Você está Contratado! - Marcelo de Freitas Nóbrega

Você está Contratado! - Marcelo de Freitas Nóbrega

Realize that gift and talent count for little when faced with preparation, and discover how only you have the power to change your reality!

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"Remember: you don't know the rules fully, you don't know the length of the game, and you don't even know how many 'and' who 'are the competitors," your only option is to prepare. And here, in this summary of the book "Você está Contratado!", Marcelo de Freitas Nóbrega show ways to do that.

Many people spend too much time complaining about life's difficulties, time that could be used to address the causes of these problems. Change the focus: only you (and only you) have the power to take the reins of your life.

If you are not satisfied with your job, your salary, your routine, your personal relationships, look for the causes and take a proactive attitude. Only you know what you want.

Happiness is not a gift, nor is it provided by the government, the boss, or anyone else.

If you are looking for a job that will help you regain control of your life, keep in mind that the selection process is not an exact science. It is an uneven game in which all the chips are in the employer's hand.

About the book "Você está Contratado!"

"Você está Contratado!" (2014), written by Marcelo de Freitas Nóbrega, is "a complete guide to getting the job of your dreams". The work offers concrete answers to the anxieties and desires of every candidate. Besides showing the point of view of those who hire.

The book has 208 pages that are divided into eleven chapters.

About the author Marcelo de Freitas Nóbrega

Marcelo de Freitas Nóbrega has been in charge of Arcos Dourados HR since 2015.

In addition, he has accumulated several awards with his team, such as Great Place to Work; Top Employer; Best Companies to Work For You S / A; Women in Leadership in Latin America by Exame magazine and Salvador City's Seal of Ethnic-Racial Diversity.

Nóbrega has been working in people management for over twenty years, specializing in executive coaching, change management, organizational and leadership development.

To whom is this book indicated?

"Você está Contratado!" is indicated for those who are running for a company seat, of course, but not only: it's also for researchers, teachers, and professionals in general.

Finally, it is suitable for anyone who wants to understand the thoughts of an executive who has more than 30, 000 employees at one of the most respected and successful companies in the world.

Main ideas of the book "Você está Contratado!"

  • Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses is essential in a selection process;
  • The purpose of the resume is to secure the first interview, however, you need to know how to set it up;
  • What is the STAR model and how can it help you show your interviewer skills?

So, let's go?

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[Book Summary] Você está Contratado! - Marcelo de Freitas Nóbrega

Overview: "You can't count on luck"

According to Marcelo de Freitas Nóbrega:

"The first thing to do is: know the stages of the selection process that you will face until you can 'get there'. It is essential to know the terrain where you step, study the rules, evaluate competitors and opponents and outline a winning strategy."

Despite the difficulty, the sequence and number of steps, people, and the extent of the process change from company to company, the structure itself remains the same.

Look out who the characters are and what their role is:

  • Candidate: All who are applying for the vacancy;
  • Boss: He is the owner of the vacancy, that is, his future boss. Most interested in filling the vacancy;
  • Boss of the boss: It is the one who has the final power of the decision of which candidate will be hired. Sometimes bosses have the power of that choice;
  • HR: It is the Department of Human Resources. Has the role of assisting the boss in recruiting and screening candidates;
  • Headhunters: outsourced companies that perform the role of HR. They have the function of finding the most appropriate combination between company and candidate.

We can draw simple but important teaching from Sun Tzu's phrase:

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but do not know the enemy, for each victory you win you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will lose all battles".

Well, even if a job is not a "war," the idea is that to be successful you need to know yourself.

So, according to the author, you have to ask yourself some questions: "What skills do I have and which ones do I still need to develop or acquire? What are my weaknesses? And the strong ones?"

At first, it may be difficult to answer these questions with the necessary self-knowledge and authenticity, but to be successful it is important to constantly analyze yourself.

Overview: Highlighting the curriculum amidst a sea of them

According to Nobrega:

"HR recruiter reading a resume is a turning point in the job candidate's selling strategy. But it's not the only one: networking contacts and interviews (especially the first one) are also equally defining moments."

Well, we all know that the purpose of the cv is to get the first interview, but not everyone knows how to prepare it.

