Book summary The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod

The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod

Stop wasting your time in bed, as you are missing out on important experiences of your day! Learn how to change your habits, even before 8 a.m.!

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Are you stressed for waking up late? Do you press the "snooze" button several times and have an unproductive morning? Hal Elrod will teach you through skills and strategies how to change those bad habits in "The Miracle Morning", making you a productive person!

These habits have become more and more common. Remember that every time you press the snooze button, you are telling yourself that your bed is more important than the good experiences of your day.

Be aware that the way we start our day defines what the rest of it will be like. You have probably woken up excitedly and keeping in mind that the day would be pleasurable, and as a consequence of optimism, you have managed to achieve all the set goals.

Now, have you ever imagined waking up like this every day? We've put together all the tips to make it a good routine in your life. One of the methods presented will take only 6 minutes of your day. Got interested to know more? Stay with us in this summary!

The book "The Miracle Morning"

The book "The Miracle Morning" was published in 2012 by Hal Elrod.

The main goal is to teach you the benefits of waking up early and improve any area of your life simply and effectively based on a 6-practice method.

Regardless of the situation you are in, there is always the next level if you want to achieve your best result and leave the nasty feeling behind. The author assures that this can be accomplished by objective actions and before 8 a. m.

The whole content of the book was created from the experiences of Hal Elrod. He shares the techniques developed by him and that have transformed his story.

Who is Hal Elrod?

Hal Elrod was born in 1979. He is a writer, an entrepreneur and a motivational speaker internationally recognized. In addition, his main purpose is to show people how to overcome challenges and achieve unending potential.

Curious is the fact that he only achieved all this after suffering a very serious accident at the age of 20. He broke 11 bones, suffered brain damage and doctors said he would never walk again. But he overcame it and became the man that I mentioned above.

Hal Elrod also wrote "Miracle Morning Millionaires", "The Morning Miracle: Diary","The Morning Miracle to Transform Your Relationship", among others.

To whom is this book indicated?

The content of the book is ideal for you who suffers in getting out of bed and feels paralyzed in life.

In this book, you'll find practices to make you more motivated, concentrated and less stressed, in order to make the most of your morning and, consequently, your day.

In addition, the content of the book is also meant for individuals that want to get rid of negative habits and want to build your life based on success in all areas.

What are the key points of the book “The Miracle Morning”?

  • The way you wake up sets the pace of your day and affects your level of success;
  • Be thirsty for personal development it will make you achieve success;
  • The practices to achieve success are: silence, affirmations, visualization, exercises, reading and writing;
  • Before bedtime, create good expectations about the next day;
  • Find a partner to perform the Morning Miracle with you;
  • Be committed, because the first 10 days of applying the practice will be unbearable. But the benefits will come later.

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[Book Summary] The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod

The 5 Steps to Wake up Early

At the beginning of the book "The Miracle Morning", the author Hal Elrod explains that for any change in habits you will need commitment. So choose to grow, learn and become your best version every day, and a better life will be a consequence.

Moreover, he suggests that it is necessary to invest time every day for personal development because it is directly linked to the level of success. Plus, he says it's possible to be whatever you want in life, and you're the one responsible for it.

You are also the only one able to change your beliefs and your thoughts because they play an important role when we wake up.

To overcome the obstacles of waking up early, the author suggests a step-by-step with five steps to you wake up with more energy:

  1. Determine your intentions before bedtime, after all, the first thought in the morning is usually the last one you had before bedtime. So have positive expectations about the next day and state to yourself that you will get refreshed;
  2. Leave your alarm clock on the other side of the room. This causes you to wake up to turn it off;
  3. After you turn off the alarm clock, go straight to brush your teeth;
  4. Drink a full glass of water as this allows you to rehydrate and eliminate tiredness;
  5. Wear a gym outfit and go do your exercise. It will make you maximize your potential early in the morning.

The 6 Practices to Reach Your Potential

Morning miracle techniques are named by Hal Elrod as "life saviors", and are divided into 6 practices.

Life saviors can be customized based on your schedule and by order of preference, according to each need.

You can opt for a longer version if you have time or available weekends. The most common timeline is 60 minutes, divided as follows:

  • Silence (5 minutes);
  • Statements (5 minutes);
  • Visualization (5 minutes);
  • Exercises (20 minutes);
  • Reading (20 minutes);
  • Writing (5 minutes).


As soon as you wake up, set a time for intentional silence. Choose a quiet place, but stay far from the bed. This conscious silence causes you to ease the agitation and have a propitious mental state to guide your day.

Silence can occur in many ways, with meditation, prayer, reflection, gratitude, or even deep breathing. Keep your mind quiet and don't think about anything.


