The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques - Stephan Schiffman

The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques - Stephan Schiffman

Learn here how to win customers, pass-through the competition and increase your persuasive power, turning the "no" into a glorious "YES" to achieve sales success.

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Are you good at sales? Want to know the secrets to becoming an unbeatable salesperson? If the answer is yes, then the book "The Ultimate Book of Sales Technique", written by author Stephan Schiffman, was made for you.

It offers techniques to win and retain more customers, increase your income and maintain a constant sales flow. That way, you will become a great salesperson able to achieve all your goals.

Want to know more? Then continue reading this PocketBook and transform your professional sales career!

About the book "The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques"

The book "The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques: 75 Ways to Master Cold Calling", was published in 2016 by author Stephan Schiffman.

This book is the result of over 30 years of sales experience with 5 parts filled with 75 sales techniques, quick lessons, and some giveaways and prospecting scripts.

About the author Stephan Schiffman

Stephan Schiffman is a sales expert with over 30 years of experience. He has trained over 500, 000 professionals, also accumulating, during his career, several infallible techniques to close any deal.

He has worked for companies such as IBM, AT&T, Motorola, Spring, SIGNA, among others. The author bets on factors such as information, creativity, innovation, and differentiation.

Author of several books in the sales area, among them "The 25 Sales Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople", and leader in motivational training, Stephan Schiffman was classified as number one sales specialist by Personal Selling Power Magazine.

To whom is this book indicated?

If you want to improve your sales performance, improve your persuasive power, expand your creativity, confidence and be more in touch with customer s, then this book is for you!

This is a must-read for any salesperson who wants to improve their results.

Main ideas of the book "The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques"

  • It is critical that the seller absorb sufficient and relevant information about his customer to better serve him;
  • For the sale to take place, the seller must be sure of himself and his product;
  • Punctuality is a quality that can help you with sales;
  • Not everything is lost. If the customer has rejected an offer once, they may accept it at another time;
  • Keeping in touch through communication channels is necessary to nurture the relationship between customer and seller;
  • Innovation is what sets you apart from other salespeople. That's what makes the difference between good and great;
  • Creativity in approach can give you an advantage when negotiating;
  • Persistence and determination yield results;
  • You need communication between you and the people in the company you work for, especially with your boss.

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[Book Summary] The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques - Stephan Schiffman

Overview: My sales philosophy

In his book "The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques", author Stephan Schiffman talks about goals and cites a series of actions that must be taken to succeed in sales.

Know What You Want Before You Join the Meeting Room

Study the company, find out what your goal is, and your next step is to know how to approach them to be able to sell. Being well-informed makes all the difference and will make your customer buy more.

Prepare Your Questions in Advance

Before you meet the customer, you should select a series of natural questions that lead you to find out what the customer wants and get enough information to close the sale. Take at least five questions so that there is no shortage of subjects.

Use Six Question Groups

The questions that Stephan Schiffman says that are necessary for an initial approach to sales are:

  1. "What do you do?" (Find out about the profession, area...);
  2. "How do you do it?";
  3. "When and where do you do it?";
  4. "Why do you do it this way?";
  5. "Who do you currently work with?";
  6. "How can I help you get better results?".

Before preparing a proposal for the customer, you need to ask a few questions so that you:

  • Know your customer better;
  • Be able to plan and know the best way to help him.

Be on time

Arrange yourself in advance so you don't miss the schedule, be late and leave your customer waiting for you.

Being punctual is a highly valued quality. You respect your customers when you don't leave them waiting for you. Plan your route to the scheduled location so that you can arrive at least ten minutes before your scheduled time.

Find Out What Has Changed

Feedbacks! Paying attention to the customer, being friendly and seeking to know what they are looking for and their reasons for being there are attitudes that can make all the difference at the time of sale. Nothing better than great service to make us buy more.

Counter Strike

Have determination! The customer who said no once may say yes the other day.

Just always contact the customer, and who knows, he may acquire what he previously had no interest in. Well, life changes, so do situations. Creativity is essential when counterattacking.

Don't Focus on the Negative Points

According to the author Stephan Schiffman:

"Focusing on the problems, complaints, and defects that influence the entire business process may end up in losing the perspective needed to identify and solve the difficulties faced".

Is your market saturated? Creativity is a solution to this. If your strategy is not working, you need to try something different. Innovate, do something different to have different results. After all, you have to be positive and have a proactive team.

Show Your Competitive Spirit

In this part of the book "The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques", Stephan Schiffman talks about the role of the company, what it expects from the seller and its relationship with the sellers and vice versa. Every salesperson has a competitive spirit and, to succeed, must have a strong desire to win.

However, there must be some dedication from the seller to win and keep customers happy. There is also a need for communication between the people of the company.

Be proud of your work

What makes you different from your competitor? Understanding what happens in your client's life and knowing what he needs can help you do more for him. Having a good treatment makes all the difference when it comes to purchasing a product or service.

Believe in your potential and that of your business.

Be proud of what you do and where you work, then the results will appear.

