Do you know the difference between a story, a good story, and a transformative story? Do you know how to make them motivating? The author Carmine Gallo will teach you how to make a difference through your speech with the book "The Storyteller's Secret".
If you are one of those readers hungry for compelling stories, learn how to craft them to achieve your goals.
After all, if you look at the most prominent leaders in the world, you will find that they all have one thing in common: they are excellent storytellers! And do you know why? They have personality.
Continue reading this summary, see examples of storytelling, and learn all the techniques to become a storyteller.
The book "The Storyteller's Secret: From TED Speakers to Business Legends, Why Some Ideas Catch On and Others Don't" was written by Carmine Gallo and published in 2016.
It brings back the business reconnection with human emotions, showing incredible narratives and the tools used by people like Steve Jobs, Pope Francis, and Churchill. With 328 pages, the 37 stories presented will surprise you.
You will walk through true statements of motivation, purpose, and enchantment, reading the stories carefully, as they will capture your attention. When the first story is over, you won't be able to stop reading the others.
In the end, when you are exposed to an enchanting story again, you will be able to not only be moved, but to identify the elements that caused it: you will be a storyteller.
Carmine Gallo is a communications advisor for brands such as Coca-Cola and LinkedIn, and director of Gallo Communications, the company responsible for helping managers communicate in the best possible way.
He has also written several books related to this same branch and is well known for teaching how to help the greatest leaders make their stories inspiring.
The former journalist has helped several leaders make their idea better by using storytelling.
The book "The Storyteller's Secret" is suitable for all those who seek to learn about how to tell stories in an inspiring way, using the necessary tools to make this possible.
It is also for those who want to structure ideas, involve them in stories, and delight people. A narrative for those who have the time to learn how to approach the audience in an interactive way and, even better: reading the very stories that became successful.
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The story of the book "The Storyteller's Secret" begins precisely with a secret: great narratives come from passion. And to have it, you have to find the joy of doing what you love.
But how to have passion in difficult situations? How to see everything fall apart and still go on? That's where the optimism comes in, which makes you visionary to the point of inspiring generations, of believing so much that your story can inspire people.
But we also have a villain: your stories may not be very good. You may not be a good teller. What should you do?
To overcome this, don't focus on the addiction of reliving the pains of the past as something bad, use them as a propellant for the future. Believe in yourself, no one knows more about your narrative than you, and reformulating it is the art of making it better, as the author Carmine Gallo emphasizes.
After all, when you discover your joy in life, you don't want to keep it to yourself: you have to share it.
In this second part of the book "The Storyteller's Secret", the author Carmine Gallo points out that a well-crafted story is better for educating the public than numbers because it breaks expectations.
For this, Carmine Gallo tells us the story of Bryan Stevenson, a famous civil rights lawyer who, as the author himself says, "defends views, at least initially, unpleasant for a large number of people".
Bryan had the most acclaimed lecture at TED when he started his presentation telling his grandmother's story, which brought viewers closer than any numerical data.
Another success story about educating storytellers is that of Bill Gates converting sewage into drinking water, something surprising that made viewers stay glazed on the TV channels to keep up.
But what do they all have in common? They created ideas to solve problems and wrapped them in stories to involve people.
After all, telling the audience how your service/product was created to solve a problem is the way to thrill the listener.
Start with great sentences! That's right! Those striking phrases that say a lot, recommends the author Carmine Gallo.
This is the advice given by Richard Branson, when he stated that you must speak what you have in mind and keep in mind what you speak, especially in a few well-chosen words.
Richard is an investor who believes that the simplicity of stories is what makes people pay attention to them. And it is not only he who believes in the power of simplicity, Jorge Mario Bergoglio too.
But who is this? To give you a clue, Mario brought together 3 million people on the beach in Rio de Janeiro to talk about World Youth Day, in 2013. Yes, he is whom we know as Pope Francis.
Another important storyteller presented in the book "The Storyteller's Secret" is Chris Hadfield, the astronaut who stunned the TED audience by using images and analogies, showing that, to convince, not many slides are needed, but simplification.
Thus, the author Carmine Gallo concludes that all storytellers, including those mentioned above, use the rule of three to delight people:
In this fourth part of the book "The Storyteller's Secret", we learn that we have a natural ability to tell stories, especially ours.
We are eager for characters, a climax, and a happy ending, as this mentally creates the idea that overcoming is the necessary ingredient for a good story to permeate the emotion of listeners and stay there, generating change.
Also, your narrative should make others feel good about you, because that's how you can create sensational experiences for each customer, making your work team more powerful.
And this is easily seen when the author Carmine Gallo tells the story of Steve Wynn, the owner of a hotel chain who motivated his employees to change the way they dealt with customers by instigating them to tell their stories.
Every night a hotel employee told a success story he had with customers. What did it generate? A movement in everyone else working there to start a hunt for narratives: greater customer satisfaction. Here is an example of the importance of storytelling in marketing.
That way, as you go through the pages, you will realize that there is no story in this book that doesn't teach you how to enhance yours: you learn to be contagious.
But if you came here thinking that the best storytellers are the spontaneous ones, know that's true. But this is not synonymous with a lack of rehearsal.
To give you an idea, it is shown in the book "The Storyteller's Secret" that many rehearse for hours and hours until they feel confident enough to engage the audience. Until they have motivation.
It will influence your listeners to change their habits, help an institution, or buy your idea. It is the key to everything, as it inspires movement.
And, to talk about movement, the author Carmine Gallo brings several stories from well-known leaders: Martin Luther King, Malala, John Lasseter, among others.
The first changed the way blacks were treated in society, the second moved education for women, the third changed the public's view of technology. And you, what will change?
This last part of "The Storyteller's Secret" teaches you, the reader, that creating motion doesn't go well with taking shortcuts because they don't exist. To quench the thirst for enchanting people, one has to drink from the source of metaphors and repeat this over and over.
Repeating words ( "I have a dream"), using rhetoric, making analogies: three excellent tools to inspire your actions to inspire others, more and more to have good storytelling. Until this orderly flow of actions becomes a movement: change your environment.
The book "Storytelling: Histórias que deixam marcas", by Adilson Xavier, brings a concept very aligned with the thought of Carmine Gallo, showing that storytelling is a tool that aims to drive products and brands or, as Unique Stories put it, boost people and their careers.
In "Unique Stories", the author Flávia Gamonar teaches you how to tell inspiring stories to strengthen your brand on LinkedIn, highlighting and attracting unique opportunities. Thus, the book brings concepts of how to create good content to interact with the audience.
And if you want to know how to write your stories better so they can increase your sales, how about reading the book "Copywriting"? In it, Paulo Maccedo will show you how to write persuasive texts to guide your customers to the buying decision, using the most coveted writing method in the corporate environment.
And so, what did you think of this narrat... ops, summary? Was the story we told here good? How about starting creating your own right now, checking the other books cited in this summary?
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