According to the author, we all have an internal dialogue and we have to use them to our advantage. It is imperative that you eliminate the negative thoughts, the fear, the limitations of the past and everything that prevents you from progressing.

Create positive affirmations and speak out loud every day so that it is fixed in your mind. Also, one tip the author conveys is that you think about your goals in each area of your life. With this, you will unlock your brain to go in pursuit of your desires.

To get better results, check out the step by step suggested in the book:

  1. What do you really want?
  2. Why do you want?
  3. Who do you commit to creating this?
  4. What do you undertake to do to achieve this?
  5. Use inspirational phrases and philosophies.

In addition, you need to be specific in your desires, including duration and frequency.


This practice is characterized by creating the essays of your desires listed above, focusing on that desired future.

Visualization makes you have a clear vision of what you want, paving the way for it to become a reality.

Imagine as many details as possible to fulfill this desire. If your desire is to get a good grade on the test, imagine you doing each question easily and without limitations.


This step is what will wake up and energize your day. The book "The Miracle Morning" explains that they are performed as soon as you wake up.

When you perform physical exercises in the morning, you boost your confidence, emotional well-being, improve health and concentration.


Hal Elrod advises not to try to reinvent the wheel. Copy what works.

So, learn from the experiences of others! According to Hal Elrod, daily reading is the best way and sometimes the fastest for those who seek knowledge.

Make it a habit to read 10 to 20 minutes a day on specific subjects that you want to reach.


We have many ideas in mind and to avoid forgetting, we need to put them out more clearly.

To record the miracles of the morning, you need a diary. You can choose what to write in it. It can be achievements, thoughts, ideas and experiences.

Write every day. After all, everyday we have enough information for the appearance of new ideas. Review the mistakes, the lessons you learned and the progress of the day.

The Miracle Morning in 6 Minutes

In the book "The Miracle Morning" it is explained by Hal Elrod that running a few minutes of practice is better than nothing.

That way, if you don't have time or you are stressed out with your routine, calm down! The author has developed a quick tool of the practice, which only lasts 6 minutes and works as follow:

  • Minute 1: imagine you waking up quietly and sitting in silence. Take the time to meditate, say a prayer or thank;
  • Minute 2: recite your daily affirmations;
  • Minute 3: visualize your goals being achieved perfectly;
  • Minute 4: Write something for what you are grateful for and what you want to achieve on that day;
  • Minute 5: Read 2 pages of a self-help book;
  • Minute 6: Run without leaving the place. Do sit-ups, jumpsuits or push-ups.

The book suggests that this version is limited in scope, this is an alternative that should only be used on a running day rather than a routine.

In addition, the practice of morning miracle is totally flexible, being possible to modify some details like:

  • The practice does not have to happen necessarily in the morning;
  • Begin with the tasks you deem as most difficult;
  • Have a balanced and healthy diet, and feed yourself soon after performing the morning miracle;
  • Begin applying the practices on weekdays only. On weekends, you can sleep until late, but automatically, you will miss the miracle;
  • Always update your miracle, making it fun and exciting;
  • Find a partner who wants to perform the morning miracle with you. But do not wait for the partner to appear to start the challenge, it is not mandatory.

30-day change in habits

Hal Elrod states that 30 days is enough for you to change a habit naturally and implement it in your routine. With this, we have to apply the techniques correctly.

The change of habits is divided into 3 stages. The first 10 days are the hardest, and your body feels unbearable. Most people give up on this step, but you have to be prepared to take advantage of future benefits.

The days 11-20 are less painful, after all your body will already be adapting to the new habits. That way, you have to remain committed, not to return to old practices.

The third stage is between days 21-30. It causes pleasant pleasure to be established by new habits, becoming now as part of your reality.

Books about habits

The book "Focus" by Daniel Goleman also highlights the value of meditation, since it helps you focus on the same activity for a certain period of time.

The author Kevin Kruse, in "15 Secrets That Successful People Know About Time Management" says that most business owners adopt a morning routine to re energize physically and mentally. They recharge with lots of water, healthy food and exercise. Busy CEOs also invigorate their minds with reading or meditation.

Finally, in the book "Atomic Habits", James Clear explains how small changes can generate great results. According to him, habits are a compound interest of personal improvement. Improving 1% each day brings about a giant change at the end of the journey.

So, how can I apply this?

Now that you already know all the practices, you can apply each one of them because they are very objective and easy to be applied in your daily life. Remember, the first step to change is realize that you have to change!

Do not wait for the perfect situation as it may never arrive. So plan your day as quickly as possible, be happy in the morning and find a partner who can support you.

How about starting tomorrow morning?

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Book 'The Miracle Morning'