Stay Up To Date

Keep informed about what happens in your client's venture, whether or not you are doing well. You can find out through publications and even industry commentary.

Overview: Seeking new customers to expand your base

Unforeseen events happen and, in order for the salesperson not to be surprised and see the number of sales decrease, he must always look for different ways to attract new customers.

Keep Prospecting as a Priority

More important than closing sales is prospecting and getting new customers. New orders represent new chances to show the customer their potential.

New Orders Are New Opportunities

In this part of the book "The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques", the author presents three steps to close order and easily secure the sale by phone:

  1. Before closing the sale, it's necessary to make friends with the customer, be kind and try to know who the person you are attending is.
  2. Try to find out what is going on with the customer. Show your happiness and satisfaction in serving him.
  3. Ask to arrange a personal meeting with the client. Establish a bond with this customer.

Listen, Learn, and Lead

The seller should know his product well and use this information to the best of his ability to provide the best service. So try to be up to date on area publications. Know the news and use them to make a quality service.

In the author's view:

"Every salesperson is a born leader and trying to do the best for everyone involved is an excellent leadership tool".

Read sector publications

Reading area magazines and publications about your customers is good for keeping up to date and adapting to the customer. There are currently several blogs and online seminars where information can be obtained. The internet is there for that.

New Prospecting, New Plan

Each customer deserves special attention and a sales plan according to their needs. Use the initial information to help the customer with what they wan t. The author also exposes some attitudes and attitudes of the seller.

Overview: Making the sale

Create goals and prioritize them. Always start your activities in high spirits and with positive thinking. Be organized, have an appointment book to write down your appointments. Your appearance is also your work tool and will influence your professional image.

  • Plan the day efficiently. Don't waste the hours you could be talking to customers; leave at least one free time at the end of the day to deal with unforeseen events;
  • Be organized! Bring in your briefcase only what you use to work and what you deliver to the customer;
  • Don't recite your litany. Avoid speeches that are too long not to tire yourself out.

Know Your Goal

Do you have goals? To get somewhere, you first need to define where you want to go. In your sales, be clear and objective, focus and after knowing your customer, expose your product.

Master the PIPA Cycle

According to the author, the PIPA method is a way to improve the flow of sales. The PIPA method consists of the steps of:

  • Presentation
  • Interview;
  • Parable;
  • Agreement.

This method works initially as an icebreaker and then uses some questions that direct the conversation to close the sale.

Overview: Selling by email

In this part, Stephan Schiffman talks about all the peculiarities of this mode of communication, about the types and models of emails, especially how to use email to promote your sales. It promotes relationships with prospects.

Create the Perfect Message

In the email, you should state the reasons why your current and potential customers should arrange a personal meeting with you.

Send short messages and adopt a suitable email format. Know how long the message should be and what level of formality to use in your text.

Overview: Closing the sale

Serving the customer well is an art, knowing when to close a sale is an even greater feat. At this time, there can be no doubt, no question. It's the time of truth and you must be prepared to face it.

To close sales, according to Schiffman, it's necessary to know that all sales "go through a composite of four steps act: opening, interview, presentation, and closing".

Ask to close the sale

Many salespeople have more difficulty at this stage. At this stage, the author gives you some basic points to make closing the sale easier.

Regardless of the outcome and your performance, make sure you did your best. Do not delay asking the customer if you can close the sale. Asking to close the sale saves you time and set you free for the next customer.

  • An objection is an opportunity. The client presenting some objection shows the need for him to be persuaded.
  • Overcome the objection to the prices charged. Offer other forms of payment, allow the customer to make the payment in installments more often. The important thing is to guarantee the sale and make sure the customer is also satisfied;

Beat "I Have to Think A Little"

For that, the main thing is that you trust yourself and your product. Each objection the customer gives you is an opportunity to fit their needs.

"Know when to stop talking and then keep positive closure. Be a leader".

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "The Sales Bible", author Jeffrey Gitomer advises: listen well to your customers. As the author says, this is related to the first rule of the sales world. Thus, the work gives a great tip: "Shut up!" Let the customer make up his mind, don't force his response, as that will make him uncomfortable.

Roger Dawson, in his book "Secrets of Power Negotiating", reveals his tactics for succeeding in a negotiation. He points out that most negotiations happens through nonverbal communication. That is, studying body language gives you both the advantage of knowing how to behave in a negotiation and the advantage of identifying whether your "opponent" is satisfied or disappointed during the deal.

In "Spin Selling", the author Neil Rackham points out that the quality of the questions asked is crucial to the success of the negotiation.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • In a sales opportunity, make sure you are prepared to introduce your business. Be on time, prepare your questions in advance and be proud of your work;
  • Always seek to capture more customers. Expand your horizons and show enthusiasm for your leads;
  • Be organized, create goals, write down your appointments. Your image reflects the image of your company;
  • Master the email platform. Update your customers about your products through short messages and well-defined structure (be careful not to jam your client's email inbox);
  • Learn how to circumvent customer objections when closing a sale.

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