Summary of the book Unique Stories - Flávia Gamonar, download PDF

Unique Stories - Flávia Gamonar

Learn to tell unique stories and win people over, offering quality content and being successful on LinkedIn.

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Think of an apple! That's right! A shiny, smooth, and red apple. And imagine that figure.

Seeing this apple (mentally) and thinking about what it means, you will probably associate it with healthy living, or even remember that you need to eat more fruits.

Now, we want you to imagine this apple falling from a tree. What does that make you think about?

I think your brain has come up with different things, and may even think of it falling on Newton's head and the law of gravity, reaching the ideas of innovation, genius, and science.

And now, one last invitation: imagine a bitten apple.

Your mind may have already gone elsewhere, thinking of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit or, as we speak of genius, Steve Jobs may have been considered.

Red Apple

The example above is presented in the preface to the book "Unique Stories", as the author Flávia Gamonar reveals how stories can generate feelings and arouse desires only through words.

See, in this summary, how you can tell your story in order to show others who you are, both personally and professionally, on LinkedIn and thus accomplish great achievements!

About the book "Unique Stories"

Written by Flávia Gamonar and originally published in 2019, "Unique Stories" has a subtitle that summarizes very well the learning it intends to pass on: "How creating content on LinkedIn can strengthen your personal brand, attract opportunities, and highlight what makes you unique".

With a current language and a dynamic approach, the book brings the best of the tools that can be used to leverage your LinkedIn profile, generating great results for your career.

About the author Flávia Gamonar

Flávia Gamonar decided to change the course of her life in 2014. After being fired and without any plan B, she started taking care of her professional image on LinkedIn and producing articles that, subsequently, impacted more than 1 million people.

Today, besides continuing to produce content, Flávia also teaches courses, workshops, and lectures on content marketing, LinkedIn, Facebook Workplace, content production, employer branding, and employee advocacy.

To whom is this book indicated?

If you want to be more active on LinkedIn, know how to tell engaging stories, produce content and develop an interactive profile, you have come to the right place, because the book "Unique Stories" is right for you!

With this summary, you will be able to build great content to enrich your profile.

Main ideas of the book "Unique Stories"

Some of the main highlights shared by the author Flávia Gamonar are:

  • Unique stories are those stories that define and characterize you personally and professionally;
  • A well-built LinkedIn profile is essential;
  • Good content contains well-defined elements such as professional purpose, title, theme, and audience;
  • Interaction is the keyword for success on LinkedIn.

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[Book Summary] Unique Stories - Flávia Gamonar

Overview: What are Unique Stories?

Before we delve into the universe of unique stories, we need to know what they are.

As we saw in the topic of "Main Ideas", your unique story is that story that makes you different as a professional and it will define you personally and professionally, affirms the author Flávia Gamonar.

Especially when we approach the reality of LinkedIn, where you need to create your profile and show yourself to the market, storytelling is essential!

Overview: Understanding LinkedIn better

Ok, now we know what unique stories are and their initial concepts, but before taking action, we need to know a little more about LinkedIn.

Starting in 2003, LinkedIn began as a platform focused on recruitment and selection that, over the years, has been updated, evolving, and launching new options.

Today, it has become a platform not only for recruitment and selection but for content and networking. As the author Flávia Gamonar cites in the book "Unique Stories", users spend, on average, 15 times more time consuming content than looking for jobs on LinkedIn.

There, you can make a wide network of contacts, create your profile (which has the characteristics of a resume), see jobs in various companies, produce, and consume the most diverse content.

And you, as a good developer of unique stories, need to have a good profile.

So, get ready! Open your profile and let's see some tips for setting it up or improving it!

Tips for your profile

  • Choose the ideal photo: the photo will be the first impression you will make on your connections. So, choose a current photo, without people around, with good quality and that has professional aspects;
  • Professional title: as important as the name and photo is the professional title, as it will appear for all your interactions. Create a title that makes your work and specialties clear, it doesn't have to be your position, the important thing is to make clear what you do;
  • Write a good summary: the summary will show who you are, tell a little about your story, and connect the points of your profile. The summary is a part where you can tell great stories (but be succinct);
  • Academic background and experiences: it is very important to expose your academic background, with courses, institutions, and research themes, as well as demonstrate your previous experiences, the activities performed, and the companies where you worked;
  • Show what your professional skills are: add your skills to provide more insight into your expertise. Having this data recorded allows you to better characterize your profile and, consequently, better connect with other professionals.

Overview: Should I produce content?

The goal of unique stories is to make your LinkedIn profile more complete and interactive, leveraging your connections, making people find you easily and, who knows, even making money from it!

But one question you must ask yourself is: "Should I produce content?"

First of all, know that everyone can produce content. The internet and social networks have made content production much easier and more dynamic. Today, anyone can be a producer, publisher, and distributor of their own material using technology that fits in the palm of your hand.

LinkedIn is no different, you have all the tools at your disposal and now you have to decide whether or not to produce content.

The first point indicated in the book "Unique Stories" is to understand that interaction is the key to LinkedIn.

You can make a perfect profile, detailing your resume perfectly and using all the tactics that we saw in the previous overview, but just visiting profiles and "minding your own business" won't bring you results, says the author Flávia Gamonar.

Sharing, collaborating, commenting, expressing opinions, and offering content is essential for you to "appear" on LinkedIn. You need to be seen!

Are you a little confused asking if you should start or how to start? So take a look at these tips, shared by Flávia Gamonar in the book "Unique Stories", to stand out in content production:

  • Only write if you feel safe and confident about it;
  • Write about subjects that you enjoy and feel comfortable talking about;
  • Don't shoot everywhere. Have a focus on your writing;
  • Know the right time and subject to be dealt with, pay attention to what happens, and deal with fashionable topics;
  • Some subject tips: a movie you saw, book tips, hobbies, side projects, advice, career stories, etc.

