You Are a Badass at Making Money - Jen Sincero

You Are a Badass at Making Money - Jen Sincero

Learn how to change your mindset about money and get rich by developing real economic and profitable potential.

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Do you want to have a balanced financial life and get rich? All of us, of course! The book "You Are a Badass at Making Money", by author Jen Sincero, clarifies to the reader that a change of mindset and behavior is necessary, developing a real economic and profitable potential.

In addition, it is very important to organize expenses and live in the present, worrying about the future, avoiding negative thoughts and hasty attitudes.

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About the book "You Are a Badass at Making Money"

The book "You Are a Badass at Making Money", released in 2018, was written by Jen Sincero and shows how to improve your mindset and understand the energy of money in order to become a conductor in making money.

Are you willing to change your mindset and forget a lot about what you have been told? This work focuses on your mindset, thoughts and beliefs. In this version, the book consists of 288 pages and 13 chapters.

About the author Jen Sincero

Jen Sincero is the New York Times bestselling author, coach and motivational speaker, and has helped countless people transform their professional and personal lives.

Her work, "You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life", has sold more than three million copies and has been translated into more than twenty-five languages.

To whom is this book indicated?

"You Are a Badass at Making Money" is an excellent read for anyone who wants to change the financial mindset.

Jen Sincero uses her own economic transformation to show what is really holding you back from making money, teaching you how to keep your doubts, fears and excuses from getting in the way, so that you are as rich as you want.

Main ideas of the book "You Are a Badass at Making Money"

  • Stop thinking and talking negatively about money;
  • Our thoughts and words are more powerful than you might think.
  • If you can change your mindset about money, you can change your financial situation.
  • If necessary, hire someone to help you manage your money;
  • Dream big and follow your dreams;
  • You may have excuses or successes. Never both.

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[Book Summary] You are a Badass at Making Money - Jen Sincero

Overview: Risks are essential for a better life

As explained by Jen Sincero in her book "You Are a Badass at Making Money", in addition to hard work, the real secret to making money is to take risks. Usually, these risks are great, so they generate a feeling of vulnerability and discomfort.

This is because they are things that we have never done before, but remember: if not, you will always get the same results. Therefore, recognize that you are capable of taking these risks.

According to the author:

"You have a glorious and brief chance to be what you are in the world and the power to create any reality you want. Why not be the biggest, happiest, most generous and fully realized person you can be?"

Overview: It's all in your head

You are probably aware of the power that our minds have over how we live our lives. Therefore, having mastered your mentality, you will be on the right path to achieve wealth.

When we were born we had no opinion about money. Later on, our beliefs and opinions are based on the people closest to us.

Jen Sincero emphasizes that the simple act of thinking about the difficulty of making money will have a negative impact on the way you earn it, so it is necessary to change the financial mindset to make sensible decisions that result in profit.

According to the author in her book "You Are a Badass at Making Money":

"This is how we are powerful and how deceptively simple it is to change our lives - we can literally create the reality we want, making us think and believe what we want to think and believe in."

Overview: Increase your chances through specific goals

It is essential to explore your desire for money to get rich, and the key to this is to set solid and specific goals that will direct you towards your goal.

Just like actor Jim Carrey did. Bankrupt and unemployed, he wrote a check for $ 10 million to himself, dated three years from now. With that, he aroused the motivation to build his career.

According to the author Jen Sincero in her work "You Are a Badass at Making Money", an objective becomes effective because it is specific. The fact that you are concise and how important your goal is to you increases the chances of it coming true. In fact, Jim Carrey raised more than $ 10 million in three years.

However, specifying is not the same as limiting. In view of this, be aware of the surprises that appear in your life, as the world is full of opportunities and you must seize them.

What do other authors say about it?

Grant Sabatier, in "Financial Freedom", says that financial independence is having the freedom to do what you want. You can have this. You can have it. Making a lot of money quickly is possible. Having more time is possible. Living life on your own terms is possible. You really can have all the money you need.

In the book "The Total Money Makeover", author Dave Ramsey gives the following tip: although you know you need to adjust your financial situation, you can't change everything at once. So, you have to take it one step at a time, so you will make gradual progress and stay motivated without radical short-term changes.

Another work that also explores the subject is "The 4-Hour Workweek". Tim Ferriss says that instead of working hard for the rest of your days in an office waiting for retirement, start enjoying life today from a change of mindset.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

  • Take control of your finances;
  • Make sure to clear all pessimistic and doubtful thoughts from your mind;
  • Live with people who believe in you and what you are able to do to achieve your goals;
  • Invest your time in activities that motivate you;
  • Believe in your potential to get rich;
  • Stay inspired to make your dreams come true.

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