The power of Self-Confidence - Brian Tracy

The power of Self-Confidence - Brian Tracy

If you are still considering the possibility of failure, find out why this thought even crossed the mind of anyone who has read this book.

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Be honest with yourself: Are you living the life you would really like to live in your dreams? Are your projects giving you all the economic and personal satisfaction you would like? Brian Tracy shows in the book "The Power of Self-Confidence" some guidelines to avoid fear and leverage your results.

Looking at our own reality, we realize that we have only one opportunity to live life. And when we are not doing it the way we would really like, we begin to suffer.

In this summary, we've separated the book's main ideas to gain self-confidence and get rid of the chains of fear. Come with us and learn to have a more promising life!

About the book "The Power of Self-Confidence"

The work consists of 129 pages, which are divided into 7 chapters, which discuss the principles of self-confidence, their importance, and how to develop it.

The author clarifies the importance of giving purpose to your life through self-knowledge and goal setting. To do so, he teaches the concept of emotional control and simple, straightforward tools for shaping his success cycle.

The book is originally titled "The Power of Self-Confidence", released in English in 2012 and has been widely acclaimed by critics and several authors such as Denis Waitley, Joseph Sherren, Pat Williams, and Kristin Arnold.

About the author Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is 75 years old, Canadian, and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company that specializes in people and business development.

He is one of the most recognized and respected coaches in the world. consulting for over 1, 000 companies and lecturing for over 5 million people in over 60 countries worldwide.

As an author, he has written over 50 books exploring topics such as leadership, personal development, sales, strategy, goals, creativity, and organizational psychology. His best-known works are

To whom is this book indicated?

Those who are not content with little and would like excellence, but unfortunately are producing below their capacity and need to figure out how to unleash their full potential.

Leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, and workers will be attracted to this book.

Main ideas of the book "The Power of Self-Confidence"

  • Fear is the biggest obstacle between you and the life you long to live;
  • Self-confidence is the key to overcoming fear and accomplishing our projects.
  • There are laws of nature that you must know and conform to;
  • Self-knowledge about our strengths, weaknesses, and passions is essential for planning the path to achieving our goals.
  • Find out how to use your strengths and how to soften your weaknesses.
  • Learn to develop resilient self-confidence and end self-sabotage.

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[Book Summary] The Power of Self-Confidence - Brian Tracy

Overview: Introduction

Fear is the only thing that stands between you and your amazing life. The key to overcoming this obstacle is unlimited self-confidence. After all, with greater self-confidence, we have no doubt of our success.

When provided with confidence, difficulties no longer frighten us and we can solve them efficiently, attentive to drawing lessons from problematic situations.

Average people compare unfavorably to others and settle for less. The world is full of dissatisfied people who continue to act the same way and expect different results.

Everything can be different if we observe the Law of Cause and Effect. Therefore, if we are able to trace the underlying causes of the desired results, we can reproduce them to enjoy the desired effects more.

Overview: The Basis of Self Confidence

Our thoughts and feelings are the result of experiences and conditioning and have little to do with our abilities.

The thought we allow to occupy our minds is what will be implanted in our subconscious. Therefore, we must have thoughts consistent with who we would like to be.

Thus, to develop self-confidence, we need to control our thoughts by creating positive thoughts that focus on what we want, not what we fear. The basis for self-confidence is being true to our values. These must be nonnegotiable and defined by actions and not words.

The most self-confident people will be allied with their beliefs, even if everything goes wrong, or when it's not convenient.

The best way to put these lessons into practice is to choose values and write them down, listing them in order of priority.

A tip for choosing our values: Write your funeral speech and live to be the person described in the text.

Overview: The Laws of Success

In this chapter, Brian Tracy sets out the thoughtful laws upon which our actions and achievements exercise. Mental laws are activated in life's accomplishments, so it is important to have personal determination and purpose.

The Law of Cause and Effect, as already quoted here, comes down to its own name: If you act with positive thoughts, you are very likely to reach your goal. Otherwise, your results can be frustrating. One consequence of this is the Law of Attraction: you attract the energies you emanate.

Another is the Law of Indirect Effort. He says our achievements are more indirect than direct, as they are the fruit of past choices. The Law of Correspondence says that our reality will tend to correspond to our thoughts and ideas planted in our inner world.

The Law of Concentration unravels the secrets behind ordinary human extraordinary achievements, which are: dedication and investment in highly valued goals.

Now, the Law of Substitution says that our mind will accept the most frequent thinking as truth. Finally, the Law of Emotion directly affects our decisions. The more powerful the emotion, Brian says, the result can be instantaneous.

The author then elucidates the four pillars of intimate trust to become unbeatable, which are:

  1. Clarity;
  2. Belief;
  3. Commitment;
  4. Consistency.

To get out of the comfort zone, we must have control over the little pleasures we allow ourselves to have.

To do this, have measurable and timely goals. If the term is long, segregate it into smaller goals. At the end of each achievement, reward yourself.

One tip is to set aside five minutes of your day writing goals to root your desires within.

Overview: Achieving Competence and Self-Control

The author in this chapter tells the story of Colonel Harland Sanders, who only at age 66 began his world-famous venture, the KFC.

Success sees no age, it sees determination. "But how can I profile a successful person?"

Well, the first step is to copy behaviors from individuals of excellence. From there, discover your limits and commit to overcoming them.

We need to find out where we are best. This place is where we feel connected enough to want to make it eternal.