A resume reader is a professional who reads, on average, a resume every 40s. H e is instructed to find a reason not to interview you.

After all, finding the profile that doesn't fit the job is much simpler compared to the profile that fits. To know if a candidate is fit is necessary that it goes through more steps.

To ensure the first interview, focus on the essentials, be careful not to put anything in there that impairs the next moment of truth.

The author suggests that:

"A good resume should contain little information, only essential information. It should be concise and well organized, going straight to the point, but elegantly and without abbreviations or word or data emissions. The layout has to be easy to read, with appropriate typography and leading."

Don't worry about passing on all the information about yourself, it can prevent the reader from finding what they are really looking for. Another key point is to pay attention to who will read your resume. Examine the relevance that the information about you will have in the eyes of the recruiter.

Overcoming this step, you will come across another equally important: the interview. "And now? How to prepare me?"

Overview: "Interview - HR Time"

The interview stage is another turning point in the selection process and, like the others, you can't make mistakes. In fact, more than ever, you should do your best. In other words, your only option is to impress the interviewer.

According to Marcelo de Freitas Nóbrega in his book "Você está Contratado!":

"Companies are looking for people who bring solutions and no more problems. And to put it even clearer: they want people who make more money than they cost."

So, to find this particular candidate, the evaluators make a comparison. That is the keyword at this point. Keep in mind that your skills and weaknesses will be compared to what the company is looking for.

Claiming that you have the necessary skills is not enough, you need to show it. The best way to do this is by telling stories, not just answering questions.

To tell your story, use the STAR model - Situation, Task, Action, and Results.

As said by the author:

"The STAR model is based on the principle that its past performance is the best indicator of future performance. Its application reduces the interference of impressions and personal prejudices while limiting the possibilities of the candidate to" deceive "the interviewer."

Before proceeding, you may have noticed that we have not focused on technical qualities so far. That's right. Currently, companies are focusing on behavioral skills. After all, techniques can be taught and trained, as behaviors are hardly altered.

Following the "competency model" the company increases the future chances of success, superior performance, and satisfaction of the chosen candidate.

To understand how to apply the STAR model, the author presents some examples; we separated one of them, which concerns adaptability:

  • The definition of adaptability - Ability to adapt to different people, situations, and changes in the work environment;
  • Some questions that address this competency - "I see that you have moved the city a few times. What was the biggest difficulty faced in these changes? How did you get over her?"

A possible answer to the STAR model would be:

"Well I've really changed cities a few times (Situation). I like to do that because it gives me the chance to meet new people and places - and also to learn and do new things."

I think my network of friends is much larger because of these changes (Result).

But it is not simple. There are important difficulties. Leaving family and friends is one of the major drawbacks (Task). But as these decisions are made in the family, we all know and accept the consequences.

It's easy and cheap to keep in touch with people who are far away today. We keep in touch with everyone, and not just on special dates: we always visit and receive visits from friends - which makes it possible to meet and explore new places (Action) "."

Note that the sequence of letters representing the word STAR that appears in the answer is not necessarily linear. In the answer presented she came as S-R-T-A.

When formulating your answer, there is no specific order to use the four words, so feel free to respond as you see fit. However, remember to use them.

What do other authors say about it?

In the book "Mindset", author Carol S. Dweck says the world is divided between people who are open to learning and those who are closed to it. And this trait affects everything in life, from your worldview to your interpersonal relationships.

In Dale Carnegie's "Stand and Deliver" the author teaches through simple yet extremely efficient techniques how to deal with people and get what they want from them by changing their behavior.

We also have a very famous work by Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton, "Now, Discover Your Strengths". Chances are you know all about your flaws and shortcomings. But what about your strengths? After all, what is a strong point? And, most importantly, why don't you focus on them?

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

Now you have the tools to get in the field ready to win. When participating in a selection process, make sure that:

  • Your list of personal skills is exemplified by hard facts of personal accomplishments;
  • Your sales pitch is prepared: report personal accomplishments, core competencies, and learning from your mistakes;
  • Your resume is properly prepared;
  • The STAR model is truly formulated;
  • Has already defined answers to the most common interviewer questions;
  • You can answer any questions about the company.

Are all the steps clear? So, the decision to get a new job is made.

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