nice people next to you, it is necessary to develop this skill in you. So be kind, pleasant, honest, and do everything based on love. So good people approach you and thus, new doors will open.
The main tip of the author is to observe the habits of the people you admire and adopt them for you. Speak firmly and with conviction, and whenever you talk about other people, refer to them honestly.
Finally, dress yourself accordingly and get in the habit of shaking hands with people enthusiastically.
According to the work "The 16 Laws of Success", to think accurately is to direct our focus so that it produces the good results we desire.
Read, analyze, and think about this purpose several times a day and keep in mind that it will come to fruition for two reasons: because you want it and you deserve it.
In order for you to have the necessary concentration these days, one tip is you work your own mind, using meditation techniques and doing one thing at a time.
One important piece of information cited by Jacob Petry is that the people we walk with, influence the most in our lives and you are the average of the 5 people you walk with.
Successful interviewees believed that they could not succeed alone, so they always sought cooperation.
They understood that competing companies were not their enemies, but only one more participant. In addition, their employees were seen as collaborators to make their dream come true.
According to Jacob, failure is a necessary step for us to get on the road to success, and you need to learn to take advantage of your failures.
So be open-minded and try to understand the essence of things in a sincere way.
To deal with frustrations, it is essential that you are compassionate, supportive and tolerant. So, analyze your attitudes and behaviors when you are upset or criticized, and here are some more tips from the book "The 16 Laws of Success" given by Petry:
The final rule is
"Whatever you want others to do, do it yourself, because this is the law".
That is, do not do to others what you would not like them to do with you:
In the book "The 48 Laws of Power", the author Robert Greene says, for you to master the power it is needed ability to control emotions, so they do not hinder your success. In addition, it reports that you should focus your strengths and energies on your strengths, and what makes you a winner is your actions.
The author Stephen R. Covey, in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", also says it's necessary to choose solid principles such as dignity, courage and patience, all guided by cooperation, so that multiply the power of one person. He also shows that your goals and principles are well defined.
Finally, in the book "The Power of Action", author Paulo Vieira says that self-analysis is essential to get what we want. It is based on two principles, where your life is currently and makes you wake up to an abundant life with great feelings.
Well, now that you know all the laws, you can work on them individually. Because they are very objective and it is a real practical manual to apply in your daily life. I strongly advise you to begin to execute these teachings now.
Remember that to achieve success you will need patience, persistence and daily efforts.
Are you ready for the success in all aspects of your life?
We hope you enjoyed our summary and are able to apply the teachings of author Jacob Petry to your life. Also, leave your opinion in the comments, as your feedback is very important to us.
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