Not sure how to identify your purpose? Do not freak out, Brian Tracy provides questions in his work to help you with this. They are:

  • "What talents do you have that look natural?"
  • "What are you able to do easily that is difficult for other people?"
  • "What did you enjoy doing most when you were young?"
  • "What parts of your work do you enjoy and do well?"
  • "What kind of activity causes you natural ecstasy to the point where you lose track of time?"

Overcome the belief that work is a punishment suffered daily and then enjoy leisure at night.

After choosing what you love, identify your skills and reschedule your focus. Be the best and period. Excellence only comes with a lot of devotion. No natural talent will make you excellent without much dedication.

The grandeur of your work will be limited by your weaker competence. So it is important that you identify your key competencies and then improve what is needed.

Your knowledge, ultimately, is your most profitable primary asset. Investing in this asset is investing in valuing its ability to generate wealth.

Overview: The Inner Game of Self Confidence

If you were assured that you would not fail, you would surely be totally risking what you dream of.

Our mind is susceptible to the power of suggestions. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to filter and deal with negative exterior suggestions, take advantage of positive suggestions, and learn self-suggestion.

Be careful as negative thoughts become habits. To break free from this "bondage", make a list of negative emotions and choose how to react next time.

To take control of your life, assume that everything that happens to you is your own responsibility. Don't trust luck!

Use the "End of Movie" technique. If you watch a movie already knowing the ending, you will feel relaxed because you know how everything will be resolved. Believe that your endings will always be prosperous.

But for that, you must not only speak or idealize: you must perform! Achievers are the people who build the world.

Overview: Leveraging Your Strengths

Your interests indicate where you should focus your attention. An extraordinary human being is full of weaknesses, but he focuses on his strengths. The average people are martyred by their weaknesses.

You may even ask yourself: "How should I become excellent? What is my competitive advantage?" Please be aware that these questions will help you focus your intellectual investment focus.

This investment must inevitably go through self-knowledge. An occupational psychologist, for example, can help you discover your strengths and weaknesses.

You can also ask people with whom you live and trust what they think your strengths and weaknesses are and what you must do to succeed.

From this, group your skills into groups by priority, being healthy with their values. Know how to deal with your weaknesses; they highlight what you need to improve. Hence, outline strategies to soften them.

Overview: The triumph over adversity

It is easy to be confident when all is well, but it is when adversity comes that people prove their true worth. Refuse the ultimate defeat! Accept the fact that problems exist and are inevitable.

Businesses naturally go through crises no matter how hard you struggle to avoid them. Your character and strength will only be built while facing problems.

Weak people tend to generalize disappointment because they believe they are indicative of disability. For this, the author proposes two techniques: the first one is to understand the concept of failure, the other is to anticipate the crisis.

All success is preceded by many failures. And the only choice left for those who really want to thrive is to learn from failure and start over. Overcome the fear of failure!

The second technique is to list the possibilities of future crises. After that, come up with a solution plan for all these problems.

But under no circumstances think of giving up. Whenever you act perseveringly, your self-confidence is increasing.

Overview: Self Confidence in Action

Brian Tracy says that he has had a hard time when younger. In addition to being very poor and wearing used clothes, he was also rated "the student most likely to end up in prison" by his teachers.

Then he started working early in restaurants, gas stations, and the farm. After some hard times, Brian Tracy took four valuable lessons, which are:

  • We are responsible for ourselves;
  • We can change our lives only if we work for ourselves;
  • It is essential that we set clear goals with set deadlines to be able to achieve them;
  • We have to learn to deal with self-sabotage because when we reinvent ourselves and move on, we tend to go back to our previous behavior and cool our quest for success.

Face your discipline like a gym: If you stop, you will begin to lose what you have achieved.

The author concludes the book masterfully by briefly discussing five key qualities for success:

  1. Common sense: Understand the best choices and review your past decisions to shape your future behavior;
  2. Expertise: Be the best at what you do;
  3. Self-Reliance: Be autonomous and fully responsible for yourself;
  4. Intelligence: Act congruently with your goals. If you take actions that bring you closer to achieving your goals, you are being smart;
  5. Result-oriented: It is important to do the work we are responsible for, always focused on good performance and quality.

At this point, you realize that everything that has been said in the book is related to these five most important characteristics. Remember to take actions that will continually develop you. Be your own supporter. Express yourself with confidence and clarity.

And finally, get rid of the negativity of considering failure, because, according to Dorothea Brande:

"The way to success is to act as if it were impossible to fail, and it will be."

What do other authors say about it?

According to Caio Carneiro, author of the book "Seja Foda!", Success is 99% made of failure. Moreover, if you consider failure as the opposite of success, you will not build anything productive, since every failure is just a step on the ladder of your success.

In "Unlimited Power", Tony Robbins explains that generally a successful person walks in a higher, more imposing manner, showing confidence and self-esteem.

Finally, in "The Power of Habit", Charles Duhigg makes it clear that while the process of habit change is simple to explain, it does not mean that it is easy to perform. However, real change requires dedication and self-understanding of what stimulates your habit.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Visualize what your life would be like without your fear of risking everything to do what you really love;
  • Be faithful and never forget your values. They will be your guide to decision making;
  • Write down your goals a year from now and break them down into monthly goals. Then divide them into weekly goals, and at the beginning of every week, plan what to do to accomplish them;
  • Discover your talents, natural abilities, weaknesses, and passions. Ask friends and family, they will help you;
  • Make a list of situations that get you mad and then police your reactions in a way that alleviates the negative impact of these problems on your life;
  • Internalize the five qualities essential to success and never forget them.

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Book 'The Power of Self-Confidence'