Overview: Elements for quality content

In this part of the book "Unique Stories", the author Flávia Gamonar presents the elements you need to be aware of when developing your content, to have a profile of excellence.

Show who you are!

What is your professional goal?

As we mentioned here, LinkedIn is a professional social network and one of its goals is to develop careers and connect people and companies, besides recruitment and selection.

User profiles are also varied, from big CEOs to small entrepreneurs, and each has their own career moment and goal to follow, which affects how they use this platform, as it is not just about looking for jobs.

Your professional objective is what should guide the creation of your profile, the writing of your summary, the way you will use LinkedIn, and the content you will produce. And you need to use your professional goal to know who to connect with and to select your target audience.

Based on that, the author Flávia Gamonar teaches that you need to make a professional summary that wins users by showing who you are. Therefore, it should tell your story, have relevant data, and most importantly, include your unique story.

Important tip: Remember to include keywords during your resume about your professional focus to make it easier for people to find your profile.

Know your target audience

There is no point in producing content without knowing who you are producing it for. That is why it is so important to know your target audience, to offer what they really need.

The author Flávia Gamonar gives the example of Carlos, a blockchain expert, teacher, and consultant, as well as a speaker.

To develop his LinkedIn profile, Carlos needs to consider these three focuses of his career. So, he must know who would hire a blockchain specialist for companies, who would invite him to lectures, and what places would hire him to teach classes.

Knowing who these people are, he needs to understand their characteristics and produce content to reach them.

This is what you need to do, understand your audience, and offer content relevant to them. See the step by step presented in the book "Unique Stories" below:

  1. Do you remember your personal goal? It will be very important for this step;
  2. Identify people who can contribute to it: someone who would hire you in your dream company or someone who might hire your services;
  3. Characterize these people: what types of content do they consume? What are the preferred formats (text, video, audio)? Among other features that will influence the content;
  4. Address topics related to the characteristics identified;
  5. Evaluate the results and adapt as necessary.

What to talk about?

As emphasized in the book "Unique Stories", you need to feel comfortable and secure to write great content. So, it is very important to know what to talk about.

You already have your goal set and know your target audience. Now you need to choose your theme. And as the author says Flávia Gamonar, almost anything can become a theme for good content, it all depends on how you contextualize it.

And to help you define a nice theme, check the following practices:

  • Choose a topic you are interested in;
  • Use a topic that arouses curiosity and is relevant;
  • Talk about things you know;
  • Build an agenda to help you understand what and how much you will need to write about the subject;
  • Write about a professional-related theme that aligns with your LinkedIn profile;
  • Understanding your theme is a great opportunity to connect it with your unique story.

A good title is essential

The title is the promise of the text. And a good title aims to make this invitation, this promise, and convince the reader to continue reading the content.

It is with it that you will reach out to people and say: "I have a really cool subject that will interest you a lot and promote a lot of knowledge. Come here!".

For you to know, according to the data presented by the author Flávia Gamonar in the book "Unique Stories", 85% of LinkedIn users only read the content title, which shows the importance of this element.

Don't choose the title early on. It must be one of the last things to define. Before that, other things must be decided to help you write the text.

Choose a theme to work with and know what your goal is with this content, so you can make the body of the text to, in the end, choose a great title that will represent all the knowledge contained.

Here are some examples of titles suggested by the author Flávia Gamonar:

  • "10 tips on how to get a job on LinkedIn";
  • "How company ages can be used in business";
  • "8 valuable lessons to make your presentations amazing".

Overview: Winning more readers

People won't read your content overnight. You need to keep in mind that gaining more readers will take patience and time, but that with persistence and constant, quality production, you get there!

First of all, understand that success on the internet is a matter that depends on a number of variables, such as the size of your network, the theme, title, and image of the content, as well as the language used and the formatting.

Do a good job and share, pass the knowledge on, reinforces the author Flávia Gamonar. Thus, you will be able to win admirers, who will be interested in your proposal and follow you, increasing your followers and your relevance in the treated subject.

And to take the first step and make your name present in LinkedIn conversations, there really is no secret. Check out these tips shared in the book "Unique Stories":

  • Follow professionals in your areas of interest;
  • Interact with other people's posts;
  • Be patient and persist in production. Being constant is fundamental;
  • Join groups, so you can connect with more people;
  • Answer comments on your post, show that you are interested in interacting.

What do other authors say about it?

The book "Storytelling: Histórias que deixam marcas", by Adilson Xavier, brings a concept that is very much in line with Flávia Gamonar's thinking, showing that storytelling is a tool that aims to boost products, brands, or people and their careers.

Closely aligned with the concept of storytelling, Jonah Berger, in "Contagious: Why Things Catch On", clarifies that mental triggers are meant to allow your brain to function better without information overload. They serve to link one thing to another, that is, when we talk about something, we automatically remember another, making that connection between them and, thereby, increasing their power of persuasion when negotiating.

Finally, in the book "Link Out!", the author Leslie Grossman shows how to create a strong influence through an entourage, which is composed of people who aspire to rise in the corporate world through mutual and constant support, based on relationships of trust, advice, support, and indications.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Isn't it good to know a little more about the world of LinkedIn? So, for you to be an expert on the subject, we have separated the best directions for you to take action as soon as you finish reading this PocketBook. Check it out:

  • Work with timeless content that will remain relevant even over time;
  • Write about what you like;
  • Never forget to revise your text, after all, grammar errors can be bad, right?;
  • Share other content;
  • Insert external content links;
  • Cite sources, this adds credibility to your text;
  • Encourage everyone to participate. We already said that interaction is the key to LinkedIn.

By following these tips, we are sure that you will be able to build very good